Originally Posted By: ed good
i am going away for a while...i need a break from this...

ed, ed... where are you? Don't go. I'm your only friend here. Everyone else ignores you, but I think we were on the verge of a real breakthrough. I think you were close to admitting you have a serious mental problem as a Libtard and an anti-gunner, and that's the first step to a cure.

If black ex- Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice's girlfriend can stay with him after he knocked her out cold, you can stay here with me. Don't leave ed. I'll even talk like a negro with you.

Besides, you'll be missing out on all the good times we have here. Your ex-friend King who abandoned you should be along shortly to tell us how Dr. Jerry Bull outfitted the PT-109 with a massive ultra-high velocity Punt Gun so that he and his friend John F. Kennedy and Saddam Hussein could become market hunters and shoot millions of non-Kosher ducks on the moon.

ed, do you remember how King Brown used to respond to you even when you hadn't said anything to him, just because he was pretending to ignore me? He just used you and discarded you like so much soiled Charmin toilet paper. There's no excuse for that behaviour, and I don't know why our esteemed host put up with it. It was a disservice to all members... and you in particular.

ed, y'all come back rat now, ya heer! I'se gonna has the Jew-boy Israeli Mossad come getcha an' bust a cap in yo' ass, since theys here to get Dr. Bull anyways. ed, where is yo' bro'? I can't breathe... I can't breathe!... Hands up!... Don't Shoot!

Hey ed, we can have a Die In and clog up all the traffic here in Misfires. ed, ed... where is yo'? Only 15 Looting Days 'till Kwaanza ed.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.