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Posted By: HomelessjOe Is this where we're headed ? - 12/06/14 06:12 PM
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/06/14 06:19 PM
It's been photoshopped. The original said something like "goes outside" or something similar.

What's happening is the "firing up" of the black vote for 2016. The democrats are just starting a little early.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/06/14 07:15 PM
Truth is the police in this country are doing fine job considering most of their clientele.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/07/14 01:56 PM
61: how do you know the image shown is a forgery?
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/07/14 02:20 PM
It could be fake...either way I'm sure there's lots of them that think like that.

I still haven't figured out what changes they expect to make in our police departments to protect black criminals ?

It just dawned on me...a new movement Civil rights fer thuggs.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/07/14 07:06 PM
joe: check this could be your lucky day too!

I won a Kenyan lottery according to an email from a Nigerian prince.

He holds the sum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS in my name and he wants to send it to me FREE!

All I have to do is give him my bank account numbers and send him $500.00 US dollars cash, to show my good faith so he can transfer the money!

And then I got ANOTHER email.

It's from a KENYAN prince who wants to give me FREE healthcare for life!

All I have to do is give him:

* and pay $700 per month for a policy with only a $10,000. deductible
Then he can make it happen!

Am I lucky or what?

Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/07/14 08:04 PM
That sign, as it reads now, is basically what the Ferguson, Mo. rioters are saying. You just don't see people of any color dying at the hands of the police when they are obeying the law and following simple directions.

I heard a black radio talk show host saying last week that a big part of the problem is that the racial make-up of many police forces does not equal the minority population percentage of those towns. He was essentially saying that a town with an 80% black population should have at least 80% black officers, because they understand the people they are dealing with.

Later, a caller asked him if that meant that police forces in white, or nearly all white, towns should be allowed to not hire black police officers. First there was silence, then some stammering, then the usual reverse discrimination bullshit. That statement MLK made about judging a person by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin was apparently meant only for whites. I am now seeing ads for the Hispanic College Fund, just like the United Negro College Fund. Just try starting a Caucasian College Fund.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/07/14 10:45 PM
The problem finding black police officers probably stems from the fact that a police officer can't have a rap sheet and most blacks have one.

I guess Obama could declare an executive order giving blacks with a rap sheet a clean record ?
Posted By: James M Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/07/14 11:16 PM
It's all Libtard B.S. Using the same logic since Blacks only make up 13% of the population 80%+ of the pro football and pro basketball players ought to be White.
Hockey however has their work cut out for them! eek
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/08/14 01:40 AM
"most blacks have one."

you gottum stats to back up that statement?
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/08/14 02:16 AM
Originally Posted By: ed good gottum stats to back up that statement?

Sure, there's somewhere around forty million blacks in the US. Supposedly, the fbi says they're willing to release '11 numbers.

2447 blacks killed by blacks. 448 whites killed by blacks.

A 193 blacks killed by whites.

What's wrong with the picture of fairness in the US that bo was just going on about in a speech a few days ago. Can I count on your support for his brand of fairness with the predictable string of lib agenda items over the next couple of years. No, it's too late to cram in the next couple of years of doc visits by the end of this year. Ain't look'in to good for either the pocket book, or for folks that are unlucky enough to get sick.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/08/14 02:43 PM
uh craig, the stats ah was lookin fur was the ones supportin the claim that most blacks have a criminal record.

when ah went to school, "most" indicated more than 50%...

so anyway, do any of you gottum stats supporting claim that more than 50% of blacks have a criminal record?

or is the statement just something some believe and want others to believe it too, cause they say so?
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/08/14 02:51 PM
those who make claims without stats to back them up could be accused of manipulation of the know like what the demacrats are so skilled at doing.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/08/14 04:19 PM
Here's some stats for you dumbass. I wasn't the one who made the claim, but the statistics are appalling. This does not include black females, and I don't think they were the intent of the original statement. Many are too busy making Welfare babies with multiple unknown fathers and gaming the Welfare system to be engaged in violent crime. If we ever started enforcing Welfare Fraud laws, the overall percentages would certainly go up.

1. A black male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of spending some portion of his life in prison. A white male born the same year has just a 6% chance. [Sentencing Project]

2. In major American cities, as many as 80% of young African-American men have criminal records. [Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow]

3. African-Americans who use drugs are more than four times as likely to be incarcerated than whites who use drugs. African Americans constitute 14% of the population and 14% of monthly drug users. But African-Americans respresent 34% of those arrested for a drug offense and 53% of those sentenced to prison for a drug offense. [American Bar Association]

4. In seven states, African Americans constitute 80% or more of all drug offenders sent to prison. [Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow]

5. Black students are three and a half times as likely to be suspended or expelled than their white peers. One in five black boys recieve an out-of-school suspension. Education Secretary Arne Duncan who commissioned the study, said “The undeniable truth is that the everyday education experience for too many students of color violates the principle of equity at the heart of the American promise.” [New York Times]

6. Black youth who are referred to juvenile court are much more likely to be detained, referred to adult court or end up in adult prison than their white counterparts. Blacks represented 28% of juvenile arrests, 30% of referrals to juvenile court, 37% of the detained population, 35% of youth judicially waived to criminal court and 58% of youth admitted to state adult prison. [National Council on Crime And Deliquency]

Note that some of these statistics are tainted by Libtard bias.

Here's an interesting article from the Liberal Washington Post:

ed, you could be accused of manipulation of the truth for not telling jOe the real reason your ads got bounced off the for sale section.

Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/08/14 11:23 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
61: how do you know the image shown is a forgery?
Posted By: James M Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/08/14 11:43 PM
It a forgery: How can you tell? There are no spelling or grammatical errors! grin
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 12:57 AM
keith/scut: were you gitten des num bas?

peirs lik you makin dem up....
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 12:58 AM
Or ed's phony ebonics.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 05:51 AM
Originally Posted By: ed good
keith/scut: were you gitten des num bas?

peirs lik you makin dem up....

ed/dumbass: Hey idiot, the source for the statistics is in parenthesis immediately after each one. The link is from the Liberal Washington Post, as I already told you.

Oh, sorry. I keep forgetting just how stupid you really are.

Is it any coincidence that ed is an abbreviation for Erectile Dysfunction? Even your brain is limp and useless.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 01:37 PM
keith/scut: are you suggesting that your references to publications listed above, where you do not site publishers and specific page references, some how proves that more than 50% of black americans have criminal records? ah don tink so...

and, personal insults and attacks, do not mask your efforts to create facts that do not exist. it just tells us how weak and deceptive you really are.

may i suggest that the crime statistics as published by the federal government are a better reference to the truth...a simple google search revealed the following clue:

and the answer to the question: what percentage of black americans have criminal records?, seems to be elusive...however, i still doubt that it is more than 50%, as suggested in this thread...consider that most americans, regardless of race, are law abiding citizens.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 02:38 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
....may i suggest that the crime statistics as published by the federal government are a better reference to the truth....

....and the answer to the question....seems to be elusive...however, i still doubt that it is....

Uh ed, that's not the answer that you were looking for. Wouldn't you have been able to save a finger or two from carpal tunnel if you shortened it to, 'I doubt it'.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 05:19 PM
craig: you done missed the it is again:

consider that most americans, regardless of race, are law abiding citizens.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 05:23 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
craig: you done missed the it is again:....

I think you miss my point ed. You really do not seem to be interested in facts, just validating your feelings. Go Palin/bloom eh.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 08:48 PM
well craig, what facts are you referring too?

and i mean documented facts, not what you believe or would like us to believe, just because you say so...
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 10:31 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
well craig, what facts are you referring too?

and i mean documented facts, not what you believe or would like us to believe, just because you say so...

How about a quick fact about buying and selling guns, particularly the ones that don't sell. From the forum at the top of the page.

'It would be nice if all buyers were willing to pay fair retail prices and all sellers were asking a fair retail price', and then some thought about greed and ego. Does that seem to be the 'facts' about why a gun doesn't sell, or some mumble jumble about why you don't pay retail when you're a buyer.

When you try to work a deal, do you provide numbers like I did previously, or is it more 'fair' to you to hide your facts and pretend like there's no greed or ego involved. Whatever that means, but it was said so.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/09/14 11:16 PM
craig: wow! where did that come from?

facts are, i sell mostly antique and collectible firearms as a profit margins are low. my customers are happy. whats your problem?
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 12:11 AM
Ed you think blacks created their own problems (some real and most dreamed up) ?

I think the looting and burning in Ferguson Missouri helps confirm their already overall nasty reputation.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 12:41 AM
joe: some blacks, a minority, do create problems for many others of their race.

since the watts riot in la, there have been too many fergusons. some black criminals use civil unrest as an opportunity to commit criminal arson and looting. a resulting negative stereotype has emerged...and characters like sharpton, obama and holder have created an image of blacks in power, who use racism as a weapon to further their agendas, at the expense of the rest of us, regardless of color.

plus, fbi crime statistics clearly indicate a disproportionate number of violent and drug related criminals are black.
however, that does not mean that the majority of criminals are black. nor does it mean that a majority of black citizens have criminal records.

joe, have you ever had a friend who was black? i have had several and am grateful for their friendship over the years.

i believe most black citizens of our country are good, decent people, much like most of the rest of is sad that they are demonized here and elsewhere, because of their skin color...but, den dat aint nuttin new is hit?
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 02:58 AM
A lot of supposedly good decent blacks are now marching, rioting, looting, and carrying on about the deaths of some thugs and felons who died not because of their skin color, but because of their actions and unreasonable inability to comply with simple instructions. The majority who are not rioting are clapping and cheering just like the so-called peaceful Muslims who celebrate every act of Islamic terror. How many are there like Bill Cosby who implore his own people to change their ways and assimilate and prosper like every other minority? Way too few... and the ones that do are criticized within the black community... and then he turns out to be a probable serial rapist. You not only are too stupid to recognize those facts, but you make excuses for it and thus help to perpetuate the problem.

Look at your own link to crime statistics and check the numbers under "percent distribution". Blacks are about 13% of the U.S. population, yet they exceed that percentage of crimes in every category except drunk driving. Look at their numbers for murder, manslaughter, robbery, and a host of other violent crime. Even if they don't reach your magical 50% that you seem so hooked on, something is clearly very wrong. They sure squandered trillions of dollars in Affirmative action, Welfare, Food Stamps, Education, and other Great Society remedies. What you call prejudice is simply rational people who aren't so dishonest as to ignore the truth. Your numbers dumbass. Thanks for helping to illustrate what an idiot you are.

A lot of us might feel differently if we saw the same outrage over the much higher levels of crime and violence and death perpetrated upon blacks by members of their own race. It is they who chose to make this a trumped up and largely fallacious racial thing, and it is the Liberal Democrats that you support and defend who are fanning the flames for their own selfish reasons. This is hypocrisy plain and simple, and you ed are either exceedingly ignorant or a hypocritical fraud no better than Sharpton or Obama. In my opinion, you are both.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 01:55 PM
wow! hope that makes you feel better...

"i believe most black citizens of our country are good, decent people, much like most of the rest of is sad that they are demonized here and elsewhere, because of their skin color...but, den dat aint nuttin new is hit?"
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 02:17 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
wow! hope that makes you feel better...

"i believe most black citizens of our country are good, decent people, much like most of the rest of is sad that they are demonized here and elsewhere, because of their skin color...but, den dat aint nuttin new is hit?"

Ed you are living in a fantasy's nothing to do with their skin color it's because of their actions.

Are we supposed to look the other way and say they can't help it it's just in their Genes.

Given opportunity blacks will all loot and steal or like Keith said at least applaud from the sidelines those doing it.

All those marching are just as guilty as the ones that set the fires and looted until we face that reality the marching, looting and burning will continue.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 02:21 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
wow! hope that makes you feel better...

"i believe most black citizens of our country are good, decent people, much like most of the rest of is sad that they are demonized here and elsewhere, because of their skin color...but, den dat aint nuttin new is hit?"

Whoa, where did that come from. What's your problem. Do you have facts to back that up.

Never mind, I feel that I think I've found it. 'One of your manipulative techniques here is to make claims about others, without facts to back them up. to me that is dishonest'. Hmm, jus cuz ya say hits so, gain n a gain makes ya feel like hits so.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 03:21 PM
There should be more smiles than grimaces---back to the thread, where we're headed?---because for all the racist and misogynic language---Americans are benefitting from what they fought so hard to get rid of 50 years ago.

Ninety-five per cent approve of interracial marriage---only 17 per cent in '68. Same percentage say yes they'd vote for a "qualified" black president; less than half said yes 50 years ago. Qualifier noted.

Black voter turnout now 67 per cent, three points higher than white. Nearly identical graduation rates. All the while health and education gaps have narrowed sharply. Something to be proud of, to celebrate.

One would be deaf, dumb and blind not to see a greater moral sensibility.

Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 04:02 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
There should be more smiles than grimaces---back to the thread, where we're headed?---because for all the racist and misogynic language---Americans are benefitting....

....One would be deaf, dumb and blind not to see a greater moral sensibility.

If moral sensibility is so clear and easy to see, why not join the folks that you demonize as 'racist and misogynic'. Shouldn't race baiters be criticized for content and tactics, rather than given pc cover for inciting violence and racial divide because of the color of their skin.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 04:33 PM
I prefer to encourage and recognize good where I see it rather than reinforce ignorance in these matters. Race baiters will always be with us, as are Misfires' hard cases.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 05:34 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I prefer to encourage and recognize good where I see it rather than reinforce ignorance in these matters. Race baiters will always be with us, as are Misfires' hard cases.

A case could be made that calling folks racists and misogynists is hardly encouraging. Yes, there are race baiters of all stripes. I was thinking primarily of a pres, atgen, a mayor and governor or two. Still, it's apparent that a leader of all citizens can be immune from criticism for content of a message and delivery tactics.

Are you sure that you have correctly labeled Misfires' hard cases. Could it be that the truth about the new racial division push requires complicit liberal followers who refuse to question.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 06:19 PM
craig: you use a lotta words, but you say little.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 07:32 PM
Craig, your message is freighted with supposition and old grievances. I referred to racist and misogynic language, not persons. I didn't label Misfires' hard cases for reasons given above. I don't know of a "truth about the new racial division push" nor am I interested in "truths" bandied so carelessly here. I had my say about the extraordinary diminishing of the racial divide in your wonderful country, and prefer to leave it there.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 07:40 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I had my say about the extraordinary diminishing of the racial divide in your wonderful country, and prefer to leave it there.

I hear you King. Please consider that I had responded to make my point, not to bother you.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 09:16 PM
I'm for everyone making their point, Craig. It seemed you were taking liberties with mine. No hard feelings.

Ducks are here in the millions. Hoping cold weather sends them down to you.

Talking to grain farmer the other day, mentioned geese. "Don't say that word," he said. "They're rats with feathers."
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 10:09 PM

"Ducks are here in the millions. Hoping cold weather sends them down to you."

all of our local nh geese and ducks have gone south.

pictures or links to pictures would be a wonderful thing to see!
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/10/14 10:26 PM
Local geese populations now wintering here but blacks go south at freeze-up of harbours, lakes, rivers and ponds. I don't understand why your birds go south---or so soon.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 12:15 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm for everyone making their point, Craig. It seemed you were taking liberties with mine. No hard feelings....

Maybe you could help clear it with ed for me, but...

That's what I was thinking, there's nothing in the world like rough weather duck hunting. Even if you folks are thick with them, it's still great wingshooting. Most likely your late season birds are the mature ones, and the first year birds are probably long gone by now.

Ah, taking liberties. I apologize. References to racism and misogyny must have been directed at liberal democrats...right?
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 01:41 AM
king: i am in fresh water part of nh...seems they leave at first frost, before ponds and small lakes freeze up.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 02:15 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
There should be more smiles than grimaces---back to the thread, where we're headed?---because for all the racist and misogynic language---Americans are benefitting from what they fought so hard to get rid of 50 years ago.

Ninety-five per cent approve of interracial marriage---only 17 per cent in '68. Same percentage say yes they'd vote for a "qualified" black president; less than half said yes 50 years ago. Qualifier noted.

Black voter turnout now 67 per cent, three points higher than white. Nearly identical graduation rates. All the while health and education gaps have narrowed sharply. Something to be proud of, to celebrate.

Wow King, you must have been overpressurized with lies during your little absence, because this post is full of them.

Why don't you show us where you see either misogyny or racism in this thread. Proof please. Just because you don't agree with an observation on a particular race does not make that statement racist. I happen to think you are the biggest racist here... ignoring reality and dredging up racial sins that were committed when most of us were either children or not yet born.
You just can't let go of those DNC Liberal Leftist Lies, can you? The election is over. That dishonest little "War on Women" tactic didn't work. So why not dredge up phony racism for 2016, and ignore what the black community is doing to itself, and more importantly, ignore what the Liberal Democrats have done to destroy the black family?

Here's the most recent Gallup Polling data for interracial marriage:

Guess what? It's not 95% approval as King says. Another lie. No surprise there.

