A long time ago, in a land far away some guys came by in a big green truck and took away my trusty M14 and gave me a crappy "trial" AR 15 made by Armalite. I call it crappy because it jammed at almost any rate of fire and never fired a full magazine on full auto without jamming. I had to swap that sucker out about 10 times before I got one that worked. In all that confusion it found it's way home with me. When I got home I took it apart, gave it a good coat of oil and put it in a solid oak box along with a can of 7.62 ammo. It's been cleaned and oiled a few times over the past 40+ years (God, am I that old?) but I have never felt the need to take it to the woods or range. That AR 15 is my war weapon ..... It was then, it is now and always will be ...... and if it comes out of the box it will be to do the task it was intended for. I hope it never does ...... and when I pass it on to my grandson I hope he will never have to take it out of the box either. But ....... come to think of it ..... might be a good idea to get some fresh ammo.
