"Any weapon that was ever used by any army in the world is classified as a Weapon of war.....(arma de Guerra) and expressively prohibited... And forget owning a handgun...almost impossible legally for the average itallian to do."

Maybe the Kenyan will look into adopting the Italian firearms restriction system for the United States.
I hope the complacent members of this forum who believe: "None of this gun control pertains to me I just own shotguns." are taking note.

It's been done before:
The infamous GCA of 1968 was taken almost verbatim(the Dodd Bill** fostered upon us by the Conn-Commiecrat) from the German gun restrictions introduced by the Nazi's to get guns out of civilians hands particularly the Jews.
**Before Dodd introduced the GCA of 1968 he had the Library of Congress pull up the Nazi era firearms restrictions and used them as a blueprint. This is well documented.*** A reference is provided below:

Make no mistake about it: We're going to be in for the fight of our lives to retain our freedom to own firearms over the next four years. The only thing standing in the Kenyans way at this time is he doesn't own the House of Representatives.

Note: I can't get this link to work but if you go to the Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership site you'll find it.

Last edited by italiansxs; 11/14/12 09:24 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.