Black voter turnout? Who in hell really knows when you have so many blacks voting more than once. But King's 67% figure was another big fat lie... especially if you're talking about the most recent election where black voting did not exceed 40%. Here's an article about it from a Black Author in a Black Magazine:

King also says Black and White Graduation Rates are nearly identical. Check here to see the truth:

So 47% for Blacks vs. 78% for whites is "nearly identical"???
These figures are from "No Child Left Behind" guidelines and calculation methods, and come from the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They must be a bunch of misogynic racists, huh King?

We really missed all of your lies King. No, that really is a lie. We didn't miss your Liberal Leftist Lies, dishonesty, and bullshit one bit. All we had to deal with was ed's abject stupidity.

Posted By: mc Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 05:27 AM
the democrat policys have destroyed the black family and the black middle class.the johnson great society keeps them on the govt dole and the govt becomes the dad except there isnt any structure or responsabiliy for your actions.king stats are all bull shit 72 percent of black children are born to single parent household graduation and college stats are really low.and as a result we have sharpton, jackson, and role model race baiters.the results are peoples business being burned down and protesters who have no idea what ther protesting.but hell they can burn other persons property down, sad eh.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 12:44 PM
Most of what King posts is bull shit....I often wonder if King and Ed drank from the same sewer.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 03:19 PM
"and ignore what the black community is doing to itself,"...

what is this black community keith speaks of?

last i heard there are about 50 million of our fellow citizens that have known african ancestry...surely keith is not lumping them all together in one big negative stereotype?...or is he?
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 04:22 PM
Damn right I am lumping them together ed. Why shouldn't I? They lump themselves together. Your heroes Obama, Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson, Liberal Democrats, and the NAACP certainly lump them all together... just like they lump all whites together, and negatively stereotype all policemen as racists who are out to kill them. Are you one of the 50 million Americans that have African ancestry ed? Isn't this a pic of you and your pal, the Burger King?

You often write in Ebonics ed. That's why I ax you... it would 'splain a lot about you.

What do you have to say about all of the big fat Lies and Whoppers that your pal Burger King Brown posted here ed?

Oh, I almost forgot, you are one of those who are dishonest enough to pretend that King isn't a big Liberal Liar. You anti-Second Amendment Libtard guys all gotta stick together, right?
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 05:08 PM
I still say ed "flame broils" his King burgers with a torch.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 05:27 PM
"Damn right I am lumping them together ed."

well, so long as that is your attitude, then any further discussion regarding race relations with you is futile...
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 07:18 PM
I wasn't having any discussions with you ed. You are too stupid and too dishonest. I was mocking you and illustrating your stupidity and dishonesty. When you talk about blacks, do you separate them into 45 million individuals? What an idiot! You don't seem to have a problem with Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and the NAACP lumping them all together, do you? You won't even comment on all of your pal King Brown's lies. But I'll bring them to the top anyway:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
There should be more smiles than grimaces---back to the thread, where we're headed?---because for all the racist and misogynic language---Americans are benefitting from what they fought so hard to get rid of 50 years ago.

Ninety-five per cent approve of interracial marriage---only 17 per cent in '68. Same percentage say yes they'd vote for a "qualified" black president; less than half said yes 50 years ago. Qualifier noted.

Black voter turnout now 67 per cent, three points higher than white. Nearly identical graduation rates. All the while health and education gaps have narrowed sharply. Something to be proud of, to celebrate.

Wow King, you must have been overpressurized with lies during your little absence, because this post is full of them.

Why don't you show us where you see either misogyny or racism in this thread. Proof please. Just because you don't agree with an observation on a particular race does not make that statement racist. I happen to think you are the biggest racist here... ignoring reality and dredging up racial sins that were committed when most of us were either children or not yet born.
You just can't let go of those DNC Liberal Leftist Lies, can you? The election is over. That dishonest little "War on Women" tactic didn't work. So why not dredge up phony racism for 2016, and ignore what the black community is doing to itself, and more importantly, ignore what the Liberal Democrats have done to destroy the black family?

Here's the most recent Gallup Polling data for interracial marriage:

Guess what? It's not 95% approval as King says. Another lie. No surprise there.

Black voter turnout? Who in hell really knows when you have so many blacks voting more than once. But King's 67% figure was another big fat lie... especially if you're talking about the most recent election where black voting did not exceed 40%. Here's an article about it from a Black Author in a Black Magazine:

King also says Black and White Graduation Rates are nearly identical. Check here to see the truth:

So 47% for Blacks vs. 78% for whites is "nearly identical"???
These figures are from "No Child Left Behind" guidelines and calculation methods, and come from the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They must be a bunch of misogynic racists, huh King?

We really missed all of your lies King. No, that really is a lie. We didn't miss your Liberal Leftist Lies, dishonesty, and bullshit one bit. All we had to deal with was ed's abject stupidity.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 07:23 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
"Damn right I am lumping them together...."

well, so long as that is your attitude, then any further discussion....with you is futile...

Are you the first gunsmith bigot? They're all lumped together unless they're a WWII buddy of yours. I'm good at expanding on and on about nothing, please let me know if I can help.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 11:21 PM
i am going away for a while...i need a break from this...
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/11/14 11:22 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm for everyone making their point, Craig. It seemed you were taking liberties with mine. No hard feelings.

Ducks are here in the millions. Hoping cold weather sends them down to you.

I'm for everyone making their point too... except that virtually every point you made was a lie or fabrication.

I'd have to see those millions of ducks, touch them, and hear them quacking to believe it after all the lies you packed into one short post. To argue that Misfires is a better place with an opposing view that is dishonest is absurd.

edit: Don't go ed. You haven't yet acknowledged that your mentor and pal King is a liar.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/12/14 08:18 AM
Look at last decades of the Roman Empire. That is where we are at right now. Hey, good luck.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/12/14 04:59 PM
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Look at last decades of the Roman Empire. That is where we are at right now. Hey, good luck.

I don't often agree with Jagermeister but I tend to agree here. Not that it's hopeless but it will be a tough struggle to avoid the same fate.
Posted By: Dave K Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/12/14 05:11 PM
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/12/14 05:54 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
i am going away for a while...i need a break from this...

ed, ed... where are you? Don't go. I'm your only friend here. Everyone else ignores you, but I think we were on the verge of a real breakthrough. I think you were close to admitting you have a serious mental problem as a Libtard and an anti-gunner, and that's the first step to a cure.

If black ex- Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice's girlfriend can stay with him after he knocked her out cold, you can stay here with me. Don't leave ed. I'll even talk like a negro with you.

Besides, you'll be missing out on all the good times we have here. Your ex-friend King who abandoned you should be along shortly to tell us how Dr. Jerry Bull outfitted the PT-109 with a massive ultra-high velocity Punt Gun so that he and his friend John F. Kennedy and Saddam Hussein could become market hunters and shoot millions of non-Kosher ducks on the moon.

ed, do you remember how King Brown used to respond to you even when you hadn't said anything to him, just because he was pretending to ignore me? He just used you and discarded you like so much soiled Charmin toilet paper. There's no excuse for that behaviour, and I don't know why our esteemed host put up with it. It was a disservice to all members... and you in particular.

ed, y'all come back rat now, ya heer! I'se gonna has the Jew-boy Israeli Mossad come getcha an' bust a cap in yo' ass, since theys here to get Dr. Bull anyways. ed, where is yo' bro'? I can't breathe... I can't breathe!... Hands up!... Don't Shoot!

Hey ed, we can have a Die In and clog up all the traffic here in Misfires. ed, ed... where is yo'? Only 15 Looting Days 'till Kwaanza ed.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/12/14 07:45 PM
Most of the fulminations here against liberals reflects how quickly a conservative ethos is eroding and a desire to get it back. Turning back isn't happening nor will it on the evidence.

James, you've been on to this pervasive influence in nearly all aspects of society---Stone Age muslims are a notable exception---and appear to feel it's near hopeless to think otherwise, as I do.

No one looks on changing values with equanimity. Most resign themselves to it because liberalism proceeds despite every change of governance. Blather only makes the diehards feel better.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/12/14 07:50 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Most of the fulminations here against liberals reflects how quickly a conservative ethos is eroding and a desire to get it back. Turning back isn't happening nor will it on the evidence.

Yep, and that's why anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats swept the Midterm Elections and retained control of the Senate...

Oh crap! No they didn't. They got their asses handed to them. Even after they distanced themselves from Obama, they got creamed. This is just another one of King Brown's many lies... on the evidence!

Originally Posted By: ed good
sho nuff!

who said, "telling lies enough times will create the illusion of truths"?

I believe that was King Brown! On the evidence.

Dishonesty is not civility King.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/12/14 08:05 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
i am going away for a while...i need a break from this...

ed, ed... where are you? Don't go. I'm your only friend here. Everyone else ignores you, but I think we were on the verge of a real breakthrough. I think you were close to admitting you have a serious mental problem as a Libtard and an anti-gunner, and that's the first step to a cure.

If black ex- Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice's girlfriend can stay with him after he knocked her out cold, you can stay here with me. Don't leave ed. I'll even talk like a negro with you.

Besides, you'll be missing out on all the good times we have here. Your ex-friend King who abandoned you should be along shortly to tell us how Dr. Jerry Bull outfitted the PT-109 with a massive ultra-high velocity Punt Gun so that he and his friend John F. Kennedy and Saddam Hussein could become market hunters and shoot millions of non-Kosher ducks on the moon.

ed, do you remember how King Brown used to respond to you even when you hadn't said anything to him, just because he was pretending to ignore me? He just used you and discarded you like so much soiled Charmin toilet paper. There's no excuse for that behaviour, and I don't know why our esteemed host put up with it. It was a disservice to all members... and you in particular.

Thank goodness we still have this picture of you and the Burger King during better times:

ed, y'all come back rat now, ya heer! Don't makes me ax yo' agin. I'se gonna has the Jew-boy Israeli Mossad come getcha an' bust a cap in yo' ass, since theys here to get Dr. Bull anyways. ed, where is yo' bro'? I can't breathe... I can't breathe!... Hands up!... Don't Shoot!

Hey ed, we can have a "Die-In" and clog up all the traffic here in Misfires. ed, ed... where is yo'? Only 15 Looting Days 'till Kwaanza ed.
Posted By: Dave K Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/13/14 10:33 PM
King " Most resign themselves to it because liberalism proceeds despite every change of governance. Blather only makes the diehards feel better."

You must be kidding,the only liberalism is "proceeding" is further and further into the abyss of the minority-the last shellacking in Nov proves that out.

Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 02:50 AM
Dave, do you remember James saying he wanted his son back, meaning he's been captured by aspects of liberalism which he felt was bloody nonsense? And liberalism is so dominant in our culture that it's nigh on hopeless to anticipate turning it back? I agree with him totally.

James and I think of liberal within the context of modern societies. The United States is a rare exception because a peculiar political polarization has created a new nomenclature as evidenced here in daily Misfires: all liberals are inherently evil, only GOP and Tea Party conservatives can serve the country.

Please consider numerous Democrat shellackings over the last 75 years haven't slowed by an inch the inexorable wish of Americans---Republicans and Democrats---for a more tolerant society toward civil rights and minorities, gay rights, interracial marriage, AIDS, don't tell, capital punishment etc.

I saw this first-hand in a recent reconnaissance of old stamping grounds in Washington and Kentucky with Democrats and Republicans (and turned down a Mitch-arranged tour of Congress for Kentucky moderates to take in the Hirshorn. Americans share "progressive" values.

Suggest google definition of liberalism. You'll see from these snippets liberals are as divided on policy and values as conservatives. That's a good thing.

"Some liberals believe that freedom is impossible without equality, and that governments should promote equality by providing education and health care supported by taxes. Other liberals believe that taxes are bad, and that people should provide their own education and health care; these people are usually called libertarians today. Most liberal governments today do provide at least some education and health care, though not necessarily equally for all citizens.

"Other concepts important to some liberals include:

"In the old days, kings or queens told people what to do (a form of government called a Monarchy), and there was very little freedom. A few hundred years ago, philosophers such as Simón Bolívar, John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham began to write about freedom. Earlier writers, such as Marcus Aurelius, had written about freedom, but this time the idea caught on. The United States of America was the first country to have a constitution which was based on the ideas of Mill and Bentham, and which guaranteed certain rights to all citizens, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the right to assemble (get together in groups), the right to bear arms (weapons), and the right to ask their government to take action (right of petition) or to remove from office rulers they did not like (right of referendum).

"Most of the wealthy countries in the world today are liberal democracies with more or less free trade. An exception to this rule are the oil-rich countries, not all of which are liberal or democratic. Most of the poor countries in the world are dictatorships, with heavy restrictions on trade. China is a poor country which is rapidly becoming rich, and is trying the experiment of combining dictatorship with free trade. Whether it is possible to have the advantages of free trade without other freedoms remains to be seen."

"The government of the United States was created based on a belief in Democracy and personal freedom. However the word "liberalism" has taken on a different meaning in modern times. Liberals in the United States still believe in supporting democracy and freedom, however many liberals also support other ideas. While not all liberals agree on everything, most liberals in the United States agree:

"That equal opportunity for all people is a good goal.
That government should provide some level of education and healthcare to all people, even if some taxes have to be increased to achieve this goal
That richer people should pay more of their income in taxes than poor people
That liberties and freedoms are very important and should be protected.
Most liberals in the United States believe that peace is at least somewhat important, and that government should work together with other countries and not start as many wars on their own."

"Liberals in the United States are also sometimes called "Progressives". The biggest liberal political party in the United States is the Democratic Party. But the Green Party is seen to be more 'left', or liberal than the Democrats."
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 03:34 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....liberalism is so dominant in our culture that it's nigh on hopeless to anticipate turning it back? I agree with him totally.

James and I think of liberal within the context of modern societies. The United States is a rare exception because a peculiar political polarization has created a new nomenclature as evidenced here in daily Misfires: all liberals are inherently evil, only GOP and Tea Party conservatives can serve the country....

Rare exception? There seems to be an eager willingness to demonize anyone one with a bit of a right leaning position. You don't suppose the left, as a stereotype, has anything at all to do with polarization.

In modern societies, those that rigidly follow sharia law may be the most rapidly proliferating 'culture'. Do you consider them brothers and sisters of the inevitable liberal takeover.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 06:37 AM
Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....liberalism is so dominant in our culture that it's nigh on hopeless to anticipate turning it back? I agree with him totally.

James and I think of liberal within the context of modern societies. The United States is a rare exception because a peculiar political polarization has created a new nomenclature as evidenced here in daily Misfires: all liberals are inherently evil, only GOP and Tea Party conservatives can serve the country....

Rare exception? There seems to be an eager willingness to demonize anyone one with a bit of a right leaning position. You don't suppose the left, as a stereotype, has anything at all to do with polarization.

In modern societies, those that rigidly follow sharia law may be the most rapidly proliferating 'culture'. Do you consider them brothers and sisters of the inevitable liberal takeover.

I just have to add to this that I don't think the polarization and demonization is the exclusive domain of the right. This just happens to be a forum that is more likely to be populated by those on the right. King, read the on line comments in the Globe daily, find any on line forum that attracts "progressives" and be ready for the hate filled speech demonization of the right. No side is free from it. And frankly, it's my opinion that the modern day level of this stuff was pioneered by the left. By the attacks on personal appearances and mannerisms rather than policies.

Jeez, one more post and I cross the 2000 threshold. Lol
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 01:42 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
"That equal opportunity for all people is a good goal.
That government should provide some level of education and healthcare to all people, even if some taxes have to be increased to achieve this goal
That richer people should pay more of their income in taxes than poor people
That liberties and freedoms are very important and should be protected.
Most liberals in the United States believe that peace is at least somewhat important, and that government should work together with other countries and not start as many wars on their own."

"Liberals in the United States are also sometimes called "Progressives". The biggest liberal political party in the United States is the Democratic Party. But the Green Party is seen to be more 'left', or liberal than the Democrats."

Doesn't King Browns lengthy post sound wonderful?

Too bad that it is almost complete hogwash and bullshit. Great points, craigd and James, on the venom filled hate and hypocrisy of present day Liberals. I'd like to dissect King's blatantly dishonest post and cherry-picked Google search definitions of Liberalism a bit more:

Referring to the nonsense which I quoted from King's post above, "That equal opportunity for all people is a good goal." Conservatives agree... but thanks to Libtards, equal opportunity means that there shall be gross inequalities such as Affirmative Action, and extra opportunities for lesser qualified students and workers, to punish mainly white people for sins they did not commit.

"That government should provide some level of education and healthcare to all people, even if some taxes have to be increased to achieve this goal" However, massively increased education spending has not had the desired or promised effect. In fact, it has had the opposite effect, yet Liberal Democrats protect the NEA and fight school choice even though alternatives to increasingly expensive public schools are proven to do a better job at less cost. King lied to us a couple days ago when he stated that black vs. white graduation rates were now virtually equal. 78% for whites vs. 47% for blacks is hardly equal unless you use dishonest Libtard math. And wealth redistribution disguised as national healthcare certainly is not equal or fair to those whose pockets are being picked to support or subsidize non-productive citizens.

