Well to me the choices were limited, didn't care for Obama's beliefs from the begining. Hillary I believe would have been just as bad, AND a lot of women would have gone her way. Her beliefs stunck also. McCain is 72 yrs. old today, Happy Birthday, getting up there for a President, his beliefs are a little better. His choices before were ok. Now that he has picked Sarah Palin my choice just became easier. She is a life member of the NRA, owns guns and hunts, fishes and is pro life. In hearing her speak, seems to come from the heart.

That's my take on it, and my opinion. We need someone in there that is on our small side and also to help this country because it definitely needs it. We are number 26th in the world now for wealth and places to live. Russia has 74 billionairs, 42 are under 40 years old. (I believe I got that right.)

Last edited by JDW; 08/29/08 01:01 PM.
