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Posted By: SKB Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 02/28/24 09:33 PM
Hoping that you folks in the Amarillo area are safe, and your homes as well. Joe, Mike and anyone else in the area. That is a huge fire. Very, very scary stuff.
Nebraska family by marriage was throwing stuff in the Suburban and grabbing the kids to make a run from their wildfire a few days ago and it didn’t even make the news. We had two fires outside our little high plains town last week. Same non story. And now this million acre monster in Texas is destroying lives and livelihoods. Sad it takes that to garner notice.

Makes me remember the horrible back to back to back fire years in the west of ‘19, ‘20 & ‘21 ending with the Marshall fire that burned a 1000+ homes in a few hours. What are we heading into this year?

God have mercy.
Yes, it is a mess
Fortunately we got a heavy wet snow last night and
that should help fire fighting efforts.

God have mercy

The fire engulfed more acres that the Whole State of Rhode Island
Has it been determined how the whole thing started?
Terrible thing.
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
What is even worse is that it doesn't affect just the people in Texas, but it affects everyone in the world by aiding to global warming. 90% of the forest fires in the world are started by humans. I'm waiting for the next few days to see if February was the hottest month on record on the planet. I only had 4 days of mild snow all winter. Unbelievable!!

Yes and quite a number of recent large fires in NA have been started by activist climate alarmists. Largest in history in Atlantic Canada they just charged a guy for starting it. Quebec, California. It is unbelievable.
Posted By: mc Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/01/24 12:07 AM
California's problem is activist in the forest dept.bark beetle trees are left dead and when lightening or humans strike it blows up burns thousands of acres.
Originally Posted by mc
California's problem is activist in the forest dept.bark beetle trees are left dead and when lightening or humans strike it blows up burns thousands of acres.
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
Yep. It all adds to global warming. 3% of all forest fires are started intentionally. NASA shows us that 24/7 by pictures while they circle the earth. Yet, we have people who think there's no global warming and its just a hoaz. Pitiful.

Maybe you should keep your nonsense politics to yourself and just keep a prayer for the people of the Texas panhandle in your heart.

I have a friend who was a third generation wheat farmer in Sun Ray, Texas. He farmed three sections, was on a first name basis with his banker, kept four gas well pump motors running, 2 413 Chryslers and 2 455 Oldsmobile motors, and refused to let his children become farmers, sending them to top notch colleges. Like most farmers, he worked his ass off, usually from 5:00-9:00.

After his kids were established, he sold out, bought a boat, and became a fishing guide in the gulf. I’m so glad he wasn’t there to experience this.

Originally Posted by Jimmy W
Oh, I pray for everyone, but something this tragic isn't nonsense in the least bit. And it's not politics. Just plain simple truth. And it is so tragic.

To you. No evidence, just a crude religion.

[Linked Image from]

Jimmy , get with the program. It’s not global warming anymore. It’s called climate change so anything that happens, they can say, see, we’re right , it’s all because of climate change. I don’t know how old you are but I’ve been hearing the same doom and gloom for 50 years and their programmed computer models haven’t been right yet. If they were we’d all be dead several times over
Originally Posted by ksauers1
Jimmy , get with the program. It’s not global warming anymore. It’s called climate change so anything that happens, they can say, see, we’re right , it’s all because of climate change. I don’t know how old you are but I’ve been hearing the same doom and gloom for 50 years and their programmed computer models haven’t been right yet. If they were we’d all be dead several times over
This thread was begun to express concern and empathy for those affected by the devastating fires in TX. Perhaps y'all could ignore the emotionally unstable and stick to what's really important in this moment. Not every foolish post needs a response.
Originally Posted by Marc Ret
This thread was begun to express concern and empathy for those affected by the devastating fires in TX. Perhaps y'all could ignore the emotionally unstable and stick to what's really important in this moment. Not every foolish post needs a response.

