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Posted By: Wonko the Sane Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 01:50 AM
John Meeker, marshgurl, a member here for many years has been heinously assaulted and seriously injured by person or persons still unknown while walking his dogs along a river not far from his home. He was brutally struck on the back of the head, fracturing the skull and causing massive concussion and brain bleeding. He is currently in a coma in the ICU with no prognosis.

I met John on this forum over twenty years ago. He and I regularly corresponded and conversed on the phone. There are a number of persons here who did the same. I know him to be a kind and generous man whom I totally respect. This happening to him is so outrageous that I have no words.

As I get news I'll pass it along, but I must admit that it seems grim.

Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 02:26 AM
If I am not mistaken, it was John who gave Lowell Glenthorne the moniker “ thorny”. It was fitting.

If you remember this detail, you have been here a long, long time.

Been years since I’ve seen John post. This is a tragedy, and, I hope for the best for John.

Posted By: Argo44 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 04:12 AM
That is tragic story. He must have been elderly and such an attack was heinous. I never knew him; he was not posting that I remember when I came on this board in 2016 but one hopes he survives and justice will prevail. SxS devotees stand together.
Posted By: eightbore Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 08:05 AM
Where did this happen?
Posted By: L. Brown Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 10:50 AM
That does go way back. Here's hoping he recovers.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 12:01 PM
I remember John. Prayers for his complete recovery, and for justice to prevail.

Two would be robbers did the same thing to my F-I-L in a dark alley behind his business (he was a well driller) one Christmas Eve. One of them hit him in the head with a 2 X 4. When he went down he caught himself on one knee and turned to see who they were. One of them said "He knows who we are now, we've got to kill him", as he rose to his feet. One of them pulled out a big Buck folding knife. Mr. Lewis, as I called him by his first name, simultaneously grabbed the blade of the knife with one big calloused hand and grabbed a handful of the other's hair with his other hand. He snatched both handfuls away from the "essobees", who fled.

Next day when we went to see him at home his eyes looked like he had gone two rounds with Cassius Clay. Mr. Lewis was one tough man, and got completely over the incident. My prayers are that John will as well.
Posted By: SKB Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 12:34 PM
Just terrible. I hope John makes a full and speedy recovery.
Posted By: PALUNC Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 01:12 PM
Crime is out of control. The Left has given notice that certain crimes will go unpunished. That only make the criminals more bold.
Posted By: Wonko the Sane Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 01:55 PM
Please spew your excremental political propaganda elsewhere
Posted By: eeb Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Wonko the Sane
Please spew your excremental political propaganda elsewhere

Posted By: Jimmy W Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 02:39 PM
I remember John. Nice fellow. That's a shame. We'll all be praying for him.
Posted By: craigd Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Wonko the Sane
Please spew your excremental political propaganda elsewhere
Here's hoping your friend recovers.
Posted By: ed good Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 02:58 PM
is it hit any worse now than it has always been?

my father in law, who was around 80 at the time, was mugged in the early nineties...

on 42nd street in mid town manhattan...

criminals will always prey on those who appear to be weaker than them...

it is scary out there...

when i leave the safety of northern new england, i pack a hand gun...
Posted By: keith Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by eeb
Originally Posted by Wonko the Sane
Please spew your excremental political propaganda elsewhere


That's merely Dr. Wanker's polite way of saying he doesn't like to be reminded that he voted for the anti-gun Democrat Party that works to defund the Police, gives amnesty to criminals, corrupted the Justice System, and just generally turned the U.S. into a dumpster fire.

No political party can insure total freedom from crime. But there is no question that some politicians are more effective. When Ed's father-in-law was mugged in NYC, Democrat David Dinkens was mayor, and crime rates were sky high. He was succeeded by Mayor Rudy Giuliani. who implemented anti-crime policies that made NYC a much safer place.

I hope Mr. Meeker makes a full recovery.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/10/23 09:24 PM
Last email address I have for him is

I think he had a dog with that handle? Been a long time, sorry.

