Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....Complicated . . . but remember, we're a nation that bends over backwards to protect minorities. Maybe because, at various points in our history, we haven't done such a good job of protecting minority rights.

And I don't believe I ever suggested that college should be free....

I agree that thing can get very complicated, much of it having to do with history, but I think I can discount all of history based on the policies we're being told are good for us.

Did you notice jean kerry threaten putin yesterday. He was whining about something that they didn't hold to from a couple or three years back. Whether he felt entitled to whine or has the russians trembling in their boots, he apparently couldn't care less about history.

How about that iranian money deal, a good investment? Do you think jean k. learned from history that the iranians prefer cash to electronic payoffs for funding their 'projects'? Are jean and the current pres trying to make history by welcoming a new member into the nuclear community?

Just kidding around Larry, point being, if our policy makers have no respect for history, what good does it do for us philosophers to worry too much about it.

And no, you didn't mention college should be free, but maybe you'll notice that it's the policy of the gal who would would be the guardian of the last eight years. By the way, why does 'bending over backwards to protect minorities' mean, drum roll, gun control? History tells me, at least one side should learn learn it's lesson and know better than to trust a reasonable, civil sounding lefty.