Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Stan, you need to talk to your local raptor rehabilitator, if you have any in your vicinity. They get plenty of sick and dying patients. Especially eagles....

Larry, a quick few minute search brought up the 'Georgia Wildlife Rescue Association'. They have a feature story on a Dr. Jay Whitesell, who is 'the most experienced and respected raptor rehabilitator in the southeastern United States'. He 'works on' fifty raptors a year, not even one a week.

The good doctor's work is commendable, your sensationalism is questionable, but it's a good tactic for motivating anti hunters. Ever notice how in recent years, if you see a picture of a number of dead eagles arranged to make a point, that regardless of the topic, the picture tends to originate from recovered raptors killed by wind turbines. Not a speck of lead or any other toxin, just acceptable agenda that makes some habitat completely unusable for some raptors. Many times those are the very same 'researchers', who downplay those casualties due to policy.