Posted By: Nitrah Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/11/23 02:27 PM
Sorry to hear about John, I remember the name . I appreciate you don't want the thread hijacked but if we don't recognize and consider the changes in our society, well as the saying goes, all that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing to stop it. If we think because we live in the country or suburbs we are immune to the rising crime in the cities we are wrong. When evil goes unchecked it spreads.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/11/23 06:26 PM
Wherever there is a drug culture flourishing crime will be rampant. They go hand in hand.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/11/23 06:49 PM
Drug culture, or otherwise, law enforcement has been pretty much shackled in a lot of places that vote a certain way:

A legislators son. Released after previous felonies. The perp was doing 100mph when he hit the car full of women and killed them all. Cops understand nothing happens to the perps they arrest, and they scarcely notice the rampant crime going on about them. Another day, another donut.

People get dead. So it goes.

Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/12/23 04:19 AM
Glad I don't live in a place like that, Ted, but things are not perfect here either. Several years ago our good ol' boy sheriff finally decided to retire from the office which he had held for 36 years. Our county elected it's first black sheriff, much to the surprise of many. I supported him 100%, including with my dollars. The drug culture I mentioned was rampant toward the end of the old sheriff's last term. When campaigning the black sheriff (to-be) made a vow to reduce overall crime by 50% in his first year of office. He was elected and made sweeping changes to the way the office of sheriff addressed crime. The last year the old sheriff was in office there were 12 murders in our rural, primarily agricultural, county. The first year of the new sheriff's term that dropped to 1. He busted the drug peddlers and pushers that had been given a pass for years and overall crime dropped like a lead balloon. He absolutely delivered on his campaign promise, and then some.

This sheriff is running for reelection right now and has a lot of support, but the old former sheriff, many believe, is pushing all kinds of efforts to have him unseated, IMO because he sees his own "legacy" as being soiled by the ongoing efforts, successes and support of our "new black sheriff". It's a shame we cannot put to death the old southern stereotype sheriff image that still tries to put a stranglehold on honest law enforcement. Our black sheriff is a personal friend of mine, and I'm supporting him for reelection, with my voice, my prayers, and my dollars. Old established ways often die hard, and politics can be a dirty, dirty business.
Posted By: Hoot4570 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/12/23 03:09 PM
Thank you for the news. John has been on my mind for a few weeks now. We met up in Michigan several years ago at a regional get-together. Very knowledgeable, talented and generous with his abilities. Needless to say, this saddens me to no end. Prayers for his recovery.
Posted By: 1916XE Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/12/23 08:33 PM
The truth tends to set us free, IF acted upon.
In the state next to Stan, we have had four (4) sheriffs indicted by Federal Grand Juries
in the last 8 years. All in contiguous counties. Drugs and corruption.

As a retired Federal agent, my experienced eyes see it: the current crime trend in our larger cities is caused by poor corrupt leadership, as
are the nation's current ills being directly attributed to a corrupt lack of integrity.

"If good men are not involved in the political process, they
will be governed by evil men" - PLATO

Vietnam combat veteran-71-72 5th SFG (ABN) MACVSOG
Posted By: Tyler Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/13/23 03:06 AM
Damn. We used to correspond quite often but have not lately. Several years back when it looked like my two daughters might get stranded at the Detroit airport over Thanksgiving weekend when returning from SE Asia, I checked to see if he would take them in and he agreed. ( That speaks volumes about my trust in him and his reply like a true friend) So sad in so many ways.Still have his wife’s baked bean recipe, Martha I recall. I will try to reach out. His dogs must have aged as well. Two thugs should not have been an issue in their prime. Lost many friends from this board through the decades but this is so senseless.I wish him PEACE.
Posted By: craigd Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/13/23 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nitrah
Sorry to hear about John, I remember the name . I appreciate you don't want the thread hijacked but if we don't recognize and consider the changes in our society, well as the saying goes, all that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing to stop it. If we think because we live in the country or suburbs we are immune to the rising crime in the cities we are wrong. When evil goes unchecked it spreads.
The line between good and evil has been blurred, if we build it, they will come.
Posted By: L. Brown Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/13/23 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
Glad I don't live in a place like that, Ted, but things are not perfect here either. Several years ago our good ol' boy sheriff finally decided to retire from the office which he had held for 36 years. Our county elected it's first black sheriff, much to the surprise of many. I supported him 100%, including with my dollars. The drug culture I mentioned was rampant toward the end of the old sheriff's last term. When campaigning the black sheriff (to-be) made a vow to reduce overall crime by 50% in his first year of office. He was elected and made sweeping changes to the way the office of sheriff addressed crime. The last year the old sheriff was in office there were 12 murders in our rural, primarily agricultural, county. The first year of the new sheriff's term that dropped to 1. He busted the drug peddlers and pushers that had been given a pass for years and overall crime dropped like a lead balloon. He absolutely delivered on his campaign promise, and then some.

