I take offense at the accusation that members of this forum are "racists" and are waiting for the chance to cap some dumb thug wannabe. Again, there are acts of violence and murder every day in this country involving people of all races; why is this particular incident the center of so much divisiveness and name-calling? Because the media has so much influence over people's opinions! The statements in my previous post about no law being broken were also the opinion of a highly regarded former prosecutor of my acquaintance who stated that Zimmerman broke no law following and observing Martin and indeed Martin committed assault when he struck Zimmerman. These are the facts under law and a case can only be tried on facts, not opinion, heresay, or emotional rhetoric. I have worked with the local sheriff's department and assure you a dispatcher has ZERO authority to give any orders because they are not certified law enforcement officers. The 911 dispatcher gave advice to Zimmerman, not a lawful order. It shouldn't have even come up in court, but the prosecution tried this case on emotion, politics, and race; not facts. My only question now is, how long before the IRS audits the 6 women on the jury?