From the Dept. of Pesky Facts: circa 7 yrs. ago... "if we drill in ANWAR and off the coast of California, it would take 6-7 years for that oil to get to market." So sayeth the liberals who did everything they could to derail and discredit Bush.

Well guess what? It's 6-7 years later and we didn't drill and were still sending billions to Arab regimes who hate us. We're still propping up Arab dictators and helping Arab countries finance terrorism and threaten Israel. Nor did Obama do anything to rein in manipulation of oil prices by traders at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Lehman Bros., et al. No, instead he handed these Wall Street cronies billions in TARP money. No strings attached. No requirement that it be used to jump start the sick economy. More taxpayer funded payola in return for campaign contributions.

As a result, in addition to spending too much for energy, and spending it in the wrong place, we have the added cost of paying for our military to maintain some semblence of stability in the middle east. Thanks to Obama's response to the so-called Arab Spring, and his bowing down and apologizing to Arab regimes, and his lame response to Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, all of this may blow up in our faces. If Mitt Romney is lucky enough to inherit this mess, he will be roundly criticized by the Libs for getting us into another blood-for-oil war. They will never admit that it was their stupidity that put us in that position.

Doug, thanks for giving details on how the Democrats are really the ones responsible for the crash of 2008. Notice how Gnomoron and his liberal minions avoid even acknowledging any of that. The game plan is to just let the facts slip into the past and go back to blaming Bush. They have no shame.

Hopefully, folks here will help spread the word and counter the Big Lie. Now instead of letting Obama spike the ball for the no-brainer decision to take out Osama bin Ladin, maybe we should also remind folks that it was Bill Clinton who refused to take bin Ladin out in 1998. That little faux pas cost us thousands of lives, tens of thousands of injured soldiers, and trillions of dollars.

Bush's fault?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.