This sheriff is running for reelection right now and has a lot of support, but the old former sheriff, many believe, is pushing all kinds of efforts to have him unseated, IMO because he sees his own "legacy" as being soiled by the ongoing efforts, successes and support of our "new black sheriff". It's a shame we cannot put to death the old southern stereotype sheriff image that still tries to put a stranglehold on honest law enforcement. Our black sheriff is a personal friend of mine, and I'm supporting him for reelection, with my voice, my prayers, and my dollars. Old established ways often die hard, and politics can be a dirty, dirty business.

Best of luck to your current sheriff in the election, Stan. It's always good news when a politician not only makes promises you support, but then follows up on them. We need to get good ones into office . . . and support them.
Posted By: eightbore Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/13/23 03:23 PM
Stan, I know it's not much protection, but don't go outside without a good handgun. Your situation is sometimes very dangerous. I live in the safest county in the country, but still got caught in three gunfights over the years, one with someone who forgot to bring his gun, and one that did bring his gun. A third gunfight was an armed robbery where I forgot to bring my gun, so obviously I lost that one. I am not a LEO.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by eightbore
Stan, I know it's not much protection, but don't go outside without a good handgun. Your situation is sometimes very dangerous. I live in the safest county in the country, but still got caught in three gunfights over the years, one with someone who forgot to bring his gun, and one that did bring his gun. A third gunfight was an armed robbery where I forgot to bring my gun, so obviously I lost that one. I am not a LEO.

Sounds like a Johnny Cash song.

Just recently, was asked if I had my sidearm with me. I was in the very middle of nowhere, and, truly, considered it optional out there.

I was wrong.

But, nothing came of it. Good news. And, a reminder, it should be closer to my person, than it was, that day.

Posted By: Lloyd3 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 02:10 PM
I've carried sidearms in the past but stopped because of the added weight and inconvenience (big caliber). With all of the changes in the world of late, I would consider it again. A number of factors are at work there, of course. Now, I'm idly considering something like a .38 Airweight to be worn on my belt. Small, unobtrusive and light and yet...
Posted By: eeb Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 02:13 PM
Carrying a sidearm is like wearing a seatbelt: you don’t need it until you need it so wear it all the time.
Posted By: BrentD, Prof Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by eeb
Carrying a sidearm is like wearing a seatbelt: you don’t need it until you need it so wear it all the time.

Sorta like a pith helmet or a shovel or...
Posted By: GLS Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 03:07 PM
Best advice I got in carrying a gun is to never go into an area or neighborhood where where you wouldn't go without a gun. In other words, carrying the gun shouldn't embolden one to enter the neighborhood if one has a choice of not going. Gil
Posted By: BrentD, Prof Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by GLS
Best advice I got in carrying a gun is to never go into an area or neighborhood where where you wouldn't go without a gun. In other words, carrying the gun shouldn't embolden one to enter the neighborhood if one has a choice of not going. Gil

I look at 4 wheel drive in much the same way smile
Posted By: Lloyd3 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 03:40 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with both Gil and Brent here. If you go in harm's way then...God help you. Having or not having a sidearm is the least of your problems. If you're even slightly-infirm or living fearfully, then the handgun is more than likely just a complication. But...if you are continually in lonely country then it becomes just another tool at your disposal. Life is so full of unknowns anymore, even in the rural and low-crime areas. If I do indeed get one, it will just become part of the "uniform" that I wear afield.
Posted By: mc Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 04:12 PM
Unfortunately harms way can be out your front door,I live pretty isolated the sheriff station is 45min away I have a concealed carry but I don't look for trouble I have it on me all the time if you don't want to carry a gun then don't
Posted By: 1916XE Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 04:13 PM
A nationwide survey reveals some startling facts about concealed carry laws:
The SE, inter-mountain West and upper New England are now the most liberal, where states like Vermont have virtually no gun laws. AL--FL have recently changed
state law to allow all adults over 21 to legally carry handguns concealed. The problem with blanket carry law is that people will carry firearms that should not
be allowed to carry- due to lack of training requirements or criminal records-under state law. That and the Tombstone, AZ. mentality of everyone carrying firearms, all the time....

