Originally Posted By: King Brown
Craig, I can't recall Obama being disrespectful of the electorate which put him in the White House. As president representing all Americans....

See now, I think the spin you put on my thought is, well, to be anticipated.

Joe average republican is not, repeat not, the electorate that put him in the White House. Also, I never mentioned disrespect in my thought. I was hoping Bill could come up with documentation that this pres could speak favorably about his citizens that did not happen to vote for him.

We have documentation that this pres belittles the TEA party, states elections have consequences, Joe the plumber, southerners clinging to their guns and bibles, you know the broken record. But, I left that ideological agenda driven poison out, and had hoped that a positive or favorable comment had come from his presidential prerogative.

If you're truly as well read, well rounded and open minded as you state, you may notice that Romney's 47% comment is the only factual criticism that you can come up with. Yet, the repeated conclusion by you is, bo is near always right and Romney was all wrong for the position.

No, an insider ideologue such as yourself will run with off mic snippets. The average bo voter was on a much more superficial level. Talking points said Romney hated minorities, the 'poor', women, and had a character flaw for valuing the family structure. You do remember the R's criticized his 'policy', not the dems, right?

Shame on Romney for not being able to close the deal on election night, but I do believe he maximized the resources that he was limited by.