DaveK is exactly right! There is a recipe or formula that is being used on us, and the media lies, fake polls, and dissemination of inaccurate information is very intentional. Remember Raum Emmanual's words, "You never let a crisis go to waste..."

Read "Rules For Radicals" by Saul Aulinsky, one of Obama's mentors and decide if you want to become unwitting pawns in their game. The end game is the elimination of the private ownership of firearms in the U.S. If you deal with the devil, the devil will win every time as he is very patient and cunning.

To get back on topic... just think... if our friend Last Dollar had not folded his tent, he might be here screaming that I'm a conspiracy nut and that HIS thread now belongs in Misfires! Thanks for letting this play out Dave Weber. This too shall pass.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.