Carl Wilhelm Theodor Collath was born on February 25th, 1838, the same year that Johann Gottlieb Teschner hung out his gunmaking shingle. Collath would have attained the rank of master by the mid 1850s when he joined Teschner and more than likely at this time he married Teschner's daughter. As noted above Carl Wilhelm Theodor Collath became a partner on April 25th, 1871 and in 1875 at Johann Gottlieb Teschner's death, he became the sole owner. It would seem that the G. Teschner & Company name of the concern was a constant and that the latter portion changed from Collath to Collath & Söhne. Carl Wilhelm Theodor Collath died at age 68 on June 21, 1906 with Franz & Paul taking the reins, both being excellent marksmen on par with Ernst Steigleder and some cat named Stusche. Paul was a top shot with a rifle and won many awards.

Paul Collath in 1908.

It would seem that the Frankfurt am der Oder proof facility was within the Teschner - Collath compound and so at some point Carl Wilhelm Theodor Collath evidently thought his bore diameters were more important that the English version and that is why we see Collath type bore diameter stamps. Also, I'm sure the firm was sourced for his eccentric lockup design in the white as it was very popular for some reason. So with the Collath bore diameter stamps one could purchase the correct Collath ammo and his concern was a one stop shopping facility where one could purchase one and all.

Kind Regards,