"That richer people should pay more of their income in taxes than poor people" Wait a minute... doesn't this directly contradict the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY which Libtards like King feel is a "good goal"? There is nothing equal about penalizing certain people for being more productive. Can I force an unemployed Welfare person to cut my grass or repair my roof while I am working harder and having my earnings from my labor confiscated to feed and support them?

"That liberties and freedoms are very important and should be protected." This one is perhaps the most dishonest of all... especially coming from a gun control advocate like King. King Brown must be a gun control advocate because he supports and defends the most vehemently anti-gun politicians from the Liberal Left Democrat Party. Virtually all of the infringements on our Constitutional 2nd Amendment Rights come from the Liberal Democrat Left. It is the Liberal Left that wishes to limit 1st Amendment broadcast and print content of a Conservative bent. It is the Liberal Left that will expel a child for wearing an NRA tee-shirt to school. It is the Liberal Left that enacts laws to control what we eat and drink, and imposes "sin taxes" to punish those who wish to exercise liberties that they (the enlightened Liberals) don't like or approve of. It is the Liberal Left that used the IRS to target Conservatives. It is the Liberal Left that demonizes common-sense efforts to protect the integrity of free and fair elections and disenfranchise nobody.

"Most liberals in the United States believe that peace is at least somewhat important, and that government should work together with other countries and not start as many wars on their own." What a joke. Except it is not at all funny that the foreign policy blunders of the Liberal Leftists over the past 6 years have emboldened and strengthened the enemies of freedom and liberty, and made the world much more prone to future wars and attacks upon us. No Conservative wants or likes war. But someone will end up cleaning up the mess that Obama and Co. have made, and they will be branded as warmongers by those who screwed things up mightily.

"But the Green Party is seen to be more 'left', or liberal than the Democrats."

I really liked this little statement, because it takes us back to King Brown's oft repeated intentionally misleading statement about having never voted Liberal. Yet he admitted voting for Green Party candidates knowing full well that they are nothing but Leftist Liberals by another name... even further Left than Democrats according to his Google quote.

King frequently says, "A lie is saying something you know not to be true." Bingo! Thanks for shooting yourself in the foot and illustrating that your "craft of Journalism" is nothing more than lies and dishonest Weasel Words.

All Liberals or Libtards are not inherently evil. Many, like ed, are just stupid and do not have the capacity to realize that they have been victims of lies and propaganda. Others, like you King... the type who continually lie and invoke Scripture or Weasel Words to subvert the truth... in my opinion have hearts blacker than Satan.
Posted By: James M Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 02:39 PM
I couldn't have responded better myself Keith. Everyone of his bullets on the surface has merit until you delve into them.
I still remember the cry of the Libtards leftists back in the 60s "Better Red than Dead".
On the surface this could seem a reasonable aproach to some people. However; That's until you take a hard look at what you really would lose if we caved into a socialist society.
I frankly would rather be dead.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 02:44 PM
James and Craig: thanks for your comments. We're not far off in our observations of liberalism's trend and "an eager willingness to demonize anyone with a right-leaning position."

There's no question that most of the poking and pointing fingers is coming from the left. It's what people do when they believe things are going their way. Bullying doesn't put a too-fine point on it.

The three of us differ widely on notions of governance while sharing common values. As for muslims, Arabic is the second language in our provincial capital of Halifax, and federal policy is for "reasonable accommodation."

Muslim citizenship is welcome on condition of accepting Canadian cultural values.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 03:00 PM
Have you chosen your death pill, Jim? You're living in a socialist society. The Pentagon alone is spending tens of billions for arms the military says it doesn't want. Eisenhower warned America of the military-industrial complex and John McCain added another word: "military-industrial-congressional complex." We're living in a mixed economy where nothing big is done without our tax dollars. When Wall Street falls flat, whose pocket is picked to put its eggs back on the wall again---yours. You call that capitalism or free enterprise?
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 03:12 PM
[quote]Please consider numerous Democrat shellackings over the last 75 years haven't slowed by an inch the inexorable wish of Americans---Republicans and Democrats---for a more tolerant society toward civil rights and minorities, gay rights, interracial marriage, AIDS, don't tell, capital punishment etc.[quote]

I think King makes an accurate and interesting point here. One he has made in various forms before. It hasn't mattered which political party wins... Our societies are evolving in the direction the progressives would like.

My take away is that when it comes to our sociey's values, who is running Washington or Ottawa is meaningless. What matters is who runs the media, who runs the schools etc. and the right lost those battles before I was born.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 04:07 PM
Your 2,000th post is right-on as usual James. Congratulations on both.

My children, grandchildren, great grandchildren look upon me as a dinosaur to be affectionately patronized until I'm gone.

I'm reminded of a couple lines of Pasternak's poem It is Not Seemly:

"Into obscurity retiring,
Try your development to hide,
As autumn mists on early mornings
Conceal the dreaming countryside.

"Another, step by step, will follow
The living imprint of your feet;
But you yourself must not distinguish
Your victory from defeat."

The caveat for me, of course, is that those following feet won't be of a "barefoot boy with cheeks of tan, blessings on you little man" with rod, dog and gun. Any blessings will be of a memory better forgotten.

My model is no match for relentless progressives who see my shooting fraternity as moribund, waiting only for the day to be buried.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 04:15 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
My model is no match for relentless progressives who see my shooting fraternity as moribund, waiting only for the day to be buried.

Spoken like a true anti-gunner who wants nothing more that for us to stop fighting and give in to the most destructive force in history... Radical Left Liberalism.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 04:19 PM
Still more lies and bullshit from our resident Liberal Leftist Weasel. Here's what's really happening to Defense spending as a share of GDP under Obama... even as Trillion Dollar budgets continue... merely diverting that money to the Welfare State:

But none of King's crap is surprising when you consider that his words are from one who revels in a weaker United States and celebrates a Muslim culture whose Sharia Law actually does restrict Liberty and literally demands misogyny.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
James and Craig: thanks for your comments.

The three of us differ widely on notions of governance while sharing common values.

James and Craig have to be mortified at the mere thought that they share "common values" with you King. First off, they would have to be pathological liars to have anything in common with you.

The pendulum swings both ways. What may appear as an inexorable swing toward Liberalism will either result in the destruction of our Nation, or a realization that most of these Progressive moves have made our Country worse instead of better. I think we may finally be starting to see the pendulum swing back the other way. The Republicans who crushed the Democrats will either see that, or they will have to be replaced by those that do, even if it takes a New Party to do it.

Who has benefited from two men being able to get married or parade in feathered costumes in vulgar displays? The only ones who will benefit will be the inevitable Lawyers who profit from gay divorces. Maybe King gets off on watching two men kiss. Any normal person finds it repulsive and it certainly does nothing to create new taxpayers to fund Social Security.

What good are Civil Rights when the cost was the destruction of the black family and a new enslavement by Democrats and Race Baiters? The concept was good. Too bad it was co-opted and perverted by Liberal swindlers and charlatans. Were there more deaths from decades of lynchings, or from just one year of todays Black on Black violence?

Capital Punishment??? What's so moral about saving the lives of a few dozen murderers a year when you actively promote the killing of millions of unborn babies?

Interracial relationships... yippee hooray! Now white girls can have multiple Welfare babies by irresponsible absentee fathers too!

It would be another story if the Liberal Progressive advances upon our country actually made things better overall... but in my lifetime, we have lost ground to the rest of the world. We were the worlds lone Super-Power. Now we are an also-ran that can no longer afford to be the world's policeman. When I was a boy, we put a man on the moon thanks to the vision of a Democrat President who would be derided as a Conservative by today's standards. Now we must grovel and pay the Russians to ferry men and supplies to the International Space Station, and we have not touched the moon in over 40 years. China and India are more actively engaged in Space Exploration than we are, and they will reap the technological benefits that once propelled us. We are lagging the Industrialized World in Science and Education. 50 years of Great Society spending of trillions of dollars, and we have more kids living in poverty. Wages, adjusted for inflation, have fallen. Our infrastructure is crumbling, and our debt and deficits are rising. China's economy is larger on a national scale and could overtake ours on a per capita scale too.

I could go on. No need. Anyone with half a brain and a shred of honesty gets the picture and understands that the Liberal Progressive march is nothing to celebrate. What the liar King would have us believe to be advancement is actually moral and economic decay. Where it is most acute... where Liberals have ruled for decades, in places like Detroit, it is an actual rot with an actual stench of death. We will either come to our senses as a nation and reject it, or we will be just another fallen empire because of it.

Apologies to those who would like to see ed good banished from this forum, but in comparison to King Brown, ed is just an annoying buzzing mosquito, while lying Liberals like King are the deadly malaria within.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 04:33 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....As for muslims, Arabic is the second language in our provincial capital of Halifax, and federal policy is for "reasonable accommodation."

Muslim citizenship is welcome on condition of accepting Canadian cultural values.

The left wing agenda is on the rise and inevitable. Certainly, it's part of your federal policy and Canadian cultural values.

There could be the curious 'discussion' of why right leaning preferences are not allowed 'reasonable accommodation' by yourself in determining the direction of 'cultural values'. Who gets to define what 'cultural values' means.

It can easily be shown that the current political right is significantly, dare say similar to the liberal left, to the left of sharia as it is tolerated in Canada. Why would the left continue to tolerate the brutal misogyny, as correctly noted, by the 'reasonable' incorporation of sharia into the progressing Canadian culture.

Again, why would the left tolerate sharia misogyny, but not allow reasonable accommodation of the right. I wonder why Rush, the TEA party, etc. repeatedly get auto demonized by the left. Are they some of the very few voices that avoid the liberal screeners who have chosen our future for us.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 04:42 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....The caveat for me, of course, is that those following feet won't be of a "barefoot boy with cheeks of tan, blessings on you little man" with rod, dog and gun. Any blessings will be of a memory better forgotten.

My model is no match for relentless progressives who see my shooting fraternity as moribund, waiting only for the day to be buried.

On so many different levels, what a sad little message in the name of progressive art.

Quick question, is this your personal preference, or do you see this as some 'better' place for society to be. Maybe, it's partial legacy material that should apply to all.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 04:58 PM
I note that in another loss for honesty a Christian university in BC has lost its bid to open a law school on the basis that the school asks its students to refrain from premarital sex while attending the school.

Apparently people prepared to agree to that request can't be good lawyers as they will be unable to separate their personal biases from their clients best interests.

Again, the hypocrisy of the left, of progressives, of the politics of "inclusion" win another battle.

LOL At this exact moment in time I feel like I'm on some kind of odyssey. A space odyssey! Haha!
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 05:31 PM
I can't speak for what's best for society in this respect, Craig. Killing for sport to eat isn't abhorrent to me. I don't hunt or fish low populations of species even if permitted by regulations. A retriever is a constant companion.

Younger generations won't buy it for reasons James has provided. As for liberal hegemony, it's entirely predictable. Cities have become refuges for hollowed-out countrysides. City interests are different; heritages have been lost.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 05:44 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I can't speak for what's best for society in this respect, Craig. Killing for sport to eat isn't abhorrent to me. I don't hunt or fish low populations of species even if permitted by regulations. A retriever is a constant companion.

Younger generations won't buy it for reasons James has provided. As for liberal hegemony, it's entirely predictable. Cities have become refuges for hollowed-out countrysides. City interests are different; heritages have been lost.

What is this bullshit? Why are you answering questions that no one has asked? Is this one of your typical attempts to bury posts which effectively refute your lies, or have you suffered a stroke? Suggest you utilize that National Health Care before you suffer permanent brain damage. Time lost is brain lost.

Your retriever is named Jake, right? In fact, haven't all of your dogs had that same name... Jake? Why is that? Don't you see them as individuals worthy of their own identity? Are they just part of the collective unit? Or was is to be able to re-use the same personalized bowl? That's sick.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 09:22 PM
Liberalism is left and right, Craig. Otherwise it wouldn't be dominant and apparently indomitable for reasons given. Left and right also accommodate religious laws or canonical laws concerning marriage, business, divorce, polygamy etc among muslims, Jews, Mormons, Catholics, Jehovahs, Protestants and all the rest as long as they stay within Constitutional rights and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Our countries unlike Islamic ones are supposed to separate religion and state. They don't but that's another story. Misogyny? What's the last time any of the above took on that issue? It's not only sharia.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/14/14 11:25 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Misogyny? What's the last time any of the above took on that issue? It's not only sharia.

I snipped out a bunch of equivocating, but of course you summed it up at the end. No, I don't believe, nor can I find evidence, that the majority of the rest of the world treats women like islam and sharia does.

In the tiny corner of the world that is misfires, misogyny is regularly taken on by proactively stereotyping it as a fault of any right leaning person, right King. Why would you equivocate sharia brutality, including mercy killings, against Canadian women of middle eastern descent, with someone on the right saying twenty-something female contraceptives are enough.

It's clear that you do. Would you offer insight into how you can justify the tolerance of brutality against Canadian women because sharia has been given a pc pass from criticism by the left.

Can you give me one reason why your great grandkids can't beat their wive's into submission, and enjoy duck hunting. Other than your cultural lineage does not seem to be middle eastern. Wouldn't that make them proactively liberal, and select a shooting sport that uses innocuous guns against a rodent that happens to be feathered. No fair, you can't say they're allergic to duck, because we know it's not about putting food on the table. Why are you writing duck hunting off, and not the other.

By the way, doesn't the right regularly take on the issue. Aren't you able to equivocate the left and right, because the right has to soft peddle its position. You know, the war mongering, middle eastern phobe, racists.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 12:48 AM
I didn't rate scales of misogyny among religions, Craig. You have. I said other great religions discriminate against women, not only muslims with sharia.

I didn't "equivocate sharia brutality" including mercy killings with "someone on the right saying twenty-something female contraceptives are enough." You have.

You blithely attribute your assumptions to me and then ask me to "justify brutality against Canadian women because sharia has been given a pc pass from criticism of the left."

Another assumption, Craig. Sharia has no apologists for brutality and honour killings in Canada, from left or right. The last honour-killer is rotting in a federal prison.

Please don't make straw men for me. It's time-wasting.

Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 02:45 AM
Don't get aggravated King, I wonder too about wasting time. It kind of bothers me that you'll get pulled in now and then with my games, but it always starts off with quotes from you. Many of them assumptions. There're many diversions, non answers and spin, but it's okay.

Even when you're scolding me, I can't help but notice that you're saying I'm right and I'm cutting you off. That's okay. I'd also mention that I don't care how many killers of any stripe are rotting in prison. That's where they should be, or sitting on sparky. Sure enough though, some one on the left will come up with some demographic stat that there're too many folks of some stripe in prison. More important, rotting in prison means out of sight out of mind, with no need for criticism or outcry from any on the left for the 'tolerance' that landed them there in the first place.

Here's still hoping you have some great late season hunts. I'm glad to hear that you haven't given up on the companionship of gundogs. I always like the way that all they want to do is please. They don't seem to be working for their next meal, but they can teach a lot about how great it is just to be there.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 05:18 AM
Indeed it does almost always start off with quotes from King. Is it any wonder, when our Libtard equivalent of Tokyo Rose, or some other Propagandist, keeps repeating Liberal Lies in the hope that some of them will stick.

Just look at how many times now that King has gloated over canvasback's statement about losing his own son to the indoctrination of Liberals in Canadian schools. King has been practically orgasmic about that, and repeats it as if to say that the Libtards have won and resistance is futile. I will concede that they have made gains... but not to the overall betterment of our Nation. Liberalism made our country weaker and poorer, and King knows that. But knowing James, I seriously doubt that he has given up on his son and written him off as a loss to the Left. We can bet the kid is being taught all about guns, freedoms, liberty, and the importance of being vigilant and resisting the deceptive destructive path of modern day Liberalism. One day he will see through the indoctrination and be like his old man. That is the last thing Liberal Propagandists like King want.

So the lies are repeated ad nauseum. Dishonestly refuse to acknowledge November's shellacking, and move on to foment a phony racial crisis over some real live criminals who resisted arrest, or actually posed a threat to police and the public. Keep right on closing the coffin on the shooting sports, even though gun ownership is at an all time high, gun crime is way down, and NRA membership is up over 400% in the last 30 years. Keep on lying about misogyny and equality when Liberal Leftists are the worst offenders. Ignore black on black crime, and dredge up sins from 60 years ago. This is how liars like King roll. It is up to us to expose them and fight them every day.

The work is not easy, and it is not accomplished by merely going to vote every two years. If we lose, we only have ourselves to blame. But we are clearly not losing. The pendulum is beginning to swing the other way. Millions of Obama supporters realize they made a huge mistake. Liars like King will deny it and fight it. They are much more dangerous than brainless sheeple. like ed.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 05:34 AM
Now that Comrade King has chimed in, with the doctrinal dogma of equating classical liberalism with his sociopathic, totalitarian statist religious beliefs, the depth of his mythological fantasies once again becomes obvious. Welcome back "Fellow Traveler", things were getting a little dull...
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 07:30 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Left and right also accommodate religious laws or canonical laws concerning marriage, business, divorce, polygamy etc among muslims, Jews, Mormons, Catholics, Jehovahs, Protestants and all the rest as long as they stay within Constitutional rights and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Our countries unlike Islamic ones are supposed to separate religion and state. They don't but that's another story. Misogyny? What's the last time any of the above took on that issue? It's not only sharia.

