Originally Posted By: ed good
...universal back ground checks on certain semi auto firearms in exchange for repeal of the gun control acts of 1968 and 1993. if the pro gun politicians could accomplish that via compromise with the anti gun politicians, then that would be a good thing?

Leaving aside the fact that the '68 GCA will never be repealed, ever - what you suggest is defining a certain group of firearms as deserving of tighter restrictions than other firearms. In effect, government saying "this gun is bad but that gun is OK". Which is something I cannot agree with as no gun is worse than any other, they're inanimate objects incapable of morality, either good or bad. Whether any firearm is used for good or evil is entirely dependent on the person whose hand is holding said gun. Yes, I realize government has already started this by making it extremely difficult (not to mention prohibitively expensive) to own a full-auto, but taking another step down that same road is not a direction I want to go.

Will anti-gun politicians not seek to blame double shotguns if one is used in the next mass killing? Would the victims be somehow less dead if they're not killed with a semi-auto rifle but with a double shotgun firing 00 buck? To the hoplophobes all guns are evil, and to believe that they will give us a permanent pass on hunting rifles and shotguns in return for compromising on black rifles is naļve at best.