Well, using that logic it would seem that going to the grocery store was the cause. Or perhaps it was possession of a car and a driver's license. If he hadn't had a car he wouldn't have been out on that rainy evening. Or perhaps the error was not sending his wife to pick up the groceries. Or maybe it was his decision to live in the city instead of out on a farm where he could grow his own food.

I certainly wouldn't get out of my car in the rain at night and by myself to follow an individual I suspected might be about to commit a criminal act. If I was legally carrying a concealed weapon I still wouldn't do it. There are many, many, many reasons not to do that. That I might wind up in Zimmerman's shoes is just one of them. That the person I am following might might shoot me is another. That the cops might shoot me is another. That a criminal might sneak up behind me and take my gun and beat me is another.

By the way the New York Times reports that some politicians and "civil rights" leaders are already talking about Federal charges against Zimmerman:


" Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, said that as a trial lawyer himself, 'I dont always agree with what the jury does, but thats the system, and I support the system.'

But he said he believed Floridians should take a close look at the law at the center of the case, which he called 'so unusual.'

He also said, in an interview on NBCs 'Meet the Press,' that he thought President Obama should have a role as the public debate goes forward.

Both he and Mr. Jealous indicated that the federal government would pursue the case. The NAACP leader said that he and his staff had spoken to senior staff of Attorney General Eric Holder and had been assured that the Justice Department would study it carefully. "

So Zimmerman may have another trial, and another, and another. Another good reason to stay in the car.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 07/14/13 01:54 PM.

I am glad to be here.