Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Keith you are certainly entitled to your opinions on anything. You are certainly entitled to express them on everything. You are free to insult and attempt to bully, badger, intimidate and shame those who disagree with you. You are free to harangue at every opportunity any Democrats, lawyers, liberals, independents, or barely Republicans who show their Nom De Screen here. You are entitled to wage a never ending exchange of insults with anybody willing to volley.

But doing what you are entitled to do and being effective are not the same thing. Connecting other issues to gun rights makes us less effective. It dilutes the message and it drives off many people that would otherwise be our allies. That is why the NRA is a single issue organization. Because they are experts at being effective they know that is how they can be the most effective.

The kid in the classroom is not the only category we need. I doubt we are reaching very many of them on this website. My guess is that mostly middle age and older white guys find and come to this website. People in that category have a high probability of voting, joining the NRA, writing to their elected representatives, teaching gun safety courses etc... I think it is counterproductive for keeping gun rights if they become offended and stop coming here.

Mike, as I said much earlier in this thread, the only folks I mean to offend are those who are offensive or deceptive. Nothing has changed, but your first paragraph above suggests that I bully, badger, intimidate, or shame EVERYONE I disagree with. Nothing could be further from the truth and I can't imagine why you wish to paint me with that broad and inaccurate brush. That is why you and I continue to debate civilly without rancor or insults... I don't think you are offensive or deceptive. I do sometimes think you are mistaken, just as you think I am sometimes mistaken. I think you are mistaken about this just as I think you were mistaken about a joke being posted in Last Dollars Whale thread that compred the vagina sizes of the First Lady and the Whale. I still maintain that trying to engage and debate civilly with liars only gives them encouragement and an audience. I have no plans to treat liars and those with an anti-gun agenda nicely.

I don't see how discussing other political topics in the same forum as gun rights issues hurts a thing, especially when advancement of the socialist agenda and advancement of infringement of RKBA appear to be joined at the hip. This Misfires forum is dedicated to discussing almost anything. I wish we did discuss Seccond Amendment topics in the main Doublegun forum, but some have prevailed in having them banished here where the total number of views since the inception of Misfires numbers less than a single thread on the main forum (Favorite Game/Gun Picture-2012 Season, with 95013 views to date). Since we are so limited in readership here, this is mostly just a few of us regulars chewing the fat. I seriously doubt that the future of gun rights is going to depend on what we say here. I really don't think the Colorado legislature enacted sweeping anti-gun legislation because I say that nca225 is an idiot.

I see your point about agreeing with me and Jim about almost everything, but having a difference of opinion in how we express our beliefs. I still can't help looking at history both here and abroad and noticing that playing nice with anti-gunners has only led to more and more useless and ineffective gun laws that encroach upon the rights of the law abiding gun-owner. I guess that puts me in the same category of Doug (PA-24) who told you that it appears he would agree to disagree with you.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.