Originally Posted By: canvasback

It is a whole different story when it come to Muslims. It is hard for me to understand how this is just not seen to be an obvious difference between Islam and other religions. The sheer percentage of adherents who hold fundamentalist and aggressively violent views. It's not a tiny percentage, it's a comparatively large percentage. Estimates range from between 10% and 20% of all Muslims. These are staggeringly large numbers of people....hundreds of millions.

For God's sake James, you are trying to debate and reason with a pathological liar who has never once, in my recollection, admitted that he was wrong or deceptive about anything! You, craigd, nobody here is good enough to debate or reason with a pathological liar... I'm sure not... no one here is. A Doctor of Psychiatry might have a chance with years of therapy and powerful prescription anti-psychotics. Anyone else is wasting their time trying.

Even when confronted with his own words and given incontrovertible proof, he will remain steadfast in his deception in order to advance his brand of Liberal Leftist Socialism.

Did you see my post # 386865 on pg. 5 of this thread where I quoted the post King made after his little absence. Every claim he made about Liberalism, every "fact" he produced, was a big fat lie, easily proven. Confronted with that, King just goes on as if he never saw it. But we all know he saw it because he has responded to my posts through other people enough times to know he reads every word I write.

This is why I do not even try to debate people like King... beginning long before he started pretending to ignore me. I confront him and illuminate his many lies, but there is no sense trying to reason with, or attempt to correct or change, someone like that. It would take a measure of honesty, dignity, and humility that he does not possess. Leftist Liberalism is a mental illness, and King is the poster child.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.