
The letter proves that Dodd had in his possession a translated copy of the German law prior to writing GCA'68 (Gun Control Act 1968). The obvious question that you refuse to speculate or even consider is WHY? Rep. John Dingle (D-Michigan) made some objections in the House debate over this law that it resmebled too closely the NLW'38 (Nazi Law on Weapons 1938). He was attacked by Senator Tydings (D-MD) who I believe was from Maryland, and Dingle backed down. Why did this happen if they were not alike?

NFA'34 only put restrictions and a prohibitive tax on machine guns, short barreled rifles and shotguns only. GCA'68 and NLW'38 placed very similar restrictions on firearms dealers, transfers, and citizen possession that was applied to every gun.

BATF form 4473 and the Nazi Firearm Acquisition Permit (Waffenerwerbschein), which these laws created are very similar. They require almost identical information about the purchaser and the firearm.

Answer me straight up: Have you read both of these laws and compared them side by side?