Ed: Cheney was calling for a numerically smaller, more flexible, highly trained professional military, armed with the very best weaponry and communication technology possible. Clinton and company only picked up on the "smaller" part of it, axed weapon development, and gutted the military.

Cheney's draft deferments were all entirely legitimate, and available to any full time student in his circumstances. Unlike Mr. Clinton, he did not misrepresent his intentions vis-a-vis military service, nor did he leave the country.

The fact that Cheney and his wife had a baby exactly nine months after fathers became deferred has titillated the Left for years, as if women could become instantly pregnant on demand! This is the only "proof" of "draft dodging" they have come up with!

I don't think much of Mr. Cheney. But there are plenty of valid reasons to criticize him without parroting rumors, gossip and absurd urban legends.

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