Originally Posted By: Dave in Maine
I ducked out of misfires a while back for pretty much the same reason - too much bullshit being sprayed around and in a way that unavoidably dirties everyone there. You know who you are.

I come to this site to learn about double guns, share information about double guns and hunting and shooting with them, and enjoy myself. Not to put up with puerile abuse.


You were embarrassed big time because you were caught lying in public and defending your liberal voting and anti-gun stances on this board......Keith and I challenged your lies,.... So we do understand your negative attack here, no worries, we consider the source.......

Are you happy with YOUR Obama now that he attacks the second amendment which you said he would not........?........It appears you did not and still do not know what you are talking about.....are you still in denial.......?.....LOL
