Originally Posted By: Ken61
As I mentioned before, I don't post for Comrade King's benefit. (or other's of the same religion) I post to provide an intellectual analysis, refutation and rebuttal to his sociopathic, statist religious beliefs. I post so other's can understand the philosophy behind his posts, in order for them to intellectually objective, rather than fall prey to his psychopolitical indoctrination attempts.

Thanks Ken61. I do appreciate it too, because it's helpful to have King's philosophy seen from a different perspective.

Excellent observation, by the way, that King's posts are psychopolitical indocrtination attempts, rather than honest rational discussion. By another name, they are Leftist Propaganda, with a little faux civility sugar coating, and some resume inflation to add an air of credibility...nothing more. The drumbeat continues long after you, I, craigd, DaveK, Jim, Doug, or anyone shows it is incorrect, insane, or unconstitutional. Like any good Propagandist, King simply keeps repeating his lies... even when caught RED handed, no pun intended. Most others of the same religion are simply too ignorant to grasp that, so they are reduced to "shoot the messenger" attacks without anything rational enough to refute the message.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.