I haven't read all of these posts. I am too old and too lazy to worry about so many technical things like the pellet at the top of the shell being undeformed and the one down in the bottom being un-undeformed. I just look at it this way.... when you are driving your car down the steet and a little kid runs out in front of your car, do you think "Oh my!! There is a little kid and I am going to run over him!! I have to take my right foot off of the gas pedal and put it on the brake to stop the car!" OR, does that little computer in your head do the whole thing for you- faster than you can even think about it? Same way with shootin' guys. Just practice and let that little computer take over for you. The more you practice, the better that computer works. But when you start throwing deformed shot, patterning boards, changing guns and other bullcrap into the works, you usually end up short circuiting that little computer. NSBM!