- home
pops made it home monday afternoon as pipeliner noted in the other brother bob hooked dad's computer up by his bedside so he is checking emails again. drop him a line if you'd like.
Hey Russ!!!!


Best wishes to You and Family. Continue to heal and may all your futures be non-JABCs!

Bob Vilmur
Count me as a fan! Don't really know him but he is a wellspring of information and I have taken advantage of it many times over the years, over a few different monikers. Quite a pop you've got there!
Russ: Come back quick, we've got guys on here that know how to close a double... MDC
Russ, glad to hear you are back at home. Hope you continue to improve.
Hello Russ,
You are continueing in my prayers and thoughts. God's speed to you! The world still needs you!
Russ, we really miss you! We are praying for you! I will see Bill Schwarz Saturday . Bobby
May the Klunk rise again!!!!
Russ, welcome home. We all miss you.

Take care,

Posted By: Anonymous Re: the curmudgeon made it home! r-cubed update - 09/28/06 02:46 AM
Good to hear your home and healing! Keep it up!

Glad you're home, Russ. God bless and get well soon. Missed you more than you can know. --Jack
Russ: Anyone that can bring down a flying Bat with one shot from a BB gun is a lucky man. May your good luck continue with the help of your family, good friends, and great medical care. Get well soon, Ralph
Hello Russ-
Glad to hear you are now back home in very loving surroundings. Nothing beats the feeling of being back home. Hope your strength keeps increasing. We'd love to hear from you again..
God Bless You..
Posted By: Norm Re: the curmudgeon made it home! r-cubed update - 09/28/06 03:21 AM
Home is good. Welcome back to the boards Russ.
Best news we've had in a While. I threw in a slur about a 21 a while back in your honor & didn't even get retaliation on it. You can "Know" you've been missed when that happens.
Glad to have you back, Russ. Hope you are doing well and fine.
Great to hear you're back with the family, yours and our family here. Get your strength back, you're missed.
Welcome back and welcome home, Mr. Clunker.
HOME is where the heart is, whether it be lying on your back in bed, playing "computer", rummaging in a barrel bin, or making chips in the shop.
Welcome home, Good Sir.
I'm glad you are home and wish you a speedy recovery. Daryl and I were hunting together last week and were thinking of you and all your insites.
Russ, May the powers to be look over you and with the strong support of family and friends, I wish you well.
Great News! We all hold you in high regard Russ-keep the faith and join us again soon.
very best regards,
Welcome home Russ. When I saw the announcement that you were back on the computer, I was half-tempted to re-register on the site under a pseudonym and post a question about my new "T. Barker" shotgun and ask if anyone could tell me how much my new jewel was worth? :-)

Glad to hear you are at home - Hang in there Russ,

Russ, welcome home. We all miss you. I wish you well.

Posted By: Fred Re: the curmudgeon made it home! r-cubed update - 09/28/06 03:07 PM
Russ, it's great to hear you're back home with family. I've been praying for you and your family since you were first hospitalized and will continue to.

Your great REAL contributions to this and other boards have been greatly missed. I have read your posts MANY times when I didn't have time to read beyond the "creme de la creme," and many others have said similar things.

May the Lord bless and keep you and yours.

It's great to hear you've returned home. My prayers for you continue. May you feel well enough to visit with us. We all greatly miss your contribution.

May God bless you and your family richly with peace and confidence.

Best wishes to you and your family Russ. I'm sure it's good to be home.
Posted By: RMC Re: the curmudgeon made it home! r-cubed update - 09/28/06 08:11 PM
Russ, Glad to hear your sleeping in your own sheets. We all miss your banter and misguided opinions. Are prayers are there for your recovery. Randy
Glad to hear about your good news, Russ. I've always been a fan of your posts here and on other forums...Geo
Gee whiz Russ, I bet it is good to be home. I hope you are comfortable. Can you post a word or two for us?

Thanks for all your past posts and future ones. We are all delighted to know you are home. Prayers and good vibes remain with you. Get well, get mean, and get back on online!

Hi Russ,
............I got this old gun, has two barrels and two hammers. Could you tell me what it's worth? :p

Just kiddin! Glad to see your home with family. Keep the faith and GOD BLESS!

You have been missed. I hope you can see all the people whom you have touched, me included.

Welcome home...


Hi Russ
Im glad to hear that your home. I want to hear you giving the boys hell again!
Glad to read that you are home. You have been missed and in our prayers. Jon
Russ, may you find comfort at home, here or wherever can be. You are in our prayers. Great family you have by the way. Peace to you.
Posted By: PFD Re: the curmudgeon made it home! r-cubed update - 09/30/06 03:07 AM
Russ, like many others here, I am grateful for your help over the years and wish you the best. Remember that 20 gauge Skeet-er you helped me find? Still have it.
Russ...I consider myself fortunate to have read all of your posts thru the years and I am wishing you the very best regards. You are missed at this forum and you are in our thoughts and prayers. Best wishes to you and yours always, Jeff S.
Russ, keep on keepin' on. Drop us a post about how Fluesies aren't worth much and you're willing to take them off folks' hands . . . or something like that. Get well!
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