Ah friends:

The Second Amendment does not create a right. It merely RECOGNIZES a pre-exisitng right.

Examine, once again, the text.

"...the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

It does not say " Congress has created a right". Nor can one infer that the right has been created by the Amendment, which is indeed the case with Amendments III, V, VI, VII, and VIII.

Should Tribe, et al, get such a repeal passed, which strikes me as so unlikely as to not even be worthy of comment ( other than that the Tribe cabal [ no pun intended] have finally agreed it IS an Individual right), that would work no change.

A right which pre-exists the Constitution, cannot be removed by a legislative act, and the act would be void on its face ab initio. In addition, Congress can no more repeal the " Right to bear Arms" than it can repeal the " Right to Life" or "Right to Liberty" or the " Right to Pursue Happiness". These are Natural Rights and stem from the Creator.

Any government which attempted to "repeal" a natural right, would be giving evidence of its own illegitamacy.



Texas Declaration of Independence 1836 -The Indictment against the dictatorship, Para.16:"It has demanded us to deliver up our arms, which are essential to our defence, the rightful property of freemen, and formidable only to tyrannical governments."