You're absolutely right. I am just so tired of one bad thing after another happening in the world today. Take care.
I’m hearing reports of massive livestock loss, and ammo becoming scarce.
Posted By: keith Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/01/24 07:02 AM
I share in the hope that these wildfires can be contained, and that past and present members here are safe. I saw where this thread was turning earlier today when one of our Global Warming Alarmists was again shouting that the Sky is Falling. I'm sure none of them will believe that conditions contributing to these seasonal fires may actually be caused by sub-freezing temperatures. But here's what a Texas A&M Forest Service wildfire prevention specialist said:

Winter might not seem like prime fire season, but wildfires in this region are “pretty typical for this time for year,” says Heather Gonzales, program specialist for wildfire prevention at the Texas A&M Forest Service. The period from mid-February into April is called the “dormant” fire season, whereas the summer fire season is termed the “growing” season. Hard winter freezes can effectively “cure” the grasses that cover much of the panhandle, making them act as fire fuel, Gonzales says. These grasses “almost need constant precipitation to have any moisture in them,” she adds. Drier grasses burn much more readily and intensely.

Originally Posted by Perry M. Kissam
Has it been determined how the whole thing started?

Actually, there are multiple wildfires in Texas right now, and there has been some speculation that illegal immigrant campfires could be involved. But I'd expect the media to suppress any stories like that in an election year. Last March, 38 people were killed at a Texas Migration Center near El Paso in a fire started by immigrants who thought they might get deported.
At more than 1 million acres burned so far, the Smokehouse Creek Fire is Texas' worst wildfire ever, and the second-largest in U.S. history.

According to a filing with the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission, investigators from several insurance companies notified Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy on Thursday that one of its downed utility poles may be a possible cause.

Investigators also want to preserve a fallen utility pole "situated within the vicinity of the fire's potential area of origin."
Originally Posted by keith
I share in the hope that these wildfires can be contained, and that past and present members here are safe. I saw where this thread was turning earlier today when one of our Global Warming Alarmists was again shouting that the Sky is Falling. I'm sure none of them will believe that conditions contributing to these seasonal fires may actually be caused by sub-freezing temperatures. But here's what a Texas A&M Forest Service wildfire prevention specialist said:

Winter might not seem like prime fire season, but wildfires in this region are “pretty typical for this time for year,” says Heather Gonzales, program specialist for wildfire prevention at the Texas A&M Forest Service. The period from mid-February into April is called the “dormant” fire season, whereas the summer fire season is termed the “growing” season. Hard winter freezes can effectively “cure” the grasses that cover much of the panhandle, making them act as fire fuel, Gonzales says. These grasses “almost need constant precipitation to have any moisture in them,” she adds. Drier grasses burn much more readily and intensely.

Originally Posted by Perry M. Kissam
Has it been determined how the whole thing started?

Actually, there are multiple wildfires in Texas right now, and there has been some speculation that illegal immigrant campfires could be involved. But I'd expect the media to suppress any stories like that in an election year. Last March, 38 people were killed at a Texas Migration Center near El Paso in a fire started by immigrants who thought they might get deported.
You can argue with every automobile manufacturer in the world because they are trying to stop greenhouse gases, NASA, major scientists in the world and every weather expert on whether the sky is falling. I'll stick with them over you. And as I said earlier, this affects so many other people in the surrounding states also, with the smoke. So, I pray for them too. And I also mentioned earlier that 90% of the forest fires in the world are caused BY HUMANS. Thank you for your input. Good luck.
Posted By: keith Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/01/24 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
You can argue with every automobile manufacturer in the world because they are trying to stop greenhouse gases, NASA, major scientists in the world and every weather expert on whether the sky is falling. I'll stick with them over you. And as I said earlier, this affects so many other people in the surrounding states also, with the smoke. So, I pray for them too. And I also mentioned earlier that 90% of the forest fires in the world are caused BY HUMANS. Thank you for your input. Good luck.

