Originally Posted By: SKB
The reason to keep bringing up the far right as the problem is what you pointed to yourself.....you have forty or so guys in the "Freedom Caucus" and they pretty much gut the effectiveness the GOP held house due to the infighting they cause. Sticking to your beliefs sounds great, up until you hobble your entire party and the nation as well just to prove a point.

Where was this guy SKB when the Democrats were stone-walling George Bush at every turn? Well, in fairness, they did agree with Bush on the decision to go into Iraq long enough to change their minds and act as if they never supported the idea. Bush 46 fell victim to the same kind of Democrat back-stabbing as his father did when they convinced him to compromise on his "No New Taxes" pledge, and then accused him of breaking a campaign promise.

I wonder why they didn't hold Obama to the same standard when he violated his pledge to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year by proclaiming that ObamaCare was a tax? Let's not even mention a myriad of other tax increases that hit the middle class in the past 6.5 years, including refusing to extend the Bush tax cuts.

I'll tell you where this guy SKB was. Same place he is now... Pretending to be a Republican or Conservative, but bashing them... and only them... every chance he gets. Am I the only one who thinks it is spineless to pretend to be something you're not?

Be very careful not to point out his hypocrisy and dishonesty or he too will pretend to ignore you! What a clown.

And there's King Brown once again bashing our Constitution, and this time the whole thing... not just the 2nd Amendment. Isn't it just amazing that King spends so much time undermining the U.S. and the vision of the Framers while his own country fell under the evil clutches of a Conservative Dictator named Harper... and King did nothing to help his own country and never even mentioned the Canadian dictatorship until today?

You're up to your ears alright King. So full of shit your eyes are brown.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.