I recall seeing a 60 Minutes segment years ago that told about the massive welfare fraud that occurs in Minnesota and several other northern states that pay the highest benefits. They did actually follow and show folks from Illinois driving into Minnesota once a month to sign up for benefits which were sent to P.O. boxes or addresses of friend or relatives in Minnesota. But it wasn't said if they had to produce I.D. or used fake I.D.

These days, they probably don't even have to go to the welfare office... just do it online or call in with their free cellphones which you and I pay for.

They even showed a wealthy guy from Nicaraugua who flew his private plane to the U.S. every month to fraudulently sign up for welfare benefits. The conclusion of this 60 Minutes report was that welfare fraud was probably at least 50%... much higher than the figure accepted by the Government.

If Romney gets elected, we need to change this because we are breeding a permanent dependant class who will vote Democrat and feed at the trough until they destroy the country. If Obama wins, the fraud will continue and it may have advanced to the point that the tide cannot be reversed.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.