Gosh Ed, from your earlier post, I was pretty sure you were talking about changing the age of the guns that are considered antiques from pre1898 to pre 1940.

Now your suggesting you meant you think people should be exempt from these laws if they're over a certain age. Is it 65? 75?

In fact, if you look to your earlier post you were quite specific. Change the age at which guns become exempt. You said nothing about a persons age until I called you on the other issue.

But regardless, neither can be defended in any kind of logical way. Either guns are murderous evil things that need to be restricted or banned or they are tools in the hands of both good people and bad. The age of the weapon is meaningless in that debate, your antique rules notwithstanding.

It is the tactic of the anti gun liberals to confuse the masses with meaningless detail that avoids addressing the real issues. Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens are not a problem. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding. Guns in the hands of criminals and the mentally unstable are a problem. Gun laws, as enacted and envisioned, never address the second group, only the first, the law abiding.

Last edited by canvasback; 05/18/13 06:22 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia