Brian thank you for taking the time to help me. I really do appreciate it. I could have posted my question on one of the black gun BBSs but I wouldn't have been able to tell who knows what they are talking about. I have seen your posts and I think you and my shooting student Joe Wood have had a few conversations.

I don't exactly understand your signature but I hope you are home for good now.

I went ahead and bought the Wolf ammo.

Thanks again to Jim, Doug, Postoak, Doc, Jerb, keith, Gil, Steve, Jaeger, NCAA, Will, and Flychamps for taking the time to share their experience, advice, and opinions. I can't imagine what I would have wound up with if I had been relying on the advice of near-anonymous blackgun dealers and living-in-mom's-basement black-ops ninjas.

Jim's endorsement of the linked-to gun I was considering was very valuable to me in making my decision.



Last edited by AmarilloMike; 04/05/14 02:35 PM.

I am glad to be here.