I've only shot a very few pigeons in the ring but do enjoy watching a shoot. The skill levels are incredible for those who are serious. At first glance it does seem to be cruel to some. But one needs to consider that pigeons are at near plague levels in many communities and must be controlled. I suppose poisoning them is the quietest out of sight way to reduce numbers. But I've watched animals die of poison and hope I never have to again. Capturing pigeons and shooting them is probably the most humane way to deal with the numbers. The birds do have a chance of escape. Yes, some birds are wounded but they are usually quickly dispatched. A big shoot can bring a lot of money into a community. The participants have a good time engaging in a sport steeped in history. And pigeon numbers are reduced. Seems to me it's a win-win sport. I don't shoot it because I wouldn't like being the low score time and time again.....

When an old man dies a library burns to the ground. (Old African proverb)