The Western inter-mountain states seem to have less violence, according to FBI statistics, while large Eastern and Midwestern cities are plagued
with stranger to stranger, drug-related, or gang-related shootings. Any city within- or 200 miles from-Chicago- has inner city violence issues.

My studied LEO opinion in this day and age in the USA is that one does not need to be without a firearm when the music starts or stops. Large metropolitan areas, and their suburbs,
are being targeted by criminal elements. It is an individual decision as to whether you carry a Glock, S&W 38 SPL, 1911 or a Walther PPK.
The fact is that more people are carrying firearms, and feel it necessary.

Unfortunately, law enforcement officers tend to be reactive to violence, AFTER it has happened. It is the nature of police reporting protocol. That may well be too late, where an immediate response might save one's life.
Posted By: bbman3 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/14/23 04:29 PM
I carry every day ,retired from law enforcement. Bobby
Posted By: craigd Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by 1916XE
....The problem with blanket carry law is that people will carry firearms that should not
be allowed to carry- due to lack of training requirements or criminal records-under state law. That and the Tombstone, AZ. mentality of everyone carrying firearms, all the time....

The Western inter-mountain states seem to have less violence, according to FBI statistics....
There are some parts of the country that start from the mindset that the majority of people are law abiding, and not that every hand gun is a crime waiting to happen. True, criminals are criminals, regardless.

In the area I do most of my hunting over the last fifteenish years, even if it is not so, it is a safe assuption that every person, vehicle and residence has a gun handy. There is even a sign on the local wallymart door that says, please refrain from open carry. There is zero brandish and wild west mentality. I've seen large bear a good way off, and mountain lion fairly close, but the pistol has never found it's way out. So far, it's just critters being critters, as well as the criminals generally keeping their losera$$es to themselves. But, demtown USA, no thanks.

Gun or no gun, there are places I will not go, as well as situations that I would not wander into. I find four wheel drive handy at times, and I'll leave the pith helmets to the fibbingprogressive.
Posted By: Argo44 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 02:31 AM
I'm of mixed opinion. I was great friends with a French photographer named Jean Guy Jules (passed away). He was with the Katanga white mercenaries when they abandoned their fiefdom E.Zaire (Congo) in 1967, tossed their weapons into the Zambezi River, exchanged passports - many wound up in Brussels. He was later for 2 years in Biafra. I met him in Pakistan - he visited in Brussels, DC, and Brazzaville. He never carried a gun. His smile and personality got him out of all sorts of difficulty.

I've carried a gun in Vietnam, Africa, Greece, Afghanistan; and unlike others I had 10 - 15 formal sessions 1 week at a time every 18 months over the last 30 years shooting maybe 3000 rounds through a Glock each time simulating combat conditions (jam - sweep, tap, rack etc.) so I pretty much can use the gun efficiently. It is a skill which is perishable.

The first question is "Can you deploy/draw your gun in an emergency?" Most couldn't find it let alone put off the safety (safety is not a problem with a Glock). And under stress most couldn't hit a target the size of a door at 8 feet with a handgun. (unless highly and continually trained - "you do not rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training.")

But I've never carried in the USA. Never will (except if I'm hiking in Alaska and that would be with a Remington 870 Marine Magnum with deep penetrating slug that I'm not even sure I could get off in the 3 seconds I have facing a grizzly charge). Really it's sort of like my Jeep. It's a stock Willys JL. No upgrades. If I can't climb what's in front of me with it, I don't need to be there.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 02:49 AM
I’ve casually noticed the concealed carry folk in my part of the world are the same people who typically have a fire extinguisher in their personal vehicle. I’ve had the same Halon extinguisher in three vehicles now, went to Halon after I used a dri-chem to put a guys carbeque out along 35W, and realized I didn’t want that big a mess next time, or, to have to get that close and work that hard to get the fire out. Same 360PD Airweight for about the same number of vehicles.

Missing either, in a situation that requires them, handgun or fire extinguisher, just means something is going to burn. Might not be a big deal.

