Quote from Last Dollar a couple months ago:

"This post belongs in Misfires."

But don't worry Last Dollar, I won't be whining to Dave Weber and asking him to move this one, because I'd like some of the guys who agree with you to understand your hypocrisy. You can always dish it out, but you can't take it. I'd say good riddance, but you've played this "I'm taking my marbles and going home" game before. I wish it was true, but you've been so disingenuous that I dare not get my hopes too high.

What does folding a tent have to do with Doubleguns? Last Dollar is a Hypocritical Turd who has dumped on dozens, if not hundreds of posts both here and in Misfires. When Jim (Italiansxs) put up a 2nd Amendment related thread here after the Sandy Hook tragedy, Last Dollar was one of the most vociferous whiners who wanted it moved. Like a crybaby, he threatened to leave us then if Dave did not move it. He was silent for several days, then He started a new thread entitled "Banned" which featured a picture of a Baseball Bat fitted with a tactical grip and light and sights. This was post #308332, posted 1/9/13, just a few days after his tantrum on 1/5/13 (post #307759) in the "Re: Shotgun News Editorial" thread. It was OK for him to put up a decidedly off topic thread, but not for Italiansxs. He apparently thinks it's OK to put up an off topic thread now because he's looking for sympathy. Even when 2nd Amendment threads were moved to Misfires, Last Dollar would come into the discussion and whine, insult, name-call, and complain about the length, tone, or tenor of the discussion. Same for political discussions even though our Administrator specifically made Misfires a forum for those topics.

Over and over, we have seen this same behavior. If he approves or initiates... it's OK. If he disapproves or disagrees... it's bad.

Just a few days ago, we were regaled with stories from Last Dollar about all of the letters and faxes he has sent to his Colorado legislators and friends about impending anti-gun legislation. He was also very critical of gunowners who did not do those things. Yet in the recent past, both here and in Misfires, he has complained that criticism of gun owners who are politically inactive would push away allies and those who are on the fence.

How do you please someone like this? How can you be on both sides of an issue and pretend you're not? I don't know if it has to do with time of the month (menstrual cycle) or menopause or what? I probably would never antagonize Last Dollar the way I do if it wasn't for his "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude. I think hypocrisy is the lowest form of dishonesty and deception.

Speaking of which, the responses from Gnomoron and homer were precious. Those two (among others) spent months telling us that Obama was pro-2nd Amendment and would never infringe on our Civil 2nd Amendment rights. They disagreed with, and mocked anyone who warned that Obama had a 100% anti-gun voting record and an anti-gun agenda. Here's Gnomoron still mocking gun owners who now actually see the president exploiting the emotions of a tragic event, actively pursuing this agenda that has been proven to be ineffective in reducing violent gun crime and massacres done by mentally deranged individuals:

"In normal human discourse it is possible to have civil conversations with people who might disagree on any number of issues and at any level. Gun forums, for some reason, seem to bring out the vulgar and the name-callers. I am on a number of other lists (art, science) and nobody there politicizes posts, expresses constant negative thoughts and makes up crap about our government, our President and fellow Americans and wallows in nutty conspiracy theories." Quote from Gnomoron, the liar.

Some here may think I should not call Gnomoron a liar, but I only began that after he falsely claimed that I had been e-mailing him although I had never once contacted him in any way, shape, or form other than to openly debate on these forum pages. When I called him on it and repeatedly asked for proof, his lame response was to pretend to ignore me. It's interesting to note the caliber of some (not all) here who sympathize with Last Dollar. I am blunt. I tend to call a spade a spade. But I have never lied to, or about, anyone here. I have made a few mistakes over the years and sucked it up and admitted my errors and openly apoligized. I'm sure not perfect. I don't mean to offend anyone except those who are offensive or deceptive.

On that note, I hope you, King Brown, will go back to the Misfires thread "Re: Has Anyone Read this?" and read my response to your post yesterday. Dishonesty still ain't civility.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.