King, I would suggest it is those of the Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths living in the western world who have been on the forefront of advocating an end to misogyny. While each of those religions also have their extremist elements, the broad swath of adherents are those who have created the modern, classic liberal society that values freedom, democratic institutions, equality and the rule of law.

Muslims had nothing to do with any of that.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 11:15 AM
Originally Posted By: Ken61
Now that Comrade King has chimed in, with the doctrinal dogma of equating classical liberalism with his sociopathic, totalitarian statist religious beliefs, the depth of his mythological fantasies once again becomes obvious. Welcome back "Fellow Traveler", things were getting a little dull...

The way King thinks it makes me wonder if he's on some sort of hallucinogenic drug....or maybe it's some sort of flashback from the 1960's.

Fact is the liberal way of thinking followed the LSD craze of the 1960's...before that it was disguised as Communism.

Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 03:22 PM
James, that's an accurate assessment with caveat fundamentalists in Africa and elsewhere are holding back Pope Francis and reformers of other faiths. I have trouble calling these fundamentalists extremists. It's hard for relative newcomers to leave gospels and laws written to a spirit of thousands of years ago, and pounded into their heads for generations by you know who. Christianity to me is the bulwark of western civilization. The efforts you mention will allow it to remain so.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 03:27 PM
Pleased to see you back, Ken. Nothing like another curmudgeon to stir things up!
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 03:32 PM
Joe, your post reminds me of a dinner when a director of the Atlantic Salmon Federation remarked to the president of the American and Canadian sections, "D'you know, Bill, King has never tried drugs of any kind." Bill replied, "What's so big about that. Neither have I."
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 03:33 PM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
The way King thinks it makes me wonder if he's on some sort of hallucinogenic drug....or maybe it's some sort of flashback from the 1960's.

Fact is the liberal way of thinking followed the LSD craze of the 1960's...before that it was disguised as Communism.

Yep jOe, LSD or abuse of some other hallucinogenic drug might explain it.

You know, Adolf Hitler often quoted Scripture and referenced Christianity as a tool to accomplish his evils. Devious atheists like King will do or say anything to advance their agenda.

Gun owners need to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 03:42 PM
King, this comment is similar to one I just posted on the Globe website.

With regard to misogyny and violence, while there are "extremists" and "fundamentalists" is all of these major religions I would have you consider that the groups we tend to view as "fundamentalists" in Christianity and Judaism, sects like the Mennonites/Amish and the Hasidim, they have tended towards pacifism, like Mennonites and are excused from military service in Israel like the Hasidim. They for the most part are inward looking, trying to avoid modern society. And in sheer numbers these kinds of groups represent a very small percentage of the overall adherents to these faiths.

It is a whole different story when it come to Muslims. It is hard for me to understand how this is just not seen to be an obvious difference between Islam and other religions. The sheer percentage of adherents who hold fundamentalist and aggressively violent views. It's not a tiny percentage, it's a comparatively large percentage. Estimates range from between 10% and 20% of all Muslims. These are staggeringly large numbers of people....hundreds of millions.

So it may be true that the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving people horrified by the actions of a aggressive violent minority, but it is a large minority that is actively growing. That's a problem and pretending it isn't a problem and accusing those who raise the issue as intolerant racists does a disservice to us all.

The second thing I'd like to address, which has been common in your comments on this subject, is the idea of equivalency. As though we can't have a conversation about the horrors of Muslim misogynist atrocities without first solving the problems of the tiny percentage of Christian and Jews who, with the support of their religious sect, engage in their own version of misogyny.

It's a classic tactic of the left...moral and actual equivalency, and it's bullshit. Because we are talking about orders of magnitude, both in behaviors and in numbers of people affected.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 03:45 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I have trouble calling these fundamentalists extremists....

....Christianity to me is the bulwark of western civilization. The efforts you mention will allow it to remain so.

Hmmm, maybe it wasn't me that was doing all that equivocating. Interesting, just a couple of pages ago, memories described in the christian manner as a blessing, are best forgotten. I wonder if the same could even be whispered if a sharia cleric blessed duck hunting.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 03:55 PM
Let's see. Sydney Australia. Right now. Hostage taking by a Muslim extremist. A "refugee" from Iran

Convicted in 2013 of being an accessory to the grisly murder of his wife, stabbed to death and set afire.

Convicted in 2012 of sending offensive and threatening letters to the families of Australian soldiers killed in action.

Charged with the indecent and sexual assault of a woman in 2002.

This is a "refugee" from Iran, offered the chance at a new life, leaving behind the tyranny of his native country. Ha! At the first sign of criminal behavior these people should be forcibly ejected back to where they came from.

But it is the society the left seems so determined to change that has welcomed them to our collective shores, Canada, the US, Australia and NZ, primarily.

I hope the Aussies kill him. I think his body should be soaked in pigs blood and then left to rot in the outback. I think similar action should be taken against every Muslim terrorist we find and capture. I think the CIA and other agencies should torture the shit out of these people at every opportunity and I think that 7 min clip of 9/11 Dave posted a couple days ago should be required viewing for every citizen of our countries over the age of 10 once a year.

The Aussies have ended this hostage taking as I type but we don't know yet what has happened in the way of casualties. Hopefully there is only one dead person.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 04:05 PM
Please read again "blessing" in its context, Craig. Look it up. You're also assuming it's a Christian reference.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 04:17 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback

It is a whole different story when it come to Muslims. It is hard for me to understand how this is just not seen to be an obvious difference between Islam and other religions. The sheer percentage of adherents who hold fundamentalist and aggressively violent views. It's not a tiny percentage, it's a comparatively large percentage. Estimates range from between 10% and 20% of all Muslims. These are staggeringly large numbers of people....hundreds of millions.

For God's sake James, you are trying to debate and reason with a pathological liar who has never once, in my recollection, admitted that he was wrong or deceptive about anything! You, craigd, nobody here is good enough to debate or reason with a pathological liar... I'm sure not... no one here is. A Doctor of Psychiatry might have a chance with years of therapy and powerful prescription anti-psychotics. Anyone else is wasting their time trying.

Even when confronted with his own words and given incontrovertible proof, he will remain steadfast in his deception in order to advance his brand of Liberal Leftist Socialism.

Did you see my post # 386865 on pg. 5 of this thread where I quoted the post King made after his little absence. Every claim he made about Liberalism, every "fact" he produced, was a big fat lie, easily proven. Confronted with that, King just goes on as if he never saw it. But we all know he saw it because he has responded to my posts through other people enough times to know he reads every word I write.

This is why I do not even try to debate people like King... beginning long before he started pretending to ignore me. I confront him and illuminate his many lies, but there is no sense trying to reason with, or attempt to correct or change, someone like that. It would take a measure of honesty, dignity, and humility that he does not possess. Leftist Liberalism is a mental illness, and King is the poster child.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 04:43 PM
Keith, hope springs eternal! grin

Besides, these are good topics to review and they needn't all be through the lens of "King is a liar".

Maybe someone besides Ed will join in and we can move in the direction of a reasoned discussion with new, valuable information added for the illumination of us all.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 04:52 PM
I agree completely that the topic is worthy of discussion. Just making the observation that none of us will find either reasoned discussion or valuable information by attempting debate with someone who thinks that blatant lies and daily deception are merely the "craft of journalism".

Aside from 1960's Psychedelic drug abuse, or mental illness, I think a case could be made for demonic possession. Anyone know a good Exorcist?
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 04:59 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Please read again "blessing" in its context, Craig. Look it up. You're also assuming it's a Christian reference.

I apologize for taking it out of context, the fact remains you had mentioned it best be forgotten. Would you have been able to say the same, to forget a blessing, if it were granted by a muslim cleric, radical extremist or otherwise.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 07:12 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
[quote=King Brown]

Your retriever is named Jake, right? In fact, haven't all of your dogs had that same name... Jake? Why is that? Don't you see them as individuals worthy of their own identity? Are they just part of the collective unit? Or was is to be able to re-use the same personalized bowl? That's sick.

God help us. Now, it's about his dogs. The above says far more about you than him. Monomania is too gentle a term to describe your condition.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 07:18 PM
I grew up with four dogs in succession named Alec. Don't ask me what kind.

Later my dad had two more dogs, Weimaraners, both named Graf. Once he found a name he liked he kinda got stuck.

Glad my mom was able to exert some influence when my brothers and I were born.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 09:28 PM
It is a large minority and I believe Pakistanis comprising the largest group of muslims to Canada have the highest percentage of adherents to misogyny, honour killings etc. Scary, isn't it?

On your second point of equivalency---a critical issue by itself: spirit is often measured by comparing one thing to another---I can't imagine myself declaring solutions for intractable problems of faith.

Your last point---"the classic tactic of the left---really got my synapses snapping for the way it sequed into your following kill-em-all post which plays straight into the jihadists plan.

Hideous beheadings broadcast to the world is a continuum of their audacious 9/11 objective to show the vulnerability of the ruling power, to provoke it to overreact, to encourage recruits to their cause.

It's working. The consequences of a botched "war on terror" we're living with today. The Iraq invasion architect Rumsfield had earlier warned that a military equipped for big battles "couldn't possibly change fast enough to fight successfully the global war on terror."

Rumsfield also cautioned that images of Americans killing Muslims would recruit and nourish them---imagine the lift from Abu Ghraib--- and that US cruelty and repressiveness would increasingly bring in insurgents to fight against what they consider another Western crusade against the Islamic world.

Our side will grind down these Stone Age madmen over time. Bacon bits, hang-em-high, torture makes some feel better, like tearing the wings out of horse flies. It will require the same "steadfastness" of Truman and Adenauer that allowed America's triumph in the cold war. That's a Rumsfield quote, too.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 09:53 PM
King, I'm glad you responded but I am just rushing around trying to get the boy ready for hockey practice. A few quick comments and I'll try to flesh out later.

Yes it is scary, in so far as we a re lax about which Pakistanis we allow to emigrate and how we encourage them to behave once here. Lots for another day.'s what I see as a knee jerk response from the left on subjects like this. Can't talk about the problem because once, somewhere, someone else behaved badly.

My last point is about moral relativism. Yes, actually some people, some religions, some cultures ARE better than others.

I'll be back
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 09:56 PM
Last, good old Rumsfield. I know it's trendy to crap on him these days but he's a-one in my book!
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 10:01 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Our side will grind down these Stone Age madmen over time....

I can't see how. What if a lib could convince one friend to change 'grind down' to 'Cheney'. Then, they told another friend, and so and so on.

Wouldn't repetition become fact that the 'madmen' are righteous freedom fighters worthy of praise and a seat in society. Hang on, not in my neighborhood. Maybe, coequals with western Christians and Jews. Never mind, scratch that, I shouldn't use bad words.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 10:55 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: King Brown
There should be more smiles than grimaces---back to the thread, where we're headed?---because for all the racist and misogynic language---Americans are benefitting from what they fought so hard to get rid of 50 years ago.

Ninety-five per cent approve of interracial marriage---only 17 per cent in '68. Same percentage say yes they'd vote for a "qualified" black president; less than half said yes 50 years ago. Qualifier noted.

Black voter turnout now 67 per cent, three points higher than white. Nearly identical graduation rates. All the while health and education gaps have narrowed sharply. Something to be proud of, to celebrate.

Wow King, you must have been overpressurized with lies during your little absence, because this post is full of them.

Why don't you show us where you see either misogyny or racism in this thread. Proof please. Just because you don't agree with an observation on a particular race does not make that statement racist. I happen to think you are the biggest racist here... ignoring reality and dredging up racial sins that were committed when most of us were either children or not yet born.
You just can't let go of those DNC Liberal Leftist Lies, can you? The election is over. That dishonest little "War on Women" tactic didn't work. So why not dredge up phony racism for 2016, and ignore what the black community is doing to itself, and more importantly, ignore what the Liberal Democrats have done to destroy the black family?

Here's the most recent Gallup Polling data for interracial marriage:

Guess what? It's not 95% approval as King says. Another lie. No surprise there.

Black voter turnout? Who in hell really knows when you have so many blacks voting more than once. But King's 67% figure was another big fat lie... especially if you're talking about the most recent election where black voting did not exceed 40%. Here's an article about it from a Black Author in a Black Magazine:

King also says Black and White Graduation Rates are nearly identical. Check here to see the truth:

So 47% for Blacks vs. 78% for whites is "nearly identical"???
These figures are from "No Child Left Behind" guidelines and calculation methods, and come from the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They must be a bunch of misogynic racists, huh King?

We really missed all of your lies King. No, that really is a lie. We didn't miss your Liberal Leftist Lies, dishonesty, and bullshit one bit. All we had to deal with was ed's abject stupidity.

Hey GLS, is your middle name Lenin too? Why did it take so long for you to come to the rescue of your Libtard buddy? Since you can't show us where he was actually telling the truth when I said he was lying... why don't you go spoon a goose? You can start here dumbass. Let us know how things work out between you and the goose.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 11:29 PM
Hey fellas, look at this high morals son of a b*tch. This is how you do a Hazardous-Materials clean-up when you spill Mercury in a house...

You do a half-assed job and then sell it to some poor unsuspecting bastard so that their kids can become exposed to it.

Sleazy is as sleazy does.

GLS must have gotten exposed to it during the initial clean-up and it rotted his brain.

GLS post #387053 on 12/12/14 8:34 AM

Originally Posted By: GLS
Damascus, wonderful clock and barometer. I have a mahagony wheel barometer made by Fagioli of Clerkenwell that is an old family heirloom. Movers tilted it and spilled mercury all over the floor. My hazmat procedure to remove traces after clean-up was to eventually sell the house. A buddy gave me a 5 lb. bottle of mercury that is somewhere in the attic. One day I'll get a "round toit" and fix it. Gil
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/15/14 11:48 PM
I think he was exposed to fairy dust sized Tungsten shot...
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 12:07 AM
keith you should consider having your sphincter relaxed surgically. It's cutting the blood flow to your brain. Either that our don't keep your head up there. Merry Christmas!

Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 12:11 AM
Originally Posted By: JohnfromUK
[quote=keith]I'm surprised that long list of Double Gun Books did not include Shotgun Technicana by McIntosh and Trevallion. It's out of print, but well worth reading if you can locate a copy.

I agree its an excellent book - and it is listed (in the middle of the McIntosh section) from JohnfromUK

If King had posted this, you'd have called him a liar.

Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 12:24 AM
Gil, I looked for McIntosh and Trevallion's "Shotgun Technicana" book in that list before I made that post, and did not see it. That's why I made the comment, just trying to be helpful and suggest an excellent book. Not sure if I made a mistake or if it got added to the list afterward. That's why I didn't bother commenting on the reply from JohnfromUK.

In your small mind, I suppose you would think that is the moral equivalent of selling a house that, by your admission, still contained traces of an extremely hazardous substance. You did disclose that to the buyer, didn't you?

Thanks for yet another example of the dishonesty of Libtards. But then, you already knew my opinion of you. Keep flailing assh*le.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 12:35 AM
Hey fellas, look at this high morals son of a b*tch. This is how you do a Hazardous-Materials clean-up when you spill Mercury in a house...

You do a half-assed job and then sell it to some poor unsuspecting bastard so that their kids can become exposed to it.

Sleazy is as sleazy does.

GLS must have gotten exposed to it during the initial clean-up and it rotted his brain.

GLS post #387053 on 12/12/14 8:34 AM

Originally Posted By: GLS
Damascus, wonderful clock and barometer. I have a mahagony wheel barometer made by Fagioli of Clerkenwell that is an old family heirloom. Movers tilted it and spilled mercury all over the floor. My hazmat procedure to remove traces after clean-up was to eventually sell the house. A buddy gave me a 5 lb. bottle of mercury that is somewhere in the attic. One day I'll get a "round toit" and fix it. Gil
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 12:41 AM
Originally Posted By: keith
Gil, I looked for McIntosh and Trevallion's "Shotgun Technicana" book in that list before I made that post, and did not see it. That's why I made the comment, just trying to be helpful and suggest an excellent book. Not sure if I made a mistake or if it got added to the list afterward. That's why I didn't bother commenting on the reply from JohnfromUK.

In your small mind, I suppose you would think that is the moral equivalent of selling a house that, by your admission, still contained traces of an extremely hazardous substance. You did disclose that to the buyer, didn't you?

Thanks for yet another example of the dishonesty of Libtards. But then, you already knew my opinion of you. Keep flailing assh*le.

Can't admit your are wrong. Ironically the same behavior you constantly berate King about. Walks like a hypocrite, sounds like a hypocrite....
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 12:43 AM
Hey Gil, why did you just delete your most recent comments? Did your brain finally catch up with the realities of Disclosure of Hazardous Substances in Real Estate Law?

Or were you sleeping during that class?

