Just wild speculation for now, but the preponderance of evidence puts a thumb on the scale pointing toward a possibility that Lindner commenced anew his numbering scheme w/ the patent protection period for the Anson & Deeley Body Action patent of May 11th, 1875(Britain) or February 1st, 1876(filed Dec. 16th, 1876(U.S. of A. Nr. 172943) noting the 14 year run of the British protection period, i.e. the 1st Lindner serialization sequence paralleled the 1876 A&D Body Action period. Although, the bulk of the Lindner - Daly A&D Body Action platforms are the subsequent 1882(Nr. 4089 of August 26th-Britain)/1884(Nr. 305264 of Sept. 16th) design, Lindner seems to have held with the 1875/1876 protection period? If so, this would be a benchmark to date the Lindner - Daly offerings. Anyone have any corroborating info, or even something against? Or maybe a correction on the patent protection period as I always seem to get it mixed.

