Originally Posted By: King Brown
You left out "alternative facts." But that's okay. I know you well enough that you won't deny that the candidate who promised he wouldn't lie to the American people did so on his first day on the job, exposed to the world

It is hilarious to see someone who has told as many Whoppers as King Brown accusing PRESIDENT Donald Trump of being a liar.

Was it PRESIDENT Donald Trump who famously said, "If you like your health insurance plan or your doctor, you can keep them"? That turned out to be one of the greatest lies that ever came out of the White House, but nary a peep from King about the anti-gun Liberal Left liar Barack Obama.

Oh yes, how about "We will be the most transparent Administration in history!"... except for all of that stonewalling and lying to Congress about what happened in "Fast and Furious", Benghazi, the IRS targeting of Conservatives, etc. And going so far as to support Hillary Clinton, after she and her people lied about what was on her personal server and even smashed the hard drives with a hammer to destroy evidence after it was subpoenaed by Congress.

Again, nary a peep from King Brown about Obama lies, or Hillary lies. Just a bunch of thread diversions and off-topic crapola attempting to change the subject. Once a fraud, always a fraud. Dishonesty is not civility.

Here's the Liar-in-Chief telling a bold faced lie in another attempt to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment rights of law abiding citizens.

But King Brown made this lame excuse for his anti-gun hero violating his Oath to Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Constitution by posting this:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
With respect, you tend to believe the written as something sacrosanct as it appears in the Constitution and other bills. Look at the Oath you posted: It says only that the president will do to "the best of my ability" to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. What he determines "best"---wrongly or rightly.

Oh, how about his lie that there is no voter fraud in this country, and that other countries do not have voter I.D. Laws...

King won't dare respond to any of this. Better in his mind to hide like a cockroach when the light of truth shines upon him.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.