By the way idiot, I did say that I may have made a mistake. It's right there in my post which you just quoted. I've admitted to being wrong here several times over the years, and apologized when appropriate. That's something you or King will never do. Pretty cool how you see hypocrisy where there is none, yet give it a total pass when it is practiced by King. But you do have that little problem with full disclosure and reading comprehension, don't you?
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 12:45 AM
Originally Posted By: keith
Hey Gil, why did you just delete your most recent comments? ?

I found myself sinking to your level and decided I didn't want to go there.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 01:55 AM
Now, you're teasing, Craig! Merry Christmas!
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 02:13 AM
Originally Posted By: keith

In your small mind, I suppose you would think that is the moral equivalent of selling a house that, by your admission, still contained traces of an extremely hazardous substance. You did disclose that to the buyer, didn't you?

Thanks for yet another example of the dishonesty of Libtards. But then, you already knew my opinion of you. Keep flailing assh*le.

keith, a day doesn’t go by that I don’t have nightmares about what I did. I ride by the house and have noted that two generations of inhabitants have been affected. Two–headed dogs and cats, children never growing over 2 feet tall, one with a head on backwards, and the parents mad as hatters. Oh, the humanity of it. My fault. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The worst part of it is that all of their first names are spelled lower case—jim, mary, their girls—keith, keith and their other sister keith. . They just don’t know any better to capitalize the first letter in their names; I did it to them by my carelessness and it tortures me. One benefit is that on a hot summer day, the mercury raises what was built as a single story into a two-story home. Not so good on cold days. I pray for forgiveness of this terrible transgression. It haunts me. And it was not just the mercury. I planted kudzu for a lawn. Selling the house accomplished two things: I got rid of the mercury contamination and rotated the kudzu crop by leaving it behind. Thank you for having the courage to point out my terrible, unforgiveable mistake. You are a credit to all capital letter impaired people of all color and religious beliefs.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 02:52 AM
Good to see that you're thinking about the possible ramifications and liabilities, even if you can joke about the health risks the unsuspecting buyers assumed. You did disclose that mercury contamination when you sold, didn't you? Your partial clean-up and disposal was in full compliance with State and EPA regulations, right? You have to be a real pinhead to see some moral equivalency between that, and my suggesting a book that may or may not have already been on a list of Double Gun Books.

A friend of mine had a bottle of Mercury break that was being used to stabilize a top heavy floor lamp behind their sofa years ago. It splattered and found its way through the carpet and padding, on downward into the tongue and groove hardwood flooring, and even through the joints of the subfloor where it contaminated the floor joists. It also got traces behind the baseboards and shoe molding, and splattered onto furniture. All of it had to be removed and disposed of by a Haz-Mat team and sent to a Hazardous waste landfill. Very very expensive. He and his wife and daughter had to go through Heavy metals chelation therapy because they were exposed while trying to clean up the mess, before the State DER authorities took over when they found out. Of course, once those Bureaucrats take over something like this, there is a ton of costly testing, monitoring, and paperwork. There was even talk of criminal charges because he didn't report the spill to authorities. Fortunately for him, he still owned the house, and his Homeowners Insurance paid all of the costs, which were much more than a new Holland Double. Clean-up, disposal, demolition, reconstruction, medical, and temporary housing while the work was being done... The final tab was enormous.

In the words of Piers Morgan, "You are an unbelievably stupid man, aren't you?"
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 06:03 AM
GLS I really hate that I helped an idiot like you find a SxS...
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 10:40 AM
Oh, keith. oh, keith. Mountain out of mole hill maker thou art--and now the board's dog name cop and director of EPA.
Where's the proof of what you just wrote?
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 02:53 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown

On your second point of equivalency---a critical issue by itself: spirit is often measured by comparing one thing to another---I can't imagine myself declaring solutions for intractable problems of faith.

It's working. The consequences of a botched "war on terror" we're living with today. The Iraq invasion architect Rumsfield had earlier warned that a military equipped for big battles "couldn't possibly change fast enough to fight successfully the global war on terror."

I can't resist translating Comrade King's preposterously subjective, statist, religious clap-trap and mumbo-jumbo. It's especially relevant today with the café murders in Australia and the Pakistani school massacre.

The subjective term "botched". To Comrade King, that means that the war on terror was immoral within the context of sociopathic statist religious morality. It never should have happened and is an example of America's evilness, as it's obviously America's fault that Muslim religious fundamentalists hate us and they have every right to sociopathically and psychopathically inflict their religious beliefs on all they consider infidels. This is also Obama's belief, and is responsible for what is actually happening, a "surrendering" of the War on Terror. Much like when the democrats blocked aid to prevent South Vietnam from being overrun, (the same way they blocked aid to Nationalist China, enabling it to be overrun by King's buddy Mao) an action authorized in the Paris accords, yet prevented politically by the democrat controlled congress. Afterwards, like what happened in Iraq, the statists claim that the entire action was immoral and botched from the start, an obfuscation designed to prevent the understanding of who was actually responsible for the end result.

"Intractable problems of Faith". Wow. How preposterous. Of course Comrade King can't imagine himself declaring solutions. The issue is the Muslim Fundamentalist faith-based belief in Jihad and the expansion of world-wide Islam. ("Sharia" is also a part) All using violent and psychopathic methods. King finds it hard to think that these people are "Bad", as according to him the murderous violence being committed in the name of their religion is merely an "intractable problem", and morally equivalent to Western beliefs.

Rumsfeld was unqualified to run the war. If anything, he was a good example of what happens when politics intrude on military strategy. An aberration with Republican presidents and a norm with Democrat ones.

Comrade King's fundamentally anti-intellectual statist religious beliefs prevent him from understanding the concept of individual freedom and equality, and that the sociopathic infliction of totalitarian religious beliefs, (nothing "Liberal" about that in the classical definition) whether by Leftist/Statists (such as himself or Obama) or Islamic fundamentalists is immoral. King's anti-intellectual, sociopathic, religious, clown-shoe dance continues..
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 03:29 PM
Ken, I'm really glad you use the term "leftist/statist". It is far more descriptive and accurate than the term most commonly used here, "liberal".

Also, is it just me or what's wrong with the vast majority of Americans these days....a Christmas decoration on the White House tree with Mao's picture on it? How about Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler. They must be feeling left out! You have a bad guy in the White House and plenty more in the national media. This should be a lead incredibly inappropriate, yet so revealing.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 03:40 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Ken, I'm really glad you use the term "leftist/statist". It is far more descriptive and accurate than the term most commonly used here, "liberal".

Also, is it just me or what's wrong with the vast majority of Americans these days....a Christmas decoration on the White House tree with Mao's picture on it? How about Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler. They must be feeling left out! You have a bad guy in the White House and plenty more in the national media. This should be a lead incredibly inappropriate, yet so revealing.

You can thank the Public School system and the Dept. of Education. It's all been incremental, and fairly successful. It might as well be called the Dept. of Statist Religious Indoctrination. The average student these days has no idea about how to be intellectually objective, they've been taught what to believe on a strictly emotionally subjective basis, reinforced by faith-based statist morality. Typical religious indoctrination, used for thousands of years.

Using the term "Liberal" is one of the major problems. Leftists intentionally embraced the term, as it, in the classical sense, is diametrically opposed to what they actually believe. It enables the statists to obfuscate their true philosophy. The quicker the term is abandoned, the better. Examples are obvious, as people like Comrade King and Ed are constantly trying to rationalize totalitarian religious statism as "Liberalism"...
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 06:51 PM
So is the problem one of semantics, or is the problem the tactics the Left has adopted to indoctrinate the masses?

I mean, we have turned to a discussion about whether the proper term is Liberal, non-classical Liberal, modern day Liberal, religious/statist, Liberal Left Socialist, Democrat, Left Wing Democrat, Libtard, Greenie, Progressive, Commie Rat Bastard, etc.

Maybe we could get together and coin a new term to describe them. How about Rel-Stat-tard? Meanwhile, as we debate the most appropriate descriptive term to use, they are busily adopting new strategy to advance their agenda... "OK, the phony Republican War on Women didn't fly this time, so let's motivate our most reliable and easily fooled voter bloc and dredge up a phony widespread War on Black Men based upon a few police shootings that were mostly justifiable. At the same time, let's screw our unemployed and unemployable black constituents, and grant amnesty to 5 million illegal competitors for a dwindling pool of jobs. Let's keep that border wide open as long as we can. Let's just forget about the other 15 million illegals and keep them here too. Then we've got the Hispanic vote. We don't need to fool them all. We only need 51% to win. Oh hey, we see the Muslims are breeders, so let's screw Conservative Christians and turn a blind eye to radical Islam. And by all means possible, we must never go back to verifiable paper ballots or, god forbid (we don't capitalize God because we are Atheists)... gods forbid we ever allow Voter I.D. Laws to pass. Then we must continue to portray the Tea Party as extremists so we can fool spineless Republicans like John Boehner into compromise positions that allow us to slowly move the ball down the field."

We see these tactics on display here on a regular basis coming from foot-soldiers like King Brown. We see pea-brained idiots like ed, homer, nca225, GLS, etc. who have swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. All are so-called gun guys who support and defend the Liberal Left Socialist Democrat Libtard Progressive Religious Statist lying rat bastards who continually infringe upon our rights.

That's why I come right out and refer to Liars like King as Liars. I have no intention of faking civility or good manners as King does when I'm dealing with immoral pathological liars. Various Assh*les can come here and deride me for calling a spade a spade. But none of them have been able to demonstrate that King was actually telling the truth when I called him a Liar. Debating King does no good. He simply comes back with more lies. And more anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric... while out of the other side of his mouth, he cries and lies that he is as pro-gun as the rest of us.

So is there really a picture of Chairman Mao on the White House Christmas tree? If so, King Brown must be smiling and saying to himself, "The U.S. really does get it right over time." And GLS will pull his head out from under King's kilt and nod in total agreement. Hey GLS, did you notice that King wished craigd a Merry Atheist Christmas even though craigd constantly confronts his many lies... without coming right out and calling him a liar... yet he totally ignored you? Of course, he ignored me too. We have that much in common.

Originally Posted By: GLS
Oh, keith. oh, keith. Mountain out of mole hill maker thou art--and now the board's dog name cop and director of EPA.
Where's the proof of what you just wrote?

I'm not the dumbass that posted online that I sold a house knowing it had a Mercury contamination problem. Therefore, I am not the one with a possible acute need to prove a negative.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 07:51 PM
So is there really a picture of Chairman Mao on the White House Christmas tree?
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 08:00 PM
Keith, I can't tell if you're just being funny or if you mean it. Pretty sure you feel language is important. It's how we communicate. Your whole thing about King is based on the idea that the words he chooses are not accurate, don't reflect what he really thinks, aren't true, are being used to lull us into complacency. Right?

So if that's true what's the problem with calling a spade a spade, as you put it?

King isn't a liberal, according to the definition of the term. As I have posted before, a leftist in common parlance, or as Ken puts it, a leftist/statist, is far more accurate for someone holding the views you rail against.

King likes to say he's never voted "Liberal", knowing that the name "Liberal", one of our major political parties, will get confused by Americans with the term "liberal", a philosophy.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 08:31 PM
James, I meant exactly what I said. Language is important, but we shouldn't get hung up on the proper descriptive term for either a Liberal or a Liar, or we become as Nero, fiddling while Rome burns.

I like that you brought up King's frequent claim that he never voted "Liberal" even though the "Greens" he has admitted supporting are to the Left of the Liberal Party in Canada. He calls this the "craft of journalism", and I call it what it is... Weasel Words... intended to confuse and obfuscate. It would be like Bill Clinton claiming he never smoked pot because he never smoked a metal cooking vessel. Or looking the public in the eye and saying, "I never had sex with that woman..." when she had a blue dress with his semen stains on it from a sex act that wasn't intercourse. But liars like King don't acknowledge a Democrat taking advantage of a young impressionable female intern as either misogyny or a War on Women. I think King's words do in fact reflect what he really thinks. And what he thinks is diametrically opposed to the core values and beliefs of our Founders, and precisely what has led us into a steady decline. Even King admits as much when inborn nationalism comes back to the surface and he touts areas where Canada has surpassed the U.S. Yet he credits Socialist things such as your Canadian Health Care and Canadian Gun Control while ignoring the much more massive and costly spending of our Great Society which has yielded zero or negative fruit. I'm not saying that either the U.S or Canada was perfect 50 or 100 years ago. They weren't. But Libtardism will be the eventual downfall of both if it isn't reversed. I think nutjobs like King and Obama have a worldview that do not like to see the U.S. as a world power, and would rather knock us down to level the playing field to their one-world vision. King's words are frequently crafted in a devious manner and filled with intentionally inaccurate data to support his beliefs. Propaganda, in other words. And lies.

Even his phony civility act is a lie because dishonesty is not, and never will be, civility.

It does get tedious for me when I try to differentiate and go with something like Anti-Gun Anti-2nd Amendment Liberal Left Socialist Democrat. I suppose I could abbreviate it as AGA2ALLSD, but no one would know what I was talking about.

Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 08:35 PM
I think King's words do in fact reflect what he really thinks.

What I meant is you think the words he uses are deceptive, chosen to give cover to his real beliefs, while influencing our thoughts towards his aims.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 08:43 PM
Yes. With a caveat... he does not influence my thoughts and beliefs. How about you?

Thanks for the link to the story about the White House Christmas tree having Mao Tse Tung and transgender drag queen ornaments. As you say, very revealing. But don't blame Obama... blame the turds and idiots who voted for him.

I should have noted that since Radical Leftists have co-opted the term Liberal, all we can do is call them liars when they compare themselves to Liberals in the historical/classical sense.

Careful how you reply... you might not be blessed with a Merry Atheist Christmas message... and GLS will hurt your feelings by calling you anonymous lower case canvasback!
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 09:54 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
....Leftists have co-opted the term Liberal....

I think this is a good reason to use the word, lib. 'They' don't use the word so much to inflame, but tend to imply it's a word that unites. If that kumbaya, tingle up the leg feel doesn't happen for someone in the center or to the right, then the message should be that there is a divide when a psuedo uniter runs down their talking points.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 10:36 PM
Ken, I only got as far as botched meaning "the war on terror was immoral within the sociopathic statist religious morality." Botched means clumsy, bungled, which you appeared to attach to Rumsfield. Doesn't that make both of us sociopathic statist religious moralists? Pick it up, please.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/16/14 11:46 PM
Ken, I'm getting a real kick out of all the self-serving epistemology and etymology while describing the educational system as "fairly successful" in advancing liberalism. It's role is making responsible, empathetic citizens.

Labellings left, right, liberal, conservative can't neatly capture what any person thinks. We're a mixture. There's more that binds us generally than divides us. Compassion, striving for fairness is a common glue.

I consider myself a liberal for reasons given in earlier posts. It's nonsense to say I embrace the word but believe the opposite to obfuscate liberal philosophy. It doesn't make sense. Liberal/liberalism is doing surpassingly well.

Some of the kicking against the traces here is longing for the old autocratic ways when people did what they were told and stayed in their place. A few are tearing their hair out with a black president in the White House. Pity.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 12:46 AM
King pretends to ignore me, so could someone please ask him why some here tear their hair out over a black president? Did they also tear their hair out over Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter? Would they feel the same about Hillary or Elizabeth Warren? Or is his comment just more of his dishonest phony racism bullshit?

I'd be obliged and appreciative. I always appreciate a chance to confront King's "craft of journalism" Weasel Words.
Posted By: rocky mtn bill Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 12:47 AM
Keith, for all his demonizing of anyone who differs with him in any way, and his reflexive labeling, would have made a great nineteenth century biologist. The obsessive labeling must offer him some comfort. Every little person in his own tidy cubbyhole. The trouble is those early biologists didn't advance understanding very far and were made obsolete over night by the science of genetics. As for his need to call people liars, I say he's the most dishonest voice on this site. Every opinion he holds is the result of a complete refusal to even consider another view. This intellectual dishonesty goes beyond stretching the truth; it is a testament to the power of cults to capture a victim's brain and wash it'til there's nothing there except the notions planted by the cult.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 01:14 AM
Bill, I have a degree in Biology.

Did you happen to notice that when I pounced on King's lies on page 5 of this thread, post #386865, it was not simply reflexively calling him a liar. I checked into his "facts" and found that every one was a lie. I also posted links to prove my contention. You want us to consider outright lies as just "another view"?

If you, ex-teacher, knew anything about science or biology, you'd know that much of the early ground work before modern genetics is still quite valid. And the science of genetics pre-dates the nineteenth century by hundreds of years. Gregor Mendel was formulating the laws of heredity in the mid 1800's, even before King was a kid. His work is still not obsolete.

And a liar is still a liar. Nice try idiot. You've given us plenty of empirical evidence to confidently categorize you as an idiot. Thanks for adding to the database.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 01:30 AM
Originally Posted By: keith
I'm not the dumbass that posted online that I sold a house knowing it had a Mercury contamination problem. Therefore, I am not the one with a possible acute need to prove a negative.

