Originally Posted By: canvasback

Doug, I'm a salesman as was my father, my brothers, my uncles, my grandfathers and my great grandfathers. They built companies, employed thousands over the years, became leading politicians in Canada, and their names and achievements are remembered, honoured and studied. Be careful who you are speaking to when you throw the word "salesmanship" around in a derogatory fashion.

What we need to do with the great number of non gun owners is, in fact, salesmanship. It may be outside your fields of expertise, but it has value. Good salesmanship is the art of getting your own way, in a method and with an outcome that leaves all parties pleased. Isn't that what we are after?

I must say James, I agree with everything that Keith posted above, especially the paragraph about England and how they ended up caving in to the Liberals and giving, giving, giving until there was nothing left to give......The English have even posted on here relating this transgression and advising us to HOLD TIGHT AND NOT BUDGE, DO NOT GIVE ONE INCH, LEST WE END UP LIKE THEM............

With your super salesmanship James, it is beyond my understanding how you think you can convince any hard core anti-gun liberal to become a gun collector or an avid hunter NO MATTER HOW NICE AND CIVIL YOU WERE OR HOW YOU USED YOUR GOLDEN TONGUE AND THE DALE CARNEGIE RHETORIC IF YOU HAD IT MEMORIZED........it hasn't happened and just won't happen.........please do not put a negative spin on this statement.........

I understand your tendency to be nice and use cordial exchanges with liberals, I am just saying that you will not and have not convinced them to change opinions........they will keep voting and your gun rights will continue to decline as they already have in Canada and England by being passive and civil and polite ........we DO NOT wish to go down the same road..........

We've been cordial since 1968 and it doesn't work, we are on the proverbial slippery slope......rhetoric with liberals must change.......

How come you did not convince your 24 year old niece before this age of the advantages of being a gun owner and hunter and let her hold a gun before two weeks ago......?......Just curious........

My prior post on this thread regarding the NRA's possible advertising target campaign was meant to reflect the "possibility" that YOUNG people like your niece, (prior to a hard core formed anti-gun liberal state), might be targeted with NRA advertising to show the value of gun ownership and sportsmanship etc.........

Have you ever changed a hard core anti-gun ADULT Canadian liberal to a gun toting, hunting buddy in all honesty......I doubt that you have......this would be my point, no matter how polite and civil your approach was.......

BTW, I did not IMO, speak derogatory of salesman in my previous thread.....With your sales experience and background, YOU KNOW that a "need or desire" is required BEFORE you can CLOSE anyone on any deal no matter how many Dale Carnegie courses you take, that is the point........the salesman's job is to create that desire as you know.....with liberals you have your finger in the dam and that is all my friend.......

To close a liberal with a closed mind and one that will not embrace facts but lives in a fantasy world is near impossible.......that is why the NRA deals with facts in advertising and public speaking, because these hard core liberals are considered lost, so facts must be used to hopefully persuade a few of common sense.......sometimes it works, but most of the time it does not........JUST LOOK AT THIS OUT OF CONTROL ADMINISTRATION AS AN EXAMPLE.....
