Originally Posted By: GaryW
I have worked with the local sheriff's department and assure you a dispatcher has ZERO authority to give any orders because they are not certified law enforcement officers. The 911 dispatcher gave advice to Zimmerman, not a lawful order. It shouldn't have even come up in court, but the prosecution tried this case on emotion, politics, and race; not facts. My only question now is, how long before the IRS audits the 6 women on the jury?

I agree...one of my cousins works as a 911 operator and has for years...she's a civilian who couldn't get a job with the police even if she was the only person that applied for the opening. And thats right...they offer advice of what to do...and its just that, advice...and nothing more. They have ZERO legal authority.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 07/15/13 09:26 AM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.