Originally Posted By: ed good
and keith, seems like you do not know how our constitution works.

how much is too much?

and if none of our national leaders seem to care, why should we?

I know exactly what the process is for either adding or repealing an amendment idiot. What you fail to notice is the amount of time and money Bloomberg has spent to infringe upon our Second Amendment rights. He is an anti-gunner, and you support him.

That makes you an anti-gunner yourself. You cannot support the likes of Bloomberg, Obama, Cuomo, Hillary Clinton, Biden, Schumer, etc., and claim that you are pro-gun and support the Right to Keep And Bear Arms... unless you are an idiot. Or a liar. Or King Brown.

And how much national debt is too much? Why? You are too stupid to care. But just the interest on the current $18 trillion equals or exceeds all of the revenue from Corporate taxes each year. And we have a very high Corporate tax rate. Just think, virtually every dime of Corporate taxes collected goes to service our National Debt. It does not pay for defense, infrastructure, or entitlements. If you are one of the citizens who actually pays taxes, you are paying several thousand dollars each year just on the interest. You still owe the principal debt dumbass.

All debt is eventually paid at some time by someone. Only selfish childish idiots like you and your fellow Libtards wish to kick the can down the road and place the burden of your stupidity upon your children and grandchildren. Also interest rates are being held to historically low levels by the Fed. The interest is projected to triple in 10 years. And the debt keeps increasing.

You keep asking what a Libtard is. Just look in the mirror ed, and you'll see one.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.