I'm convinced there was massive fraud by people using drivers licesnes issued to NON citizens who have no legal right to vote.....or people tha tused Utility bills to register to vote...again without proving they have a right to vote....thats why democrats are so dead set against using a VALID ID to register to vote or to vote....

YOu can't even vote in third world countries without proving you are who you claim....and you can't vote ANYWHERE in Europe without a proper legal Photo ID.

Rat Moran was caught on video explaining how to cheat the system where photo ID's are not required...


Just an FYI....he is the son of Rep Jim Moran (D) and Nephew of the DNC Chairman for the State of Virginia....this was not a nobody.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.