LD I will miss you. Please PM me and let me know what is going on with you and Flash.

A friend of mine tells a story about his father. They lived in Clovis, a small town in Eastern New Mexico. His dad was crazy about professional wrestling. Went to every match within driving distance and took the family. Upon returning home the whole family would play wrestle. The mom accidentally broke her arm in one of the play matches. At one professional match the father got so incensed at the misbehavior of Dirty Dick Murdock he jumped into the ring and started fighting him.

After that night he told his son "I am going to have to give up going to the wrestling matches. I am just like an alcoholic only it is wrestling." He never went to the wrestling matches again as long as he lived, another fifty years.

You don't have to read the Misfires section to keep your posting privileges. And as long as off topic posts don't turn to politics people are pretty tolerant of them in this section.

By the way, I have a hemorrhoid. It seems the more I scratch at it the more intolerable it becomes. As you are much older (and chubbier) than me I thought you might have some sage advice on hemorrhoid discomfort management.

Your friend,


Last edited by AmarilloMike; 03/09/13 07:22 AM.

I am glad to be here.