Originally Posted By: Dave in Maine
I ducked out of misfires a while back for pretty much the same reason - too much bullshit being sprayed around and in a way that unavoidably dirties everyone there. You know who you are.

The situation is made even worse b/c of the gun control debates and struggles going on. In the current environment, crap like those post-ers' both sullies responsible people who own guns and alienates people who might otherwise be inclined to help fight against the gun control-lers. What reasonable person would want to be associated with the likes of Keith, PA24 and their like-minded fellows? None of them.... And those same reasonable people will surely be persuaded by their behavior to oppose anything supported by the likes of Keith, PA24 and their like-minded fellows. it's bad enough that I'm inclined to suspect them as being on Bloomberg's payroll for the specific purpose of making gun owners and shooters look bad. It wouldn't be the first time someone shat on a blog to do that.

I come to this site to learn about double guns, share information about double guns and hunting and shooting with them, and enjoy myself. Not to put up with puerile abuse.

Wow, seems like an awful lot of baggage to tote around.