In the U.S. at least, every Auto Manufacturer that has added pollution controls to their vehicles has done so only because of laws and government mandates. In the 1970's, Volvo stopped importing the 1800 ES to the U.S. because they did not wish to install power robbing pollution controls on a sports car. Tetraethyl lead was removed from gasoline only because of government mandates. That's not a bad thing, because there is no question that internal combustion engines produce harmful pollutants... just the same as the fossil fuel and nuclear power plants that are used to charge electric vehicles. Internal combustion engines have also helped mankind to enjoy the highest standard of living in history, and to grow enough food to feed a global population that was predicted to destroy the entire planet, another Sky is Falling prediction that hasn't happened. Famine is almost non-existent compared to 50 years ago when the population was half what it is now. One of the pollutants produced by engines is ozone, which is beneficial in very small amounts in the upper atmosphere, but not good in densely populated places like the Los Angeles basin. But our Auto Manufacturers are not installing catalytic converters and pollution controls because they are voluntarily trying to stop so-called greenhouse gasses. We will not solve the world's problems by giving up our wealth, freedom, and autonomy to China and the Globalists. I see you are in Florida now Jimmy. Did you walk there from Indiana, or did you drive or fly, and add to this big climate change problem?

Please stop claiming that every climate scientist and weather expert has bought into the Left's Climate Change propaganda. We have taken the time to repeatedly show you that is not true. And please stop claiming that last year was the hottest year on record when your own Al Gore graph shows that is simply not true. You deleted every post you made yesterday, but are now back again with your Liberal Democrat dogma, trying to get another Thread locked. It may be your religion, but some of us can actually read and comprehend the data. I can't thank you for your input when so much of it is not factual.
Posted By: keith Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/01/24 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by skeettx
Investigators also want to preserve a fallen utility pole "situated within the vicinity of the fire's potential area of origin."

A lot of utility poles have fallen due to this fire. I'd bet quite a few are "situated within the vicinity of the fire's potential area of origin." I read that nearly 200 miles of utility lines and poles will have to be replaced to restore power in the area affected by one fire. I hope investigators are able to accurately and truthfully tell us the cause of these wildfires. It can be difficult or impossible to determine the exact cause of a fire when most of the evidence has been destroyed by that fire. Utility poles rarely just fall on their own and cause fires, but it could happen. However, we constantly see masses of cigarette smoking illegal immigrants, and also see them burning campfires in areas that are as dry as a popcorn fart.

I would expect to be arrested for starting a campfire or tossing cigarette butts in a dry fire prone environment. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. But not nearly as big a disaster as an open border policy that is killing Americans, enriching drug cartels, and allowing an illegal invasion of millions of unvetted unvaccinated military age males.
I've come to the decision that it's best for me to place this site's resident environmental dufus, Jimmy W, on ignore. I recommend anyone else here with the good sense God gave them to do likewise.
I am leaning toward the sentiment shared by Mr. Roberts..... I am located 3 hours South of the fire center in the Panhandle..... Have LOTS of friends badly affected by this disaster.....
Originally Posted by John Roberts
I've come to the decision that it's best for me to place this site's resident environmental dufus, Jimmy W, on ignore. I recommend anyone else here with the good sense God gave them to do likewise.
Good. Then I wont have to listen to you. I'll do the same. That way some of us can message each other like we have been without listening to your BS. And I can say what I want to say. Good luck.
Hey , Jimmy , I see you ignore all the scientists and weather experts that disagree with you . I guess you sensor them. Sensoring seems to be a thing with radical leftists
Originally Posted by ksauers1
Hey , Jimmy , I see you ignore all the scientists and weather experts that disagree with you . I guess you sensor them. Sensoring seems to be a thing with radical leftists
Who? The three %? And the people like Rush Limbaugh types? John was the one who came up with that idea. But, no, not really. Im waiting for them to say if last month was the hottest February on record. Let's wait and see. Things like this tragic fire make it worse. Good luck and take care.
Originally Posted by Marc Ret
This thread was begun to express concern and empathy for those affected by the devastating fires in TX. Perhaps y'all could ignore the emotionally unstable and stick to what's really important in this moment. Not every foolish post needs a response.

I suffer fools, poorly.


I mentioned this because I remember the fire in Canada last summer that came south into places like New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. It came down further south where I am. That's the only reason I brought this up. But you guys, like always, have to act like a bunch of turds in a punch bowl. So, please ignore me too, will you? Thanks and good luck.
Originally Posted by keith
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
You can argue with every automobile manufacturer in the world because they are trying to stop greenhouse gases, NASA, major scientists in the world and every weather expert on whether the sky is falling. I'll stick with them over you. And as I said earlier, this affects so many other people in the surrounding states also, with the smoke. So, I pray for them too. And I also mentioned earlier that 90% of the forest fires in the world are caused BY HUMANS. Thank you for your input. Good luck.

