Gee whiz Jagermeister, you should get a job as a political analyst. Then you might be able to actually afford to own a double shotgun of your very own.

Which brings us back to the question you steadfastly refuse to answer... Since you do not even own any doubles, why do you spend so much time here, other than Trolling your Liberal Left bullshit and supporting anti-gun politicians?

Do you think we really believe your recent claim that you voted for Trump after you spent the entire election cycle putting him down? Your B.S. is about as believable as your pal King's hokey claim that he took Jackie Kennedy on lunch dates.

Personally, I believe that you are little different than King Brown... who demonstrates his support for gun control by posting crap like this:

Post #455933 on 9/11/16--
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Americans and Canadians favour gun control, including background checks. Gun control is far down the list of concerns of electorates. Those who consider gun control a public issue more important than the economy, national safety and security, access to healthcare etc have legitimate concerns. It doesn't give them the right to impugn the integrity of the citizenship and intelligence of majorities if they don't think as they do.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.