More evidence of your blatant hypocrisy. Your stock in trade is to demand those you disagree with to prove negatives. You obviously lied about your so-called friend. Mercury weighted lamp.. No such person existed. You made it all up. Otherwise you would have given us proof like you demand of King. What a liar you are. Coward, too, hiding behind a screen name with your vile insults.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 01:41 AM
Anyone with half a brain who sold a house with a known mercury contamination problem would never post that information online. Only a sleaze bag would knowingly put someone at risk by selling them a house with a mercury contamination issue. Here's a link to a Georgia Real Estate Property Seller's Disclosure Statement. How did you answer question 10(a)?

I thought nca225 was stupid, but you beat him by a light year.

Keep digging dumbass.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 03:21 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ken, I only got as far as botched meaning "the war on terror was immoral within the sociopathic statist religious morality." Botched means clumsy, bungled, which you appeared to attach to Rumsfield. Doesn't that make both of us sociopathic statist religious moralists? Pick it up, please.

No Comrade King, once again you miss my point. I was obviously talking about the result of the war, and Obama's destruction of the power balance in Iraq. His failure to obtain a "Status of Forces" agreement being a main component of his capitulation to Islamic terrorism.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 03:34 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ken, I'm getting a real kick out of all the self-serving epistemology and etymology while describing the educational system as "fairly successful" in advancing liberalism. It's role is making responsible, empathetic citizens.

Some of the kicking against the traces here is longing for the old autocratic ways when people did what they were told and stayed in their place. A few are tearing their hair out with a black president in the White House. Pity.

Comrade King, once again you miss my point. Even though you are a hoot.

Obviously I was referring to the subversion of the education system by your fellow sociopathic religious statists. It's now subjective religious indoctrination.

Old autocratic ways? You mean when the government wasn't able to sociopathically inflict itself on free and equal citizens, all for the purpose of confiscating their freedom and awarding it to others in order to buy their votes?

Talk about people tearing out their hair, you mean the sociopathic, statist, religious autocrats like you and your pseudo-elitist comrade's reaction to the Tea Party? Your capacity for bigotry, as well as totalitarian fantasy and mythological belief appear to be boundless.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 10:48 AM
Originally Posted By: keith
Bill, I have a degree in Biology.

Sounds like some BS resume inflating. Next thing you'll be saying is you are some kind of scientist. Where's the proof? You seem to be making a lot of stuff up on the fly. Proof!!
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 03:41 PM

Yes, semantics is a major problem. The vast majority of the terms used to describe religious statists are subjective, and have been successfully neutralized by the statists to the point that they have no real meaning in the context of philosophical debate, let along Constitutional context. That is the real issue, illustrated by the multiple definitions of the term "Liberal" that have been used in this thread. If you take such a subjective label, then put on a pejorative suffix like "tard" on the end, it is easily dismissed as subjective demonization.

Use of the term "Liberal" is encouraged by the statists for just that reason. It is playing into using their religious lexicon. Another example is using the terms "Right" and "Left". The extreme of both beliefs is Statist Totalitarianism, diametrically opposite to the concept of Individual Freedom and Equality in the context of the Constitution.

There's a reason that I tediously use the terms "Statist", "Religious", and "Sociopath". Alone, none of these terms describe an Unconstitutional belief. Once you put them together it becomes UNCONSTITUTIONAL, the very thing that the "Establishment Clause" of the Constitution was designed to prevent.

Without directly relating Sociopathic, Religious Statism to the Constitution, the debate becomes subjective, and easily manipulated to the point of being meaningless.

Do you really think that all the folks advocating Communism and Socialism when interviewed on the streets understand that they're admitting that they are religious sociopaths? Hardly, they're just repeating indoctrinated dogma.

Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 04:04 PM
Your reference to Tea Party is interesting, Ken. I looked at recent Mike Tanner article at National Review Online titled Why the Tea Party is Waning, not winning. Excerpt:

"As the Tea Party celebrates its five-year anniversary, many commentators are asking whether the grassroots anti–Big Government movement is still relevant.

"In some ways, this seems a silly question. The Tea Party has been enormously successful in changing the terms of the national debate on issues such as debt and spending. And, while its favored candidates have suffered some high-profile defeats, it has also won important victories. The Republican midterm sweep of 2010 would not have been possible without its energy and enthusiasm.

"Yet it’s also true that the Tea Party’s clout is waning. According to the most recent Gallup poll, just 30 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the movement, the lowest level in its history. This seems particularly unsettling when polls also show that the public still overwhelmingly supports the Tea Party objective of limited government. In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows a record 72 percent of Americans feels that big government is the greatest threat to the future of the country. Voters who feel that way should be flocking to the Tea Party in droves.They are not.

"Some of it might be a question of tactics. Americans tend to dislike confrontation from their political leaders. Certainly, things like the government shutdown tended to turn off some voters, especially when misrepresented by a biased media. The overheated rhetoric of some tea-party leaders may also drive away otherwise sympathetic voters. Calling every dissenting Republican a RINO or inferring that President Obama is some sort of crypto-Muslim Communist is not going to win friends or influence people. Some tea-party activists definitely come across as a bit over-caffeinated."

Labelling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 04:48 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Labelling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.

And thus, a great reason not to get hung up on semantics. Maybe, it's better to keep things on simple terms, and draw a line in the sand like a joe average or some low information voter would quickly and easily understand. Not, the bo's corruption of the line in the sand, as we see on Misfires.

Are we looking for a 'good' fit or distraction and confusion. The upset and testy King gets right to the point. Is there case to be made or are we being lobbied by the creative and reasonable King.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 07:31 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: keith
Bill, I have a degree in Biology.

Sounds like some BS resume inflating. Next thing you'll be saying is you are some kind of scientist. Where's the proof? You seem to be making a lot of stuff up on the fly. Proof!!

Gil, haven't you told us you are a lawyer? Where is YOUR proof? If you weren't such an idiot, you would have noticed that it is your pal King who frequently demands "Proof please!"... which he then totally ignores as he goes on with his lies and bullshit. I only began asking King for proof to his bullshit in response to that. We all see from my post # 386865 of this thread what kind of "Proof" King frequently provides... A 100% verifiable pack of lies.

And that's what you and Rocky Mtn Bill are here to defend... a liar. What does that say about you two?

"On the evidence", as your pal King would say, you are not really a lawyer.

A real lawyer would know that personal liability for a mercury contamination issue does not end when a sleazy seller dumps the property on an unsuspecting buyer. A real lawyer would know that every property the sleazy seller ever owned would show up on the most cursory backround check. A real lawyer would know how troublesome those State DEP officials could be once they started investigating a mercury contamination issue that some retarded sleaze-bag admitted to on the internet. A real lawyer would know when it was smart to STFU. If guys like you and Dave-in-Maine are representative of the profession, getting a Law Degree must be as easy as opening a box of Cracker Jack. As always, just my opinion, except for the parts about the continuing liability in a mercury contamination issue.

You might want to consult with a real attorney for advice.

By the way, I am not some kind of scientist. I never used my Biology degree, but having it opened other doors for me. There is no way in hell a dumbass like you could ever earn a Biology degree. You wouldn't get through the first semester. Just my opinion based upon the lack of intelligence you display here.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 07:55 PM
Friends are friends because they have qualities we admire, Craig. We know of those qualities because of the way friends act and speak. Semantics doesn't enter into friendship. Plain talk is the heart of friendship.

To lobby is to solicit, to try to influence. Any time members post of how they feel about what they do, or contribute information or try to even things up and strengthen critical judgment, they're lobbying or proselytizing to some extent.

The whole point of writing is to communicate clearly. Members are friends whom I can speak to plainly from knowing them so well as correspondents on a wide range of issues over many years. That's all there is to it for me.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 08:01 PM
Ken61, yes, I agree completely, but even now, I'm not sure King really understands what it means when you refer to him as Statist/Religious. Do you recall how many times he thought you were trying to say he was religious in the sense of worshipping a Supreme Being?

We all know he is a Sociopath, but some here like GLS and Rocky Mtn Bill Ferguson defend that.

The problem I see with relating Sociopathic Religious Statism directly to the Constitution is that King and his minions don't give a fat rats ass about the Constitution. They see it as a flawed document. They use it as a tool to advance their agenda. King, a Canadian with no skin in the game, has been actively using our First Amendment here to undermine our Second Amendment... along with several others as he pursues Canadian style restrictions on our gun rights, confiscatory wealth redistribution and preferential treatment for certain ethnic groups.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that you are here to inform and educate. But at some point, I think it becomes important to come straight out and call a liar a liar, or to keep it easily understood for the low information voters and add the pejorative "tard" to make it Libtard. I take a little heat for the direct approach, but none of the dishonest idiots who criticize me about it have been able to demonstrate that King was being truthful when I called him a liar.

I think that says a lot about them, and their own dishonesty or stupidity... or the cowardice to admit their true political beliefs. Gil, Bill, can you hear me? Or is it hard to hear when your head is way up King's kilt?

So now he goes to the faux civility ploy, and the Kumbaya song where we are all just friends. Friends don't continually lie to their friends in order to advance their agenda King. If plain talk is the heart of friendship, why do you resort to your "craft of journalism" excuses and Weasel Words? If plain talk is the heart of friendship, why would you resort to using words that illiterates like ed or GLS would never understand... especially "epistymology" which never entered into our discussion. Etymology, yes, but there was no need to toss in another word which does not apply in order to impress.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 08:27 PM
The Book of keith aka keith’s Book of Sleaze-ball Doublegun Forum Tactics.
Chapter One—respond to posts of people you disagree by using “liar”, “lies”, liberally (poor choice of word for you?) spread throughout the post. “Hypocrite” is useful term, so is “pathological liar”, “anti-gunner” or “trolls”. If you use these terms a lot, no one will remember anything said, just the word “liar” or other term or phrase and hope that the word or phrase becomes associated with the person attacked. It’s like throwing crap on a wall. Some will stick regardless if true or not. Big Lie technique perfected during the Third Reich. Since no one can hear yelling on the internet, rely on constant drumbeat of repetition as substitute for yelling. Stalk “target” throughout the board. Pestilence is the eternal price of vigilance. Or is it the other way around?
Chapter Two—demand proof of negatives and question every assertion. Call this sought after “proof” as facts, even if obvious. When ignored, call this an admission that other person was lying and couldn’t back it up. Ask for photographic proof on events 50 years old.
Chapter 3—mix in with “liar” and “lies” the phrase “resume inflating”
Chapter 4—no insult is too vile. Before moving to the zingers, condition readers with low-grade insults such as “dumbass”, “assh*le” (use asterisk so that no one can say you meant to use a distasteful term), “stupid”. This technique worked in the third grade and was never outgrown. Why give it up now? Always, always act like you are the smartest person in the room. Calling someone a dumbass or stupid automatically makes you a superior intellect. Ask any third grader.
Chapter 5—mix in insults with direct or indirect homosexual innuendo but give yourself enough wiggle room so that you can act indignant if someone calls you on it.
Chapter 6—mine the forum for past statements, quote them out of context, for a phony “aha, gotcha” moment.
Chapter 7. Never underestimate the use of exaggeration.
Chapter 8. Never use one sentence when thirty-five, why, hell, seventy-five, can be used.
Chapter 9. There’s no such thing as being obnoxious when you know you are right and the other side is dead wrong. The “ends” always justify the “means”.
Chapter 10. Work late at night typing missives while everyone else sleeps. Hopefully they can be read early enough in the day by others so that they won’t fall asleep while reading the verbose drivel.
Chapter 11. If someone doesn’t respond in kind or ignores you totally, accuse them of being devious and sneaky, instead of being civil and mature.
Chapter 12. Substitute anonymity for courage. It is far easier to demonize a man if you are anonymous and the things said aren’t face-to-face. Doubly so if the person you demonize isn’t anonymous. Use the fact that you fear gun theft for not disclosing who you are after you mug someone’s character repeatedly.
Chapter 13. Never lose sight of the fact that the insult and demonization are far more important than the message sought to be advanced. Wrap your rudeness and behavior with the cloak of the 2nd Amendment. If this wasn’t a gun forum, you’d think of another cause to justify your conduct. Being a jerk requires no political affiliation or leaning. Remember, your attacks aren’t to convince, they are to demonize. You aren’t trying to change positions of folks with made-up minds and non-gun owner fence sitters wouldn’t be here anyway.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 08:52 PM
Like I said Ken61, I take a little heat from some of the dishonest idiots who criticize me for exposing King's many lies. But the dishonest dumbasses can't just come out and show that I was wrong in my assessment.

Chapter 6 Gil... why don't you show us where I made a quote out of context?

Originally Posted By: GLS
Damascus, wonderful clock and barometer. I have a mahagony wheel barometer made by Fagioli of Clerkenwell that is an old family heirloom. Movers tilted it and spilled mercury all over the floor. My hazmat procedure to remove traces after clean-up was to eventually sell the house. A buddy gave me a 5 lb. bottle of mercury that is somewhere in the attic. One day I'll get a "round toit" and fix it. Gil

Was this out of context? Or were you really sleazy enough to sell a house to get out from under a mercury contamination issue, rather than doing the right thing and having a proper and lawful clean-up done?

Chapter 1, 4 and 9... do as I say not as I do, right Gil?

Originally Posted By: GLS
keith you should consider having your sphincter relaxed surgically. It's cutting the blood flow to your brain. Either that our don't keep your head up there. Merry Christmas!

How's the mining of posts made by jOe and I going lately hypocrite? More do as I say, but not as I do?

You and your little buddy nca225 sure get upset by references to queers? What's with that? What kind of "fly-tying" do you do? Never mind, we'd rather not know.

I'd go through all 13 of your chapters, but a long post is too much for your little brain.

I use an asterick when I call people like you an assh*le because it comes up as [censored] otherwise. Dumbass does not come out as [censored]. I want everyone to know that in my opinion, you are an assh*le. You gotta be an assh*le to sell a house with mercury contamination, and then admit to such sleazy behavior on the internet.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 09:25 PM
keith, there you go again. Same old crap. Could you be more specific about what you mean by "fly-tying"? As for the mercury contamination, the owners of the old house would appreciate your taking in a three-headed dog. I am overridden with guilt about the house. My biggest regret is that you didn't buy the house. I would have made you a good deal. Sorry you didn't like the Xmas Greeting. It was only a suggestion.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 09:39 PM
Keith it sounds like he'd like to poison you.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 09:47 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
The Book of keith aka keith’s Book of Sleaze-ball Doublegun Forum Tactics.

Chapter One— Stalk “target” throughout the board. Pestilence is the eternal price of vigilance. Or is it the other way around?

Chapter 4—no insult is too vile. Before moving to the zingers, condition readers with low-grade insults such as “dumbass”, “assh*le” (use asterisk so that no one can say you meant to use a distasteful term), “stupid”. This technique worked in the third grade and was never outgrown. Why give it up now? Always, always act like you are the smartest person in the room. Calling someone a dumbass or stupid automatically makes you a superior intellect. Ask any third grader.

Chapter 5—mix in insults with direct or indirect homosexual innuendo but give yourself enough wiggle room so that you can act indignant if someone calls you on it.

Chapter 6—mine the forum for past statements, quote them out of context, for a phony “aha, gotcha” moment.

Chapter 7. Never underestimate the use of exaggeration.

Chapter 13. Never lose sight of the fact that the insult and demonization are far more important than the message sought to be advanced.

Chapter 1...4...5...6...7...13 are from the GLS book
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 09:55 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Ken61, yes, I agree completely, but even now, I'm not sure King really understands what it means when you refer to him as Statist/Religious. Do you recall how many times he thought you were trying to say he was religious in the sense of worshipping a Supreme Being?

We all know he is a Sociopath, but some here like GLS and Rocky Mtn Bill Ferguson defend that.

As I mentioned before, I don't post for Comrade King's benefit. (or other's of the same religion) I post to provide an intellectual analysis, refutation and rebuttal to his sociopathic, statist religious beliefs. I post so other's can understand the philosophy behind his posts, in order for them to be intellectually objective, rather than fall prey to his psychopolitical indoctrination attempts.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 10:09 PM
Of course he would like to poison me jOe... because he can't simply go back to King's lies that I confronted on page 5 of this thread, which started this current fray, and show anyone where King was right and I was wrong.

Any idiot can see through this... which explains why rocky mtn bill can't see through this.

Birds of a feather...

GLS, your pal King is still a liar. And if it makes you feel any better, he is also a Religious/Statist/Sociopath... and a lib... and a Libtard... and an anti-2nd Amendment Socialist who supports and defends the anti-gun Leftist Democrats who continually work to infringe upon our Civil 2nd Amendment Rights.

Apparently, that's OK with you. And it's OK for you to pick and choose your targets for derision. You can always blame it on the mercury exposure you got when you did the partial clean-up in the house you sold.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 10:27 PM
Originally Posted By: Ken61
As I mentioned before, I don't post for Comrade King's benefit. (or other's of the same religion) I post to provide an intellectual analysis, refutation and rebuttal to his sociopathic, statist religious beliefs. I post so other's can understand the philosophy behind his posts, in order for them to intellectually objective, rather than fall prey to his psychopolitical indoctrination attempts.