In the U.S. at least, every Auto Manufacturer that has added pollution controls to their vehicles has done so only because of laws and government mandates. In the 1970's, Volvo stopped importing the 1800 ES to the U.S. because they did not wish to install power robbing pollution controls on a sports car. Tetraethyl lead was removed from gasoline only because of government mandates. That's not a bad thing, because there is no question that internal combustion engines produce harmful pollutants... just the same as the fossil fuel and nuclear power plants that are used to charge electric vehicles. Internal combustion engines have also helped mankind to enjoy the highest standard of living in history, and to grow enough food to feed a global population that was predicted to destroy the entire planet, another Sky is Falling prediction that hasn't happened. Famine is almost non-existent compared to 50 years ago when the population was half what it is now. One of the pollutants produced by engines is ozone, which is beneficial in very small amounts in the upper atmosphere, but not good in densely populated places like the Los Angeles basin. But our Auto Manufacturers are not installing catalytic converters and pollution controls because they are voluntarily trying to stop so-called greenhouse gasses. We will not solve the world's problems by giving up our wealth, freedom, and autonomy to China and the Globalists. I see you are in Florida now Jimmy. Did you walk there from Indiana, or did you drive or fly, and add to this big climate change problem?

Please stop claiming that every climate scientist and weather expert has bought into the Left's Climate Change propaganda. We have taken the time to repeatedly show you that is not true. And please stop claiming that last year was the hottest year on record when your own Al Gore graph shows that is simply not true. You deleted every post you made yesterday, but are now back again with your Liberal Democrat dogma, trying to get another Thread locked. It may be your religion, but some of us can actually read and comprehend the data. I can't thank you for your input when so much of it is not factual.

Every auto manufacturer in the world is manufacturing BATTERY POWERED CARS to cut global warming and reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. They are doing that voluntarily- not because it is a law. 2nd - I never claimed EVERY WEATHER SCIENTIST. I have said repeatedly that about 97% believe in climate change. Google it. So you missed that repeatedly. And Al Gore's charts never said any such thing. You can always GOOGLE anything I say. I deleted my posts because I thought it was best to forget it. But thanks to you and your sky is falling remark. I answered you. And as I said , I brought the subject up originally because a tragedy like this affects people elsewhere, too. And sure enough, today's FOX weather station said this fire had spread into Oklahoma. And you can also Google this: on March 14th they will let us know if February 2024 was the hottest February on record. They are alteady saying it was. So, you can lie all you want. And I'm not a Democrat. It's really funny that someone like Joe Biden is smarter than you are and calls people like you "a neanderthal". So, please , do like John says and put me on your ignore list. People have emailed and messaged me to say what a moron you are. Bottom line- lets have some feelings for all the people this tragedy affects. That's what I originally said.
And another thing- if famine is nonexistent- why are 10,000 people ( or however many) a day entering the US daily and migrating to every country they can all over the world? Because of the climate change, the soil is destroyed, they can't grow food and have no drinkable water. WHERE IS YOUR HEAD? And one last thought.... I was reading this morning that both Texas Senators Ted Cruz, Cornyn and Governor Abbott, all republicans, have always said climate change was a hoaz. Especially Ted Cruz. Against about 70% of the population voters taken in a UT poll. NOW those three are asking for federal money, our tax dollars to shore up the coastline of Texas, because of future hurricanes which they expect to be stronger and the fact that they expect the ocean to rise by 2 to 5 inches by 2050. Why? You guessed it. Climate change. Ha-ha!! Now please, put me on your ignore list. You are so below me.
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
And another thing- if famine is nonexistent- why are 10,000 people ( or however many) a day entering the US daily and migrating to every country they can all over the world? Because of the climate change....
Shirley, you jest. It's because they are illegal aliens, and the jimies here don't force felons to face consequences. Make a difference, move to mehico and open a cold soup cantina?
Posted By: mc Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/02/24 11:19 PM
The prediction is Battery packs from electric cars will be an ecological disaster .and the carbon create by mining, shipping the material to be processed then shipping to be made into batteries then shipping to car mfg. There is no free ride and electric car production is mandated by the government .automaker are not making any money from electric cars ,they are highly subsidized.
I believe that in the future they are saying that ALL CARS will be electric. Auto manufacturers worldwide are building electric cars now for stricter emission standards in the future. At least nine states are following California's goal of making it illegal to sell gasoline powered cars by 2035. I just don't understand why!! Oh!! Wait a minute!! CLIMATE CHANGE?? 🙄🙄
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
I believe that in the future they are saying that ALL CARS will be electric. Auto manufacturers worldwide are building electric cars now for stricter emission standards in the future. At least nine states are following California's goal of making it illegal to sell gasoline powered cars by 2035. I just don't understand why!! Oh!! Wait a minute!! CLIMATE CHANGE?? 🙄🙄

