Originally Posted By: ed good
hard to answer a question when one does not know what the real question is...

i mean, i get a provacative question here, from someone i do not know, (jeweler), about a posting made by someone else here, who i also dont know(khan), about a posting supposedly made by an unidentified person on an unidentified other location...

it does cause one ask, what the hell is this all about?

It started out as a discussion of return policies. You piped in and bragged about your business. We then started discussing your return policy and its application. In the threads I linked to above you acknowledge that you turned the guy down for a return on a loose gun. You argued with us about the definition of "loose"in one of those threads. Kind of like Bill Clinton and the definition of "is".


And you still haven't answered this question:

Originally Posted By: ed good

and who was it that said: "if you tell lies long enough and often enough, people will begin to believe them? "

Was it You that said that?

I am glad to be here.