Thanks Ken61. I do appreciate it too, because it's helpful to have King's philosophy seen from a different perspective.

Excellent observation, by the way, that King's posts are psychopolitical indocrtination attempts, rather than honest rational discussion. By another name, they are Leftist Propaganda, with a little faux civility sugar coating, and some resume inflation to add an air of credibility...nothing more. The drumbeat continues long after you, I, craigd, DaveK, Jim, Doug, or anyone shows it is incorrect, insane, or unconstitutional. Like any good Propagandist, King simply keeps repeating his lies... even when caught RED handed, no pun intended. Most others of the same religion are simply too ignorant to grasp that, so they are reduced to "shoot the messenger" attacks without anything rational enough to refute the message.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 10:47 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Your reference to Tea Party is interesting, Ken. I looked at recent Mike Tanner article at National Review Online titled Why the Tea Party is Waning, not winning. Excerpt:

"As the Tea Party celebrates its five-year anniversary, many commentators are asking whether the grassroots anti–Big Government movement is still relevant.

"In some ways, this seems a silly question. The Tea Party has been enormously successful in changing the terms of the national debate on issues such as debt and spending. And, while its favored candidates have suffered some high-profile defeats, it has also won important victories. The Republican midterm sweep of 2010 would not have been possible without its energy and enthusiasm.

"Yet it’s also true that the Tea Party’s clout is waning. According to the most recent Gallup poll, just 30 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the movement, the lowest level in its history. This seems particularly unsettling when polls also show that the public still overwhelmingly supports the Tea Party objective of limited government. In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows a record 72 percent of Americans feels that big government is the greatest threat to the future of the country. Voters who feel that way should be flocking to the Tea Party in droves.They are not.

"Some of it might be a question of tactics. Americans tend to dislike confrontation from their political leaders. Certainly, things like the government shutdown tended to turn off some voters, especially when misrepresented by a biased media. The overheated rhetoric of some tea-party leaders may also drive away otherwise sympathetic voters. Calling every dissenting Republican a RINO or inferring that President Obama is some sort of crypto-Muslim Communist is not going to win friends or influence people. Some tea-party activists definitely come
across as a bit over-caffeinated."

Labelling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.

Comrade King,

I'm not sure if you understand the nature of the Tea Party. It's a grass-roots movement created as a reaction to massive oppression by sociopathic, religious statists. It is decentralized in nature, but that's not to say that some individuals have attempted to take some aspect of control and to attempt to assume credit for it's creation. It is the overall ethos that is important, not what happens to individual, self-identified Tea Party groups. It that context, the cited article has very limited relevance.

Much of what I've seen is that the various Tea Party organizations have provided structure for those newly awakened individuals to identify with. Once familiar with the concept of Constitutional Freedom and Equality, social groups become less important and individualism is easily asserted. This is hard for religious statists to understand, as adherence to their sociopathic faith-based dogma is paramount. This applies to all sub-cults of religious statism, with deviation from that dogma being grounds for bigoted, religious demonization.

The sociopathic, religious statists may have had some success in their bigoted demonization of the name "Tea Party", but the awareness and realizations behind it's creation remain.

The philosophy that caused the Tea Party's creation is alive, well, and growing as more individuals understand what is happening to our individual freedom and liberty.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/17/14 11:05 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Your reference to Tea Party is interesting, Ken. I looked at recent Mike Tanner article at National Review Online titled Why the Tea Party is Waning, not winning.

Labelling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.

Interesting. This begs the question of why King was never once critical of the labeling of the TEA Party by radical Left Wing Liberal DNC activists, MSNBC, the Liberal press, and other Libtards, including King himself.

The TEA Party was inaccurately lumped in with racists, misogynists, extreme Right wing militia types, and every negative stereotype you can think of in order to demonize a citizens group that merely wanted limited government, lower taxes, and reduced deficits and debt. Obviously they, the Libtards and other Propagandists like King, did a fairly good job, and frightened RINO's like John Boehner. But as Ken61 states, the sentiment is still strong, and that is evidenced by the recent mid-terms.

What King is really trying to say is that labeling is only counterproductive when he and his fellow Leftists are not the ones doing it. I think that's what rocky mtn bill was trying to say last night as well.

By the way, where'd you go rocky mtn bill? Are you just a one trick pony whose only trick is to eat taxpayer subsidized oats and then shit them out on the floor? You sure didn't earn that teacher's salary by displaying brilliance like you did last night.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 12:30 AM
Most tea party members are not bad people. I know one of them and he is only little bit paranoid.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 12:43 AM
Originally Posted By: keith

I use an asterick when I call people like you an assh*le because it comes up as [censored] otherwise. Dumbass does not come out as [censored]. I want everyone to know that in my opinion, you are an assh*le. You gotta be an assh*le to sell a house with mercury contamination, and then admit to such sleazy behavior on the internet.

You are very helpful. Despite your numerous qualifications, I don't routinely refer to other folks on this forum as "assh*les". I wasn't aware of the automatic censor. You are a constant source of practical information and not just ill will. BTW, it's asterisk, not asterick. But then someone as brilliant as you think you are would have known this. What a burden it must be always being the smartest person in your head. You would have loved living in my old home. For some reason, it doesn't have an insect problem. It may become available again when the present owners are taken off of life support and once the house is no longer a Super Fund site. I'll have the funeral director call you. Never did catch your name and address. I would like to send you a Chrismas Card.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 01:16 AM
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Most tea party members are not bad people. I know one of them and he is only little bit paranoid.

Most statist, religious sociopaths are not bad people. I know one of them and he is only a little bit sociopathic.

Want to know the difference? Paranoid Tea Party members are not trying to sociopathically and unconstitutionally inflict their faith-based beliefs on others. In fact, they're rejecting the infliction by the statists, and the best way to be hated by a sociopath is to refuse to be their "Willing Victim". That's why they're considered EVIL..
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 01:42 AM
I'll take your word that the Tea Party's overall ethos is more important than the numbers, and that for all the demonization of the party "the awareness and realizations behind its creation remain." It's philosophy is alive and growing as people understand what is happening to their freedom and liberty.

Nothing could be clearer: the Tea Party's philosophy and ethos is alive and well. You don't contradict findings of the excerpt above that the Tea Party's clout is waning, at its lowest level, by NRO, which receives more hits per day than all the other conservative-magazine websites combined.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 04:31 AM
Once again, Comrade King, you miss my point.

This quote from the article illustrates a fundamental misconception. It shows that while identification with the "Tea Party" is down, identification with the founding principles of the Tea Party are at a record level. The name has been somewhat successfully, and of course sociopathically and religiously demonized by statist bigots, but the philosophy has not. I thought I clearly made that point, but in your case I was too subtle.

Originally Posted By: King Brown

"Yet it’s also true that the Tea Party’s clout is waning. According to the most recent Gallup poll, just 30 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the movement, the lowest level in its history. This seems particularly unsettling when polls also show that the public still overwhelmingly supports the Tea Party objective of limited government. In fact, a recent Gallup poll shows a record 72 percent of Americans feels that big government is the greatest threat to the future of the country. Voters who feel that way should be flocking to the Tea Party in droves.They are not.

This quote of yours is illustrative of why you're such a hoot, as obviously the sociopathically bigoted labeling of the Tea Party is a classic example of statist religious demonization, performed by essentially pathological liars. I see that they were exempt from your points about being a "bad fit" or "counterproductive". Obviously to you, members of your religion are merely "Righteous and Good", and speaking "Absolute Truth"..

Originally Posted By: King Brown

Labeling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.

As far as NRO, and the Conservative ideologues in general, human nature and vanity are involved. To those who consider themselves the "Leaders" of Conservatism, especially those ensconced in D.C., the Tea Party is obviously a potential source of rivals, even though ideology is essentially the same.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 04:52 AM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Can't admit your are wrong.

Can't admit YOUR are wrong??? Sure I can Gil. I misspelled asterisk in my haste and won't even blame it on a typo... as my gift to you... since that's all you've got.

You sure as hell haven't been able to show us that King was being factual and truthful when he posted all of those lies and bullshit on pg 4 of this thread, (and which I responded to on pg. 5) to support his contention that his brand of Liberalism is thriving and growing. You, or rocky mtn bill, or your pal King also haven't commented about why labeling was OK for him and other Leftists when they denigrated and lied about the TEA Party.

Originally Posted By: Ken61
Once again, Comrade King, you miss my point.

This quote of yours is illustrative of why you're such a hoot, as obviously the sociopathically bigoted labeling of the Tea Party is a classic example of statist religious demonization, performed by essentially pathological liars. I see that they were exempt from your points about being a "bad fit" or "counterproductive". Obviously to you, members of your religion are merely "Righteous and Good", and speaking "Absolute Truth"..

Originally Posted By: King Brown

Labeling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.

I guess I'm just not one of those "Righteous and Good" people like you Gil, who can just ignore King's endless repeated pathological lies, and try to make lame excuses for them.

So you just cling to that misspelled asterisk like a security blanket crybaby.

When I saw the "Can't admit YOUR are wrong", and some of your other mistakes and typos, I didn't think it was much to worry about compared to your other idiocy and sleazy low-life pride about selling a mercury contaminated house. I'm glad you can joke about that too, and that you can act like you have such high moral standards.

Why don't you give these folks a call and joke about it? 404-657-5947
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 11:57 AM
keith, if you are so convinced of your high-minded, overblown, self-righteous stance you call the number. If you are convinced that it is indeed a health hazard, you make a full report. You know my name and where I live. I won't be hard to find. Once you do that, then we'll really know who you are. This sounds right up your alley. The Wizard of Ooze. Make all the trouble you think you can stir-up and I will handle it the rest of the way. If you think it will be only "one-call, that's all", you dial the number. It will be a fun game we will play. I need a new hobby. You still want the three-headed dog?
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 01:40 PM
The quote was solidly Republican NRO's, not mine, Ken.

Your last paragraph is dandy labelling: conservatives are human, fight among themselves but think the same!
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 02:28 PM
Comrade King, you miss my point.

You appear to think that labeling has negative connotations. Valid labeling does not, if it's true. Subjective religious demonization that distorts someone's beliefs is what's negative. Me referring to you as a sociopathic, religious statist is a good example. You have demonstrated that philosophy throughout your posts. Demonizing the Tea Party and Conservatives using the sociopathic statist religious lexicon as "Racists, Sexists, Bigots, Homophobes,etc," simply because they refuse to be "Willing Victims" of your sociopathic religious beliefs is "labeling" them according to the subjective morality and falsehoods of your sociopathic, faith-based beliefs. It falls into the category of pathological lying.

Statist Republicans also demonize, the fact that they're attacking other Republicans is nothing new. Democrats do the same to other Democrats as well..
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 02:32 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
....if you are so convinced of your high-minded, overblown, self-righteous stance you call the number. If you are convinced that it is indeed a health hazard....

I have no idea if your story is true or not, but I'm a hundred percent positive it is a story of a health hazard. Sad part about it, a craftsman in the trade had mentioned that it was a material that was critical for recreating a historical finish. Can't get the material any more, or at least not in any reasonable way.

What's the answer, make jokes about birth defects resulting from careless handling. Let me get this correct, highlighting the hypocrisy of pc by using a joke like 'libtard' is worse. Nice job with taking that ole high road.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 02:52 PM
Ken, labelling is good and bad. My earlier quoted reference was to labelling often as a bad fit. I believe no one can be neatly and accurately labelled, certainly not within such broad categories as left and right, conservative and liberal. We're a mixture, amalgams of all in varying proportions, decency dominant. I'd welcome members to my home with whom I've agreed and parried for years, as I do in my community. Otherwise, hell would be an improvement.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 03:20 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ken, labelling is good and bad. My earlier quoted reference was to labelling often as a bad fit. I believe no one can be neatly and accurately labelled, certainly not within such broad categories as left and right, conservative and liberal. We're a mixture, amalgams of all in varying proportions, decency dominant. I'd welcome members to my home with whom I've agreed and parried for years, as I do in my community. Otherwise, hell would be an improvement.

Comrade King,

What you say is true, in a very subjective and general sense. People constantly label others, as well as self-label themselves. That's why intellectual analysis and objectivity are so important. Use of pejoratives, according to faith-based beliefs is the labeling of religious demonization. This is the "bad fit" you're referring to. Analysis provides the understanding of the philosophy behind the labeling, to differentiate accuracy from sociopathic religious demonization. "Decency dominant" is subjective, as what is "decent" to a religious statist includes the sociopathic infliction on others both against their will, and at the expense of their individual freedom and equality. There is nothing "decent" about the confiscation of freedom and then awarding it to other's in order to buy their votes. At least not within the Constitutional context of individual freedom and equality. So, the real issue is understanding the philosophical context of a given belief. Is the belief, and consequential actions, based on a philosophy of unconstitutional, sociopathic infliction, or a philosophy of individual freedom and equality?

The answer is obvious, and is the reason why statism requires the massive indoctrination of sociopathic faith-based beliefs, in order to suspend the intellectually objective concept that people are "free and equal" citizens.

The line between religious freedom and religious oppression is when religion becomes sociopathically inflictive upon others against their will. Celebrating Christmas is the free expression of religious beliefs. Forcing an atheist to celebrate Christmas, or an atheist attempting to prevent other's from celebrating it are clearly sociopathically inflictive.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 03:32 PM
Originally Posted By: Ken61
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....labelling is good and bad. My earlier quoted reference was to labelling often as a bad fit. I believe no one can be neatly and accurately labelled, certainly not within such broad categories as left and right, conservative and liberal. We're a mixture, amalgams of all in varying proportions, decency dominant....


What you say is true, in a very subjective and general sense. People constantly label others, as well as self-label themselves. That's why intellectual analysis and objectivity are so important....

The intellectual part of it may be seen as important by some, but it can never be consider if subjective feelings are accepted as truth. Good, bad, left, right, varying proportions and decency? All I know is bbq at King's place should probably involve tons of vino.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 04:01 PM
You've always been clear that taxation shouldn't deliver to places where you don't want it to go even if voted as the majority will of the people in their legislatures. Democratic governance cannot accommodate individual wants of free and equal citizens.

Your and our founding fathers made systems in which political parties proselytized, manipulated and bought the electorate to favour their interests. The result overall is two of the most blessed countries in the world. Decent: "respectable, passable, good enough, tolerable, not immodest or indelicate"---OED.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 04:06 PM
Gallons, Craig, and it's good stuff: 30-plus medals in national and international competition. Come any time. All members welcome.
Posted By: lonesome roads Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 04:55 PM
Wine with bbq? Really? And not a peep from all you Texicans? What is this world coming to?! Must be a bunch of YUPPIES.

What's the name of this magical elixir, King? Can you get it in the States? Might have to try it with a big plate o spaghetti and meatballs.

Philosophy, is the talk on a cereal box. Edie Brickell.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 05:06 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
You've always been clear that taxation shouldn't deliver to places where you don't want it to go even if voted as the majority will of the people in their legislatures. Democratic governance cannot accommodate individual wants of free and equal citizens.

Your and our founding fathers made systems in which political parties proselytized, manipulated and bought the electorate to favour their interests. The result overall is two of the most blessed countries in the world. Decent: "respectable, passable, good enough, tolerable, not immodest or indelicate"---OED.

Comrade King, you've missed my point.

What I've been clear on is that taxes should not go to unconstitutional purposes. In reality, even that statement is not completely true. I have said that it is not unreasonable to fund a social safety net, as long as it did not result in religiously sociopathic vote-buying, which is what we now have.

I always get a kick when statists talk about democracy and majority will. Including to the point when there is only one political party in a country and a 100% voter turnout. Accommodation is considerably different than sociopathic religious infliction and vote-buying. You'd have been at home in the Confederacy, there isn't much difference between private slavery and statist neoslavery, except that not as much work gets done.

Ah, you can't resist injecting the sociopathic, Soviet-indoctrinated, statist, religious, demonization dogma that America was founded by a group of "old, rich, dead, slave-owning white guys who were only interested in keeping a old on their own wealth". Thanks for the opportunity to point out Soviet psychopolitical doctrine and dogma. Now everyone will understand why the term "Comrade" is so apt.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 05:26 PM
I'm puzzled by your sensitivity about the founding fathers. I admire them for their work, yours and mine. It couldn't enter my mind to knock them. (Ours didn't own slaves anyway.)

Equally puzzling is your recognition of the need for a safety net as long as it doesn't involve vote-buying. It doesn't make sense. They go together. Buying votes is common as rain everywhere.

I like Comrade, thanks. "Mate or fellow in work or play or fighting, equal with whom one is usually on friendly terms"---OED

Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 05:37 PM
Canada has laws that militate against shipping wines from one province to another---now being removed---and I don't have the volume to export to the US anyway. It gets snapped up locally.

We grow two French hybrids, Marechal Foch and L'Acadie Blanc, the latter becoming Nova Scotia's "signature" wine. The red Foch is glory with spaghetti and meat balls. Our vineyard is named Cote St. George.

