Prayers and sympathy to the people who have to deal with this.

Fanatics are very hard to stop because they are willing to do anything for their cause well out of what we consider a reasonable act. The retribution to those who help them and shelter them has to become just as extreme. In this case prison then deportation, revocation of citizenship and rights. Suicide bombers petered out in Israel when the family was held responsible for the act of the bomber. Retribution was harsh and swift.

And to those who wonder why so many of us in this country are against allowing 100K more Muslim immigrants into this country should stop and think about this. If .000001% of them is a future suicide bomber you just let one of them into this country. If .00001% that's 10. and if .0001% are future suicide bombers that will be 100. And what will be the cry heard in this country if we are attacked by them. Why for more gun control because everyone knows guns are the problems. Not nut jobs willing to kill others in the name of their God. God save us from stupid leaders.