Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Most journalists are inclined to liberal values....

....It wouldn't last five minutes if it irritated readers with its ideology.

The liberal proclivity in journalism reflects societal trends....

....I don't know if reporting history on the fly---anti-gun, anti-this-and-that hinging on detachment from an older way---is as much a problem of integrity in journalism as a needed reflection of what we've become.

I honestly don't see how this reconciles with your wiki stats about media outlets with a 'liberal proclivity' and their supposed minimizing of 'opinion'. Maybe, the 'facts' you chose to collect are tainted by the overwhelming liberal bias of those spoon feeding the 'facts'.

As to 'irritating' consumers of this brand of media and 'needing' reflection on what we've become, do the factual numbers of viewership, matter. Don't the numbers say that your contention that Fox is largely opinion is in fact what we've become.

Can you make the case that the minuscule following of your 'non' opinionated 'news' is reflecting what we've become. Do you subscribe to the theory that, like non voters, all people who do NOT tune in to msnbc are tallied for your ideological agenda?

Please reconsider your above quote, in snips or whole, and decide for your own amusement if it is entirely 'opinion' with no factual support, spun or otherwise.