Long before the Hate Crimes Act of 2009 was passed, in Sept. 1985, KKK members were charged with Civil Rights violations for engaging in shootings and cross burnings meant to intimidate blacks. I think GLS is correct in saying that only politically posturing blowhards would pursue federal charges, for the blowhard Obama DOJ is still investigating this case, and blowhard NAACP lawyers and officials are pressuring the Obama administration to charge Zimmerman with Civil Rights violations as well.

On a related note, I just saw an interview with Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who literally ripped prosecutor Angela Corey for bringing this case to trial. He recounted how she withheld critical evidence from the judge in order to file second degree murder charges, and said she should be disbarred, and that she is the one who should be facing violation of Civil Rights charges for the series of laws she broke in order to try to hang George Zimmerman. He said that Ms. Corey has a long history of over-charging defendants in Florida, and please recall that she was brought in to replace another prosecutor who refused to file charges against Zimmerman for lack of evidence.

Also, very predictably, Obama is using this case as another excuse to restrict guns and concealed carry laws in this country. Some of our very Liberal friends like Fin2Feather are dishonestly referring to Zimmerman as a vigilante when the evidence shows that Zimmerman never drew his weapon until after he was assaulted. Yes, he could have just stayed in his car. And we could say the same about any woman who is raped in a dark parking garage, and lay the blame on her if she managed to shoot her attacker. We could also say the homeowner who shoots a home invader could have installed better locks and better lighting. Leave it to a Libtard to make excuses for the criminal and blame the victim. Fin2Feather questions those who want to label Martin as a thug. Well... he did have a criminal record, inadmissable as evidence and withheld from us by the Libtard media, and his last act on this earth was racial slurs followed by criminal assault. Hmmmm. And speaking of women, where is the Great King Brown with his frequent references to Republican mysogeny now that Reverend Al Sharpton is crowing about having only women on the jury? I guess it's OK for Rev. Al to denounce women as being incapable of rendering a fair and lawful decision in a Court case, but inexcusable for Mitt Romney to have womens' resumes in "binders", and inexcusable to attempt to limit abortions after a fetus is capable of feeling pain. Rev. Al, the professional race-baiter is lucky he isn't a Republican, or King would be on him like stink on shit. Fair and balanced!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.