Then again, it might. You know, when you have only seconds, the police are just minutes away.

Posted By: Argo44 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 03:07 AM
Thanks for the fire extinguisher rec. I had a 1973 Buick burn up on me when the fuel lines ruptured about 40 years ago. 10 guys got out on the side of I-66 to try to put it out. Been thinking I need one of those for the Jeep. I've got pretty much everything else in the truck.

(Genevieve and I went out to Idaho in 2016 and rented a Jeep Cherokee. Got stuck in the snow. No tools, no shovel, nothing but a Swiss Army knife -it was a rental! We were 30 miles from civilization and night was coming on. There were cougar tracks in the snow. Fortunately a Canadian RV showed up turning around at the snow line and helped us out. Never again will I be so unprepared).

In my jeep I have shovel, machete, tire repair and inflation kit, step ups for doors and trailer hitch, extra clothes and sweaters, tie downs, rope, knives, head lamps, umbrellas, tool kit, tow straps, can't think of the rest of the stuff. . .I have a map in the glove compartment where everything is. A few weeks ago up in NY for the national kayak polo championship, a girl asked if I had neoprene ointment a large bandades - found them. A guy asked if I had duct tap - found it. One guy was looking for a tent stake (I had 6 of them). etc.
Posted By: craigd Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Argo44
....The first question is "Can you deploy/draw your gun in an emergency?" Most couldn't find it let alone put off the safety (safety is not a problem with a Glock). And under stress most couldn't hit a target the size of a door at 8 feet with a handgun....

....I've never carried in the USA. Never will (except if I'm hiking in Alaska and that would be with a Remington 870 Marine Magnum with deep penetrating slug that I'm not even sure I could get off in the 3 seconds I have facing a grizzly charge)....
I couldn't help but smile, take the Glock?

The summer before this past, there were two grizzly attack fatalities near Yellowstone. One, retiree campers reportedly yelled at and threw things at one, while it dragged off a female from her tent. The other was an experienced guide, recreational fly fishing. I've done a good bit of hunting for Huns about thirty-five miles from those maulings. Moral of the story, never set foot in Portland, Seattle, LA, Chicago, and on and on.
Posted By: Argo44 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 04:00 AM
The conversation is straying into bears. I've had a lot of conversation with son who spends time in Alaska. I finally got him to carry his 870. But the problem is, you tend to leave the long gun in the truck. I got reamed by an old Sergeant in VN in Thanksgiving 1966 for leaving my M-16 leaning against a tree 20 yards away while I took a dump.

A pistol is always on you - But no pistol will stop a Grizzly or Brown bear, or Polar bear unless lucky. The big caliber revolvers are so cumbersome and so recoil heavy that they won't help much even if you can get off one shot and their stopping power is really marginal no matter what the press says. I convinced son to carry a Glock 19 9mm with deep penetrating rounds. If he can get it out of the holster, at least he could fire 15 shots in 3 seconds with minimal recoil at 1 foot range and something might hit a vital.
Posted By: Jimmy W Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 04:31 AM
That's why Marlin makes the Guide Gun 45-70 with an 18" barrel.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 11:27 AM
Every bad situation that people find themselves in, involving bears or human aggressors, doesn't require a round to be popped off in 3 seconds or less. There certainly ARE those situations, and we hope and pray we're not caught in one of them. But, there are countless accurate accounts of armed citizens defending themselves successfully with a handgun or long arm in which the defender was never trained in close quarter combat, and in which they retrieved their needed piece off of a nightstand or console of a vehicle. Read the hundreds of accounts in The Armed Citizen section of The American Rifleman. The arm does not HAVE to be on your person (it's sure nice if it is), but it does have to be close enough.

We can debate the merits of this or that arm, this or that means of concealment or carry, and how to train one's self for "seeing the elephant". But, when it comes down to it, your odds of walking away are higher if you are very close to a firearm, that you're familiar with, all the time. I carry, but it's not always strapped to my side. More often it is by my side in my pickup with my short barreled 12 ga. pump within arm's reach. I am an active deacon in my church, and I take seriously the protection of the members of the congregation who come to worship. If weather makes it hard for me to carry on my hip because of lightweight clothing I have a leather bible carrier that my .45 fits into rather nicely. When I'm seated and the services have begun the carrier is unzipped and in my lap or right by my side.