No, Jimmy-liberalism. It destroys everything it touches:

The people at Ford motor company are about to discover that liberals actually hate them, and want them gone.

You will, too.

I agree. Republicans hate liberals. I'm glad I'm not one. Go to GOOGLE. Type in- "Is the government making it illegal to sell gasoline powered vehicles " Read the CNET article. Then tell THEM they're liars. Of course it can always be overturned. Who knows?
Posted By: mc Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/03/24 12:58 AM
And the best part jimmy is California has no electrical infrastructure capacity to charge all those cars day and night.and the grid is over burdened right now with no money to rebuild and expand so rationing will come.climate change is a religion if you question it blasphemy,and why would you base your power supplies on weather.mfg. an electric car makes the same carbon footprint print that a range Rover does for it life,and what's better jimmy freezing or being warm
Posted By: mc Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/03/24 01:00 AM
And I hope the fires out out quickly we worry about fires where I live all the time I can't even imagine all the loss.Mark
Originally Posted by mc
And I hope the fires out out quickly we worry about fires where I live all the time I can't even imagine all the loss.Mark
I'm with you. I can't imagine the feeling of coming up my street and seeing my house gone from a tornado or a fire. Good luck.
Posted By: keith Re: Thinking of you folks in the Amarillo area - 03/03/24 09:03 AM

Not only is the sky falling, but it appears that some Climate Change fanatics have suffered brain damage from chunks of the sky hitting them in the head.

Poor Jimmy seems to have some serious problems as a result, and is having trouble reading, understanding, and even telling the truth. He has major problems with my last post, and says I am a moron because of what I said. Well, his Liberal friends say that in their emails and PM's where they all gossip behind the scenes like cowards and old women. Nothing new there.

First, Jimmy says I am wrong about the fact that car manufacturers are producing electric vehicles due to government mandates. He says they are doing it voluntarily because they fear Climate Change, and wish to reduce CO2.

Well here's some facts... in addition to the links Ted provided showing how the switch to EV's is not working out well for Ford. The anti-gun Democrat Joe Biden made a 2021 Executive order calling for 50% of vehicles sold by 2030 to be EV's. Biden's EPA has gone much further calling for 67.5% of vehicles sold by 2032 to be EV's. This is from NADA, The National Auto Dealers Assn.;

Jimmy can read this and weep. State and Federal Government Mandates are not voluntary acts. And Toyota, the 2nd largest auto maker in the world is suspending production of EV's. Jimmy himself even says that California is making it illegal to sell gasoline powered cars by 2035. Sorry Jimmy, but that isn't voluntary... it is a government mandate. Emissions standards are also a government mandate... just like I said.

And despite these government mandates, along with taxpayer funded grants, incentives, and tax breaks, auto companies are losing money on this hare-brained scheme, and are having big problems selling EV's due to low consumer demand. They are simply too expensive for the average consumer, they have limited range and charging infrastructure, they take too long to charge, and recent crash testing has shown they are so heavy they blow right through guardrails. In addition, if they ever did become popular, they require much less labor, so many of those good Union Auto Worker jobs will be eliminated. More jobs will go to China, the biggest polluter and emitter of CO2.

