
We "pacified" the liberals with the GCA in 1968. We were given assurances that it was all that was required in the "Gun control" arena.

We again "pacified" the liberals with the Owners protection Act of 1986. Once again we were told this was the end of it.

We fought a hard battle against the Clinton Administration and ended up with the "Assault Weapons Ban". No pacification this time and the Liberals paid heavily for this feel good legislation in the mid term election is 1994. The sunset provision kicked in in 2004 and this ban expired without accomplishing anything. No one not even the liberals can produce anything showing this ten year ban had any effect on crime whatsoever.

I think it's apparent just what "pacification" got us in the past so there is really no sense to it now. The Liberals don't really want another assault weapons ban or universal background checks. They want your guns ALL OF THEM! These are just steps to reach that goal.

Here's what I believe the liberals true view of "Pacification " is as related to "gun control". Definition below:

Definition: "The act of forcibly suppressing or eliminating a population considered to be hostile."


Last edited by italiansxs; 03/17/13 07:27 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.