As for me, I abide by Col. Cooper's teachings. A .45 ACP is the pistol to carry, and it's purpose is to fight your way to the closest shotgun. I'll never in my life be as good with any handgun as I am with a shotgun. And, as craigd said, stay out of harm's way as best you can.
Posted By: craigd Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Argo44
The conversation is straying into bears. I've had a lot of conversation with son who spends time in Alaska. I finally got him to carry his 870. But the problem is, you tend to leave the long gun in the truck. I got reamed by an old Sergeant in VN in Thanksgiving 1966 for leaving my M-16 leaning against a tree 20 yards away while I took a dump.

A pistol is always on you - But no pistol will stop a Grizzly or Brown bear, or Polar bear unless lucky. The big caliber revolvers are so cumbersome and so recoil heavy that they won't help much even if you can get off one shot and their stopping power is really marginal no matter what the press says. I convinced son to carry a Glock 19 9mm with deep penetrating rounds. If he can get it out of the holster, at least he could fire 15 shots in 3 seconds with minimal recoil at 1 foot range and something might hit a vital.
All likely, and even pistols are taken off and stray away from someone on breaks and other chores, when out in the woods. There are though, many official fish and game department reports of defensively killing large bear with pistols and revolvers. It's easy to search, Greenland issues Glock 10mm to specialized frozen country patrols, specifically for polar bear defense. Practice, practice, practice, and hope for the best.
Posted By: Drew Hause Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 01:43 PM
Bro. Stan - "I have a leather bible carrier"
Mine is black cordura which I've padded...and no one but the pastor and church security know what's in it. The 20-somethings smile at the "old guy carrying his Bible" wink
FYI most churches today have a formal security team, or rely on retired LEO (we have a bunch in our church), and uniformed off-duty police.

BTW: I've been googling under John's name for a news report of the incident, or any follow-up, without success. Does anyone know how he's doing?
Posted By: tw Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 04:27 PM
I received a note from John's wife, Martha Anne that his spirit left this world just before dawn this morning. He is at peace.

We had a nice conversation last evening after she had returned from the hospital.

Thought to let you know.
Posted By: Wonko the Sane Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 04:47 PM
Thanks for doing this. I wasn't sure that I was going to be able. I really have no words.
RIP, John.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 06:31 PM
This is tragic news. So sad to hear. If nothing else good comes of this tragic loss maybe it will cause us to be more observant of our surroundings, and more diligent.

RIP, John.
Posted By: SKB Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 06:41 PM
Just terrible news. I'm incredibly saddened to read this. Rest in peace.
Posted By: Mills Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 07:36 PM
Sorry to hear this news . . .
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 11:27 PM
Second that. Hadn’t heard from him in years, and wondered about him from time to time.

A terrible tragedy. Godspeed.

Posted By: Jimmy W Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/15/23 11:29 PM
I didn't really even know the man and if you had never brought up his name, I wouldn't have ever given him a thought. I probably only spoke to him a few times on here. But still, for some reason, I am not just sad or unhappy. But really angry. What a tragedy.
Posted By: Perry M. Kissam Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/16/23 01:15 AM
I spoke with John on a few occasions a few years back and then lost contact. From what I gathered during telephone conversations John Meeker was truly a fine man. This is indeed a tragic loss. And, like Jimmy W, it not only makes me sad but really mad. RIP John and may God bless your family through this terrible loss.
Posted By: mc Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/16/23 02:04 AM
Terrible terrible outcome so sorry for his family's loss.MarkCooper
Posted By: Bret Adams Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/16/23 12:14 PM
That is such a shame... I met and shot with John at the 1st GLSSA shoot I went to in Scioto OH? I found this...
Posted By: docbill Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/16/23 03:28 PM
Sad beyond belief. Random violence, which this seems to be, is simply out of control.

Fair winds and following seas John. Gods speed sir.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/16/23 07:18 PM
I remember John Meeker's (Marshgurl) posts here, but don't recall anything from him in years. I know he and I corresponded about something or other years ago, and I always thought his posts here were thoughtful and sincere. I'm sorry for his family's loss and offer my prayers and condolence....Geo
Posted By: Utah Shotgunner Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/17/23 12:24 AM
For a number of years I had a signature line here that is appropriate once again.