Jimmy also thinks I lied about him saying that every climate expert in the world believes in his Climate Change dogma. But here is his post #643353 where he makes that claim in his first sentence:

Originally Posted by Jimmy W
You can argue with every automobile manufacturer in the world because they are trying to stop greenhouse gases, NASA, major scientists in the world and every weather expert on whether the sky is falling. I'll stick with them over you. And as I said earlier, this affects so many other people in the surrounding states also, with the smoke. So, I pray for them too. And I also mentioned earlier that 90% of the forest fires in the world are caused BY HUMANS. Thank you for your input. Good luck.

Jimmy's later 97% figure is B.S. too. Jimmy also touts NASA as being unassailable experts on Climate Change. NASA is the Space Administration, and they are such great experts on climate that they made the decision to launch the Shuttle Challenger in freezing temperatures, a decision that killed 7 Astronauts. They knew that the O-rings in the booster became hard and brittle in cold weather. They knew prior launches in colder temps had leaks of hot gasses. Their engineers warned them that it could cause a catastrophic failure. But these NASA climate experts chose to launch in below normal freezing weather anyway. We all saw 7 Astronauts die as a result.

Jimmy goes on in another insane post to make the false claim that I said there is no longer any famine. I never said such a thing, but I did accurately note this, and I QUOTE myself- " Famine is almost non-existent compared to 50 years ago when the population was half what it is now." Here's a nice graph showing how famine numbers have fallen dramatically, even as the population rose... just as I said.

There will always be some famine and hunger, as long as there are wars and poor people. In recent years, people have been starving in Venezuela. But not due to Climate Change. The problem in Venezuela was a Socialist government totally screwing up a once prosperous country that has one of the world's largest oil reserves. Ted got it right there too... the Left could screw up a one car funeral.

Jimmy also keeps saying that all theses illegal immigrants are coming here because Climate Change has ruined their soil and "they have no drinkable water". We still import a lot of food grown in Mexico and Central America, which would not be possible if Climate Change destroyed the soil and water. First off, the illegals would not have lived many days without drinkable water. And most illegals we see look pretty well fed. Many are downright fat. The ones who did experience hunger lacked food due to poverty or violence because of things like crime, drug cartels, civil war, and corrupt governments. They are coming here, and to Europe for jobs (and government freebies). Very few would actually qualify for political asylum. Climate Change has virtually nothing to do with it. If Jimmy is hungry for the truth, he could chew on this... but he won't:

Jimmy is also in denial about the fact that global temperatures have been higher in recorded history than they are now. Last year was not the hottest year ever, and February won't be the hottest either. Anyone who isn't blind or agenda driven could see several peaks in the Al Gore graph Jimmy posted recently. Jimmy's graph showed the Medieval Warm Period, among others. Here's another graph from the Smithsonian Institute that shows several periods where it was so hot there were no polar ice caps:

[Linked Image from]

Are the Scientists at the Smithsonian a bunch of Climate Deniers? How dare they show that Jimmy is full of crap?

Jimmy wants me to IGNORE his posts. But I don't IGNORE anyone. People like Jimmy are dangerous to all of us because of their blind faith in Liberal Left Globalist propaganda. I didn't take the time to post links and graphs for Jimmy, because he has chosen to be in complete denial of facts, and even in denial of things he himself has posted. None of us will ever convince Jimmy and his kind that they are being scammed... no matter how much proof we provide. But we should remain aware that unfortunately, these Sky is Falling alarmists vote, and that makes them a danger to our prosperity, security, and freedom.

As a final note, I notice that Jimmy changed his profile again. I had noticed that it said he was in Florida, and I asked him if he walked there from Indiana... or if he drove or flew on an evil fossil fuel burning CO2 belching vehicle. Jimmy chose to not answer that, and I'd bet he hasn't stopped using fuel to heat his home, or stopped buying things packaged in plastic, or stopped eating meat, or disconnected his electricity. It's pretty much the same with all of the fools who buy into this crap and preach to us that the world is burning, oceans are rising, and the sky is falling.
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