I'm now helping to get a new winery started at Marble Mountain on Cape Breton Island. Viticulture is very interesting.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 05:59 PM
King, King, King,

You say you admire our founding fathers, yet you constantly profess views directly in opposition to their major accomplishment. The Constitution.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm puzzled by your sensitivity about the founding fathers. I admire them for their work, yours and mine. It couldn't enter my mind to knock them. (Ours didn't own slaves anyway.){/quote}

[quote=King Brown]Equally puzzling is your recognition of the need for a safety net as long as it doesn't involve vote-buying. It doesn't make sense. They go together. Buying votes is common as rain everywhere.

If all that is required for a person to receive other people's freedom is to vote for a politician sociopathically willing to go out and take it for them, it's clearly not a "Safety Net". It's a profession. Or, perhaps most accurately, a religion. It's the worship of Religious Statism. In the temple of the voting booth, before the altar of the ballot box.

It has caused the creation of the statist, religious politician, who's own self interest is in the destruction of economic opportunity in order to create dependency. If those receiving other people's freedom through the involuntary exchange of goods and services (statist neoslavery) were required to voluntarily remove themselves from voter rolls in order to receive the money, the result would be a government composed of politicians who's self interest would be the creation of economic opportunity, rather than oppression.

Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 07:18 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Canada has laws that militate against shipping wines from one province to another---now being removed---and I don't have the volume to export to the US anyway. It gets snapped up locally.

We grow two French hybrids, Marechal Foch and L'Acadie Blanc, the latter becoming Nova Scotia's "signature" wine. The red Foch is glory with spaghetti and meat balls. Our vineyard is named Cote St. George.

I'm now helping to get a new winery started at Marble Mountain on Cape Breton Island. Viticulture is very interesting.
King, wasn't Marschall Foch the one who "Foched-Up" in WW1for The Froggies, along with ally Limey General Sir Arthur Haig "Don't be vague, say Haig and Haig"??? Back then your Country was still part of the "Empire"__ For King and Country-- Never mind whose side God might have been on.
Posted By: craigd Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 07:23 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm puzzled by your sensitivity about the founding fathers. I admire them for their work, yours and mine. It couldn't enter my mind to knock them. (Ours didn't own slaves anyway.)

Equally puzzling is your recognition of the need for a safety net as long as it doesn't involve vote-buying. It doesn't make sense. They go together. Buying votes is common as rain everywhere.

I like Comrade, thanks....

To use your thought, the founding fathers voted the will of the people. Could it be, on that subject, they have a bit more clout than the run of the mill coequal progressive.

Aren't safety nets, laws. When you had that huge crude derailment spill in your vineyard, did you pay off the officials or work with the green party on a clean up protocol. Awe heck, I'm just kidding, I know you're above the law.

Maybe if you had met the founding fathers, you might have liked them as you like stalin, but then again like really shouldn't matter should it.

Quick tip, substitute some cheap stuff after the first round or two. Most folks wouldn't know the difference.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 08:59 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
keith, if you are so convinced of your high-minded, overblown, self-righteous stance you call the number. If you are convinced that it is indeed a health hazard, you make a full report. You know my name and where I live. I won't be hard to find. Once you do that, then we'll really know who you are. This sounds right up your alley. The Wizard of Ooze. Make all the trouble you think you can stir-up and I will handle it the rest of the way. If you think it will be only "one-call, that's all", you dial the number. It will be a fun game we will play. I need a new hobby. You still want the three-headed dog?

Gil, I've been posting the necessary contacts for the Georgia DEP, etc. because I'm holding out hope that a high-minded, high-morals guy such as yourself would do the right thing and get that mercury contamination issue removed before it causes harm to present or future inhabitants.

So far you've shown us no such inclination, preferring instead to joke about it, and defend the lies of a Leftist pathological liar without actually demonstrating that he is, in fact, truthful. Did you accomplish your goals here, or did you just manage to keep your pals frequent lies used to advance an agenda at the top of the page? Thank you for that little gift.

Anyone here who reads your posts can decide that mercury contamination is a serious issue, and selling a house with a known mercury issue does not absolve or release the seller from liability, and voice their concerns. You and I both know that could be done anonymously, and for all I know, someone may have already taken it upon themself to do just that. You haven't alienated anyone else here, have you? Your admission of the deed is right here for the world to see. Or you could do the right thing for a change, and man-up and fix it. You are the dumbass who did the dirty deed and posted about it on the internet. You are the dumbass who seems to think it's a funny joke. Do you think those bureaucratic environmentalist Liberals at the Georgia DEP will want or need any more to start sniffing? Sounds like you placed any burden of proof right on your own ass. And you can't even claim an ignorance of the law, even if you make it apparent that you are. I told you to keep digging, and you have. I like that you've been thinking about the ramifications and how it could play out. Don't think I feel at all threatened by your "It will be a fun game we will play." remark. I can see your hand, and it appears you are holding a 2,3,5,7, and a joker.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 09:04 PM
Keith, go ahead and do what you feel you need to do. Your malice is transparent. Like I said, I need a new hobby offline. You think you know all of the facts? Make my day. Gil
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 09:09 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Gallons, Craig, and it's good stuff: 30-plus medals in national and international competition. Come any time. All members welcome.

I hear the cold weather this past spring killed off most of the primary buds on your Marechal Foch grapes. Does Al Gore and the other Leftist Global Warming alarmists know about this?

My non-award winning grapes got hit pretty hard by the polar vortex too, but I had my best crop of Hazelnuts ever.

Save a glass for me... but hold the mercury. sick
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 09:23 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
Caveat emptor.

Gil, nice knock on a shotgun someone was trying to sell. Did you know that it had issues, or were you just denigrating someone anonymously, coward? Did you give the same advice to the folks who bought your house?

Originally Posted By: GLS
Damascus, wonderful clock and barometer. I have a mahagony wheel barometer made by Fagioli of Clerkenwell that is an old family heirloom. Movers tilted it and spilled mercury all over the floor. My hazmat procedure to remove traces after clean-up was to eventually sell the house. A buddy gave me a 5 lb. bottle of mercury that is somewhere in the attic. One day I'll get a "round toit" and fix it. Gil

Or is it just a funny joke to screw someone? Would you have us believe you haven't shown malice towards me? It's never too late to do the right thing, Mr. Perfect. Perfect hypocrite. As always, just my opinion.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 09:58 PM
That's the guy, and I think he was the Allied Commander, the role Ike handled splendidly in the Second. Another French hybrid is named after General Joffre. Foch is hardy for our winters; this year's Foch was my best ever.

A majority of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in the First World War were of British descent, going "home" to fight for King and Country. It's worth a google of Vimy Ridge and Arthur Currie, best soldier Canada ever produced.

CEF casualties of the last 100 days were more than the First Canadian Army suffered in the entire campaign in Northwest Europe from D-Day to the armistice 11 months later.
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/18/14 10:44 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: GLS
Caveat emptor.

Gil, nice knock on a shotgun someone was trying to sell. Did you know that it had issues, or were you just denigrating someone anonymously, coward? Did you give the same advice to the folks who bought your house?

The gun was sold in October of last year. Feel free to send him a MO.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 05:01 AM
Originally Posted By: GLS
The gun was sold in October of last year. Feel free to send him a MO.

I know that. I looked at the date on the Armslist link, and read the whole thread. This was from the "Ithaca 16 ga 6E $3000" thread, for anyone who doesn't already know how you roll. Nobody else jumped to the knee jerk derogatory conclusion that you did. But it's OK for you to dump on someone's gun sale without due diligence, even if it has been sold.

If jOe, or anyone else you dislike, did the same, you'd be on them like flies on GLS.

Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 05:19 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
That's the guy, and I think he was the Allied Commander, the role Ike handled splendidly in the Second. Another French hybrid is named after General Joffre. Foch is hardy for our winters; this year's Foch was my best ever.

Good to see you're still just pretending to ignore me King. Here's a link to the winery that actually turns your grapes into wine. But it is true that you can't make good wine from bad grapes.

Maybe you need to correct them about you thinking of transitioning only to the l'Acadie on account of them being more resilent, after the frost damage you had. Why do you think they post such inaccurate information? Another reference there to you taking Jackie Kennedy for lunches too.

Do you think I'd have more credibility if I said that I took Michelle Obama on lunch dates while Barack Hussein was out golfing or hanging out with Raum Emmanuel at Man's Country? I'm sure almost everyone would approve since interracial relationships are all the rage these days.

Hey, I have a great idea! Why don't you and Gil start a new winery that produces a cheap wine for the oppressed masses. You could call it
Quicksilver Hg 80. A good label design would include a wingfooted Roman god of speed. "Ah yes, delicate fruity bouquet with undertones of Mercury."
Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 10:27 AM
Originally Posted By: keith

If jOe, or anyone else you dislike, did the same, you'd be on them like flies on GLS.

I don't have a dislike for jOe. Just your tiring bully act and never ending use of the word "liar", "lies". It's been going on for too many years.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 07:05 PM
Originally Posted By: GLS
I don't have a dislike for jOe. Just your tiring bully act and never ending use of the word "liar", "lies". It's been going on for too many years.

You've certainly had a funny way of showing us that you like jOe lately. I've had my disagreements with jOe, but I can't say he's ever lied to me.

There is a sure and certain way to stop me from using the words lies or liar on this forum. Go to the person or persons who are so often lying to us, and make them stop. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time.

You did take the time to demonstrate that those phony statistics that King provided to support his contentions on pg. 4 of this thread... which I rufuted with proof on pg. 5 of this thread... were in fact factual??? No??? Hmmmm, I wonder why, when this all could have been so easy.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 07:21 PM
Keith, Gil, move on from this thread!

You are beating the dead horse into a bloody pulp. Now it's just a wet mark in the grass. We all get it, as anyone will who reads this thread later.

Keith, pick another thread and have at that. Take a rest from Misfires and enjoy the Christmas spirit. You have moved far beyond pointing out lies in this thread and ensuring they don't go unanswered.

I keep tuning in, hoping to read something enlightening. But it's become juvenile. It doesn't serve either one of you very well.

Merry Christmas!

Posted By: GLS Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 07:45 PM
James, good advice. Merry Christmas. Gil
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 08:13 PM
Thanks for your opinion James. I'll consider it. I've personally been thankful that GLS has kept things going and kept the subject at the top of the page. I couldn't have done it without him.

By the way, you asked me a couple questions back on pg. 13 that helped to keep this thread running. I answered you with my comments and a question of my own for you. You didn't answer.

I must say, I myself was becoming a little bored with this discussion when it was getting taken off topic and turned into a discussion about semantics and the proper descriptive term for a Liberal Leftist. We never did reach a consensus. Thanks again for the link to the story about the Mao tse Tung ornament on the White House Christmas tree. More than anything, that symbolizes where we're headed as a nation... which was the original topic... if we are content to let it happen.

Merry Christmas to you too.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 08:44 PM
Keith, on my screen the thread displays as 7 pages. If I missed answering something it was inadvertent. I'll try finding what I missed. I've been working a lot this week and not getting to my DG forum as much as normal. Sorry about that.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 08:57 PM
James, that's strange. We're up to 20 pages on my computer. Maybe it has something to do with foreign exchange rates and hidden inflation under Obama. whistle

Any way, our conversation ended with my reply to your post #387457 on 12/16/14 if that helps. But I need to go out and get some Christmas shopping done, so I'm outta here for now.

Pray for me as I deal with the holiday shopping madness. It was pretty good last night because we had freezing rain and the roads and stores were pretty empty. I love my studded snow tires at times like that.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 09:20 PM
Hahaha, now I see it Keith. Even though I read that post again in response to your query as I was searching, I still didn't see it. It seems so....what's the right word....rhetorical!

In a word, No!

Good luck with the shopping. One of the things I don't like about Ontario is studded tired are banned...even way in the north.

The idea was that studs degrade the roads, but the widespread and excessive use of salt coincided with the ban on studs. I'm pretty sure that salt does way more damage.

In fact studies in Sweden have proven that salt degrades road surfaces far more than studded tires, while salt does extreme damage to the surrounding environment.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/19/14 09:24 PM
Keith I see that we can choose how many posts per page in the user preferences. I have chosen 30, the default is 10. That might account for the different page counts.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/20/14 07:46 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
What I meant is you think the words he uses are deceptive, chosen to give cover to his real beliefs, while influencing our thoughts towards his aims.

No? Really?

Well, I guess I could agree that King doesn't give cover to his real beliefs. Mostly. He's been up front about his Leftist and Socialist beliefs, except that he still denies being anti-gun even while continuing to make anti-gun, anti 2nd Amendment, anti-NRA statements, and continuing to support the most vehement anti-gun politicians. How could he or anyone think you could have it both ways?

But when you intentionally post wildly inaccurate phony statistics as King did back on pg 4. (with the default number of posts per page), and totally refuse to acknowledge or retract your lies, then I believe you are being deceptive... to put it mildly. But he will say he never saw the true figures or the links I provided, because he pretends to ignore my posts... which constitutes another big fat lie. When you do the same thing repeatedly, and many other people call you out on it with proof, not just simple personal opinion, then it rises to the level of compulsive liar or even pathological liar.

I'm sorry, but not surprised to hear that Ontario will not allow you to use studded snow tires even though there is abundant data to support the Swedish findings you note. Another case of big government mixing in and actually making things worse by preventing you from using a safer tire and by dumping tons of expensive salt onto the environment. But hey, it creates jobs for those highway workers. And it could be worse. There could be a reverse discrimination where you were prohibited from using studs, but were taxed to redistribute studs to certain minorities.

I run studs on all of my vehicles, and I think they are the cheapest auto insurance one can buy. The small extra cost is amortized over their 3-4 year useful life, and you can only wear out one set of tires at a time. So while the studs are in use, the summer tires, mounted on their own wheels, are not accumulating any wear. Twice a year, I feel like a tire shop though, jacking up and replacing all 4 tires on 5 vehicles. I've been using Winterforce tires built by Firestone on the cars. They don't come big enough for my truck though, so I had to use another brand for it. I don't think you can find a better snow tire for the money here in the U.S., and many brands sold here aren't much better than All-Season radials. Anyone who thinks either summer tires or All_Season tires are as good as a good snow tire for snowy/icy winter driving is kidding themselves. You might want to give them a try without studs if you can find them in Canada. carries them.
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/20/14 09:24 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Yes. With a caveat... he does not influence my thoughts and beliefs. How about you?

How about you? is the question I answered with "No!"
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/20/14 09:26 PM
Keith, other than that, what question is in your post. I don't see anything else?
Posted By: canvasback Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/20/14 09:31 PM
Every time I have ever lived in a jurisdiction that allows studs, (Manitoba and Alberta)it's all four winter tires plus studs. IMHO given the carnage on the highways in Ontario in winter, four studded tires should be mandatory. Now there is a public safety initiative that infringes on our rights but that would actually have an effect in terms of reducing death and injury.

My favorite was four studded winter tires on my 1967 RS/SS Camaro Convertible when I lived in Banff Alberta for a few years. As good as any SUV and more fun in the summer!
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/20/14 10:13 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
What I meant is you think the words he uses are deceptive, chosen to give cover to his real beliefs, while influencing our thoughts towards his aims.

This is what I was referring to when I said:

Originally Posted By: keith
Yes. With a caveat... he does not influence my thoughts and beliefs. How about you?

Rear wheel drive with studs is great, but front wheel drive is better yet when it comes to equaling or exceeding the winter traction of a four wheel drive vehicle that doesn't have studs.

I had an '86 Ford Tempo with a 2 liter Mercedes built diesel that was awesome. It had an unusually high ground clearance and a very smooth underside that had nothing to get hung up off road. I called it my hunting car, and took it back into some God awful places. I remember seeing guys with their Jeeps, etc., just shaking their heads as I went back in logging roads further than they dared. I did carry a 2 ton come-a-long, chains, tow straps, but can't recall ever using them... which is more than I can say for my truck.

Once, I stopped and talked to another grouse hunter way back in, and he asked me where I was parked. I pointed toward a log skidder turnaround about a half mile north, and he asked me if I saw the little purplish car some assh*le drove back in there. I said, "If you mean burgundy, you're looking at that assh*le." He apologized and asked me how in hell I got that thing back in there. "Carefully", I said, "but I do it all the time." It got 38-40 mpg no matter how easy or hard you ran it, and I usually ran the balls off of it. But its' non-turbo diesel only put out 60 HP. It did have typical diesel low end torque, and a genius must have designed the manual transmission. Not a drag racer, but you could wind it up to 90 mph plus, and it sounded like a sewing machine once it was warm.
Posted By: ed good Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/27/14 12:46 AM
keith: you sound like a typical slob type grouse hunter...

just drive down a logging road and ground sluice erm from the front walking. no shooting flying. and certainly no dog.
Posted By: keith Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/27/14 01:09 AM
ed, you sound like a moron who cannot read. I said I was about a half mile from my car when I stopped to talk to the other grouse hunter. This was back in about 2 1/2 miles from the nearest dirt road. But you sure seem to know a lot about road hunting. Voice of experience?
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: Is this where we're headed ? - 12/27/14 02:19 AM
The only thing ed is experienced at is putting guns in the fire on Bloomberg's altar.
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