I have not previously read this post until now but whilst browsing I noticed it was a post that I am very passionate about.
Imagine my anger and rage when it opened up on page 6, and I read the post from BrentD.
To have the gall to insinuate that we objectors to the imposition of Non-Tox are not aware of the facts is insulting and inflammatory.
Sir taking your figures furnished, just goes to prove to me the poppycock and balderdash written and foisted upon us by ill informed and ignorant idiots with hidden agendas.
I have asked repeatedly for 'scientists' to produce waterfowl from a waterway that had died from lead ingestion.To date I have received none.The figures produced in your report were from birds 'harvested' I.E. SHOT therefore the ingestion of lead was the least of their worries.Also their body condition is not reported, were they gangrious, malnourished etc.,?
Because your figures are based on flawed science they are irrelevant.
What is the estimated migratory numbers? How many waterfowl suffering from lead in the gizzard have been harvested that have died a terrible death from toxic shot ingestion? How many toxified waterfowl have been found to be unable to fly, feed, breed?
How many waterfowl have been force fed with toxic shot under laboratory conditions to justify this ban?
Sorry BrentD I do not believe that I am ignorant, and that I ignore facts and science.
I do believe that I am a sportsman, concerned with the humane despatch of legitimate quarry.
Until an economic viable alternative to lead is available I will continue to rebel.