Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Never a good idea to try to "snip" someone else's words and form your own opinion of what they're saying. The likely result is that you read not what the other guy is saying, but your erroneous, "snipped" interpretation of what he's saying. You have a right to your opinion, but not to modify my opinion....

....A requirement for reproof following significant modification is all part of the process of consumer education. And yes, I see consumer education as a good thing...

Larry the reason I snip out the quotes are to highlight your actual words, and let others know that there was more either before and or after if they feel I've taken something out of context. Instead of calling you bizarre, erroneous, etc., I remove the stuffing and get to my opinion of the point of the issue.

Take for instance your last post, thank you for expanding on your level of knowledge and the tooling that goes along with it. It adds to your credibility, but how does in reconcile with the above quote, 'process of consumer education'. You propose a government run proof house, with no plan to force compliance, unless you plan law enforcement spot checks of gun shows and dealerships. Maybe, full time positions dedicated to tracking, identifying and prosecuting one bubba at a time, admittedly my read between the lines.

Anyway, whose gonna do the educating and how are they going to determine its effectiveness. You'd think it would be the government proof house as stumbling on an adequate forum may not be reliable. I believe it's reasonable to question off hand comments that are presented as givens, eg. the above passing mention of education. I believe it's also reasonable to point out that some 'equivocating' doesn't make the case, and why not be open to reading between the lines.

I'm sorry that it rubs you wrong, but I appreciate the good discussion. You offer much more than my way is the best. I always enjoy visiting relatives in your now home state, hope there were a few grouse around your area. It was shirt sleeve warm when I was there in October, so it was walleyes instead of ducks.

Take care, Craig