Vaya con Dios, John.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/18/23 02:42 PM
A little more information.

Posted By: Lloyd3 Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/18/23 03:21 PM
This is just awful. I can't imagine that this man was looking for any form of trouble. Yet another argument for concealed carry. It may seem trite here now, but an armed society is truly a polite society.

You can't carry an 870 with you everywhere (eh Ted?) but a dainty little airweight might have made a big difference here.
Posted By: Bret Adams Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/18/23 03:43 PM
Carry guns were one of John's interests, so I am betting he had one. The only thing that I can think of that would start an "altercation" would be a threat to his dogs?
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 11/18/23 03:49 PM
I thought John had Chesapeake Bay retrievers, not common in my part of the world, but, the few I have met were very protective. Was he walking his dog, was it a Chessie, what happened? Did the dog get hurt?

The average near 80 years of age victim on a stroll in the park is not worth going to jail over, they are just old people out for a walk. They aren’t wearing Air Jordens or gold chains.

No sense.

Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 12/30/23 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Stanton Hillis
Every bad situation that people find themselves in, involving bears or human aggressors, doesn't require a round to be popped off in 3 seconds or less. There certainly ARE those situations, and we hope and pray we're not caught in one of them. But, there are countless accurate accounts of armed citizens defending themselves successfully with a handgun or long arm in which the defender was never trained in close quarter combat, and in which they retrieved their needed piece off of a nightstand or console of a vehicle. Read the hundreds of accounts in The Armed Citizen section of The American Rifleman. The arm does not HAVE to be on your person (it's sure nice if it is), but it does have to be close enough.

We can debate the merits of this or that arm, this or that means of concealment or carry, and how to train one's self for "seeing the elephant". But, when it comes down to it, your odds of walking away are higher if you are very close to a firearm, that you're familiar with, all the time. I carry, but it's not always strapped to my side. More often it is by my side in my pickup with my short barreled 12 ga. pump within arm's reach. I am an active deacon in my church, and I take seriously the protection of the members of the congregation who come to worship. If weather makes it hard for me to carry on my hip because of lightweight clothing I have a leather bible carrier that my .45 fits into rather nicely. When I'm seated and the services have begun the carrier is unzipped and in my lap or right by my side.

As for me, I abide by Col. Cooper's teachings. A .45 ACP is the pistol to carry, and it's purpose is to fight your way to the closest shotgun. I'll never in my life be as good with any handgun as I am with a shotgun. And, as craigd said, stay out of harm's way as best you can.

I got me a truck gun.
Posted By: Perry M. Kissam Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 12/30/23 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Drew Hause
Bro. Stan - "I have a leather bible carrier"
Mine is black cordura which I've padded...and no one but the pastor and church security know what's in it. The 20-somethings smile at the "old guy carrying his Bible" wink
FYI most churches today have a formal security team, or rely on retired LEO (we have a bunch in our church), and uniformed off-duty police.

BTW: I've been googling under John's name for a news report of the incident, or any follow-up, without success. Does anyone know how he's doing?

I also have a leather Bible cover that I use when I am not carrying on my person. Either way, I always have something to use. I am also a deacon and a retired Army officer and a member of the armed protection team at our church. We all wear a particular, non-descript identifier when we are armed to let the others as well as the local first responders know that we are legally armed and in possession of a firearm. I hope none of us ever have to use a firearm, but, I would rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
Posted By: gjw Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 12/30/23 11:33 PM
Hoping he has a quick recovery with no ill after effects.

This is one of the reasons why I cancel carry, even here in North Dakota.

He'll be in our prayers
Posted By: tut Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 12/30/23 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by gjw
Hoping he has a quick recovery with no ill after effects.

This is one of the reasons why I cancel carry, even here in North Dakota.

He'll be in our prayers

He passed. Its part of this thread.
Posted By: gjw Re: Tragic Attack on Marshgurl - 12/31/23 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by tut
Originally Posted by gjw
Hoping he has a quick recovery with no ill after effects.

This is one of the reasons why I cancel carry, even here in North Dakota.

He'll be in our prayers

He passed. Its part of this thread.

Oh boy! I didn't read the entire post. My most humble apologies for my blunder.

He will be in our prayers and thoughts.

God rest his soul
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