Tom, many thanks for jarring my thick head's memory bank. I of course had heard about using fiber wads before, I READ about it in Bell's article and, before that, Graeme Wright's book, for God's sake.

I just turned 58, I hope I'm not going senile on the express train.

But back to Bell, yes his article made me wonder about the pressure spike, just a bit. More concerns were in regards to regulation. I've only used dacron because that's what the gun was regulated with and that's what I got for free from a kind soul when I bought my Henry .450 BPE. I'll be running out of it soon and I was just wondering where the best place to get more would be. Hence this post.

I must say, if I get in the "benching mood", which I rarely am, this post has got me thinking about testing other fillers. The cotton balls would be cheap and easy to get and would be nearer to the dacron weight than the wads, I imagine (if that even matters).

Well, when the weather cools down in a couple months I think I will load up a few with different guts and see for myself. Seems like it could be interesting and time worth spent.

Again, thanks to all who contributed, I appreciate it.
