Originally Posted By: GLS
Originally Posted By: keith
Bill, I have a degree in Biology.

Sounds like some BS resume inflating. Next thing you'll be saying is you are some kind of scientist. Where's the proof? You seem to be making a lot of stuff up on the fly. Proof!!

Gil, haven't you told us you are a lawyer? Where is YOUR proof? If you weren't such an idiot, you would have noticed that it is your pal King who frequently demands "Proof please!"... which he then totally ignores as he goes on with his lies and bullshit. I only began asking King for proof to his bullshit in response to that. We all see from my post # 386865 of this thread what kind of "Proof" King frequently provides... A 100% verifiable pack of lies.

And that's what you and Rocky Mtn Bill are here to defend... a liar. What does that say about you two?

"On the evidence", as your pal King would say, you are not really a lawyer.

A real lawyer would know that personal liability for a mercury contamination issue does not end when a sleazy seller dumps the property on an unsuspecting buyer. A real lawyer would know that every property the sleazy seller ever owned would show up on the most cursory backround check. A real lawyer would know how troublesome those State DEP officials could be once they started investigating a mercury contamination issue that some retarded sleaze-bag admitted to on the internet. A real lawyer would know when it was smart to STFU. If guys like you and Dave-in-Maine are representative of the profession, getting a Law Degree must be as easy as opening a box of Cracker Jack. As always, just my opinion, except for the parts about the continuing liability in a mercury contamination issue.

You might want to consult with a real attorney for advice.

By the way, I am not some kind of scientist. I never used my Biology degree, but having it opened other doors for me. There is no way in hell a dumbass like you could ever earn a Biology degree. You wouldn't get through the first semester. Just my opinion based upon the lack of intelligence you display here.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.