Originally Posted By: RyanF
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: King Brown

In retrospect, my guess is the officer wishes he had, too. Brown was walking away, according to the source. The officer drew his gun and ordered him to freeze. He'll live with the consequences the rest of his life.

King, you may be right, the officer may think that. The problem is that in a society governed by rules and with men and women charged with enforcing those rules, it was his job to do something about the person who had just assaulted him (if that was the case).

Police officers are not in the business of letting criminals walk away. We ask them, in fact, to ensure that does not happen, by whatever lawful means they deem necessary at the time.

More likely the cops lizard brain was in control.

The cop got his ass kicked. He responded, just as one would expect, by killing Brown.

If the cop shot Brown after the fight was over, then the cop is in deep shit. If the cop shot Brown during the fight, he has less to worry about.

More then likely you have NO clue what happened and for some reason-white guilt probably, you want to blame Wilson and have something against cops,when all the evidence points the other way to the perp Brown.

Here this might help your white guilt Ryan,listen to this man,he knows whats wrong with black people and how to fix